1. 1997, Honour from Head of LAN as Employee of The Year (Pegawai Teladan) for the Best Loyalty, Dedication and Performance.
2. 1997, Honour from Bambang Trihatmodjo, Chief Coordinator of GOLKAR for West Java Region, for Efforts of Supporting and Winning GOLKAR in the 1997 Election in West Java Region.
3. 1998, Honour from Head of Education and Training Division, LAN West Java Regional Office, for The Best Facilitator in "Training on Essay Writing for Public Servants".
The Handout Title is "Dasar-Dasar Penulisan Karya Tulis"
4. 2003, Honour from Chairman of Indonesian Student Association in Japan (PPI Jepang), for The Best Essay Performance in the 50th Years Celebration of PPI Jepang.
The Essay Title is "Revitalisasi Peran Organisasi Voluntir dan Pembangunan Bangsa di Era Baru: Sebuah Otokritik dan Refleksi 50 Tahun PPI Jepang"
5. 2004, Honour from Head of LAN, for The Best Essay Performance in the Essay Competition Celebrating the 59th Years of Indonesian Independence Day and the 47th Years of LAN.
The Essay Title is "Pematangan Birokrat Muda Sebagai Faktor dan Aktor Kunci Dalam Reformasi Birokrasi"
6. 2004, Honour from Head of Education and Training Division, LAN West Java Regional Office, for The Best Facilitator in "Training on Institutional Arrangement of Local Government".
The Handout Title is "Pendelegasian Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah Kepada Kecamatan dan Kelurahan"
7. 2004, Honour from The President of The Republic of Indonesia, Satya Lancana Karya Satya X Tahun, for 10 Years Loyalty and Dedication as Civil Servant (Keputusan Presiden No. 026/TK/2004).