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We haven’t come that much of a long way baby
true masked wabbit
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In complete contrast to a mother of the human kind who had left her 2 year old daughter home alone for almost three weeks to fend for herself on uncooked spaghetti while her mother went on a shopping spree a la no pay and carry.

The baby was found by her estranged father who took her to the hospital where she was treated for malnutrition and dehydration. It has been reported that the little girl is fairing well now. www.ctv.ca The mother has been arrested for child abuse.

Man may have evolved from the naked apes and placed himself superior on this earth, but, I fear we have still many things to learn from the animals.

have a fantastic week
true masked wabbit
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I watched a real drama unfold when a lioness had marked her prey, a baby zebra and took chase. The mother of the baby zebra running parallel with the lioness having come up from behind the lioness and still gaining speed finally interjected herself between lioness and her offspring. To which her baby made it into the waters getting shuffled amongst the other zebras and to safety.