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I’m getting increasingly disenchanted with online friends who expect me to takes sides against other on line friends. Not that I will not defend a friend against a foe (which btw I have on numerous occasions) but I believe that I have the right to chose when to intervene and when it is best to stay out of an unpleasant situation which could only make matters worse (believe it or not, perhaps for the friend)..

It should also be taken into consideration that just maybe I have no clue of what triggered the animosity between the said two; hence I definitely should stay out of it when the facts are a mystery. But let me say this…..

Just because one is a friend doesn’t automatically make him/her right. And pursuing the matter over and over again doesn’t make it any better for the one who claims to be the victim in all of this. As a matter of fact it makes it worse when she/he was being told over and over again to ignore the son of a *&$% and get on with life. I certainly want to get on with my life for that matter and not be continuously dragged into the middle of something I have no clue of what happened in the first place. As far as I am concerned the only one who gets the benefit out of repetitious whining over and over again is the claimed so called victim and not any friends she/he has demanded to participate in all of this.
For the rest of us it’s an unpleasant headache and nothing less.

Now I say; a true friend wouldn’t make demands such as these on another friend. Neither would a friend expect that you never have the right to voice your own opinion, nor automatically side regardless of who is right or wrong even without knowing the facts. A true friend would accept when a friend says you are wrong.

A true friend would not automatically think she/he has the right to chose your friends for you; who you are or are not allowed to talk to.

A true friend wouldn’t expect a friend to have to listen over and over again to the same laments having already been given the solution, but has no intentions of carrying it out.

A true friend would not begin with "if you don’t agree with me I won’t be your friend anymore".....

Now I ask where is the friendship?

have a fantastic week
true masked wabbit
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