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I have noticed as of late that a lot of ET’ers get lost in direction and end up in our room. They are so busy going on about their abduction affairs and having been visited by aliens in graphic details that they don’t seem to notice the majority of the room hollering ‘you’re in the wrong room &%/(*&!!!’ Then they go on for hours in voice of course, how ignorant you are for not knowing that our bodies have been taken over by alien intelligence. No kidding I muse…..

A little advice for those who have tried to talk rationality with those of the alien kind; don’t waste your precious time honey, not to mention your rising blood pressure for naught. These poor individuals surely have been severely traumatized in their early childhood having been visited by aliens hhhkkmmm during the night for a little anal probing. I don’t bother talking logical rationalities to those who are drug induced into lala land. You’d only burst their bubbles and who knows what hellish creatures would come crawling out of their lame ignoramus brains then.

have a fantastic week
true masked wabbit
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Every once in a while I have to gently nudge myself and come to the realization that not all who come into BPE come in for the purpose to talk about space and time or any factual science topic. Not even the casual chitter chatter and then get on with what the room is about in the first place.  I.G. some come in as hunters; hunting for a one night stand and find science topics ever so darn boring. “Talk about something naughty”, she said “and talk about science tomorrow…” dhuuu maybe we should go into an adult sex (momy change my sagging, drooping, wet diaper) room to talk about science. (Now this would actually make sense to some, let me explain)
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