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BPE Talk
You Said It
I watched a bird (black capped chickadee) busily picking insects from a tree where a new branch was about to sprout out. The bird continued busily picking insects one over here, one above the sprout another peck below the sprout ….

I stopped what I was doing and continued to watch this little bird so busy with its own chores it didn’t realize I was actually approaching closer and watching in amazement how accurately it picked here and there but never once picked on the sprout. And, I wondered if it actually knew it was preserving the forestry by carefully avoiding the new growth.
A Birdbrain
true masked wabbit
Then I thought about us, the human race, polluting the air, polluting the waters, stepping on new trees without as much as the tiniest effort to sidestep what even a deer in the forest would neither graze on nor stomp on, but allow it to grow.

I wondered if that tiny bird was aware that it actually considered its off springs far into the future where on that branch now still a sprout would be made a nest, as well as more insects to be found for nourishment. I also wondered if we, as the superior amongst all living things ever consider our off springs and their well being for clean air, clean waters and a land scenery free of littered garbage and toxic waste.

have a good and safe day
true masked wabbit
Possibly wiser than we are
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