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Government/Political Groups
Afghanistan Peace Association New
Afghan Embassy in France New
Official Web site of the Islamic State of Afghanistan
Afghanistan Liberation Organization (Communists)
Embassy of the Islamic State of Afghanistan, Malaysia (Official Website)
APDA (Association for Peace and Democracy for Afghanistan (Official website)
Women's Alliance for Peace and Human Rights in Afghanistan (WAPHA)
Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan (Official Website)
ezb-e-Islami Afghanistan --Hekmatyar (Official Website)
Taleban Online (Official Website)
Taliban Online (news and information)
Hezb-e-Wahdat (Hazara Press)
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)

Official Organizations
The Children Of War Organization
Help the Afghan Children, Inc
Center for Afghanistan Studies at UNO
Afghanistan Voice
Society of Afghan Engineers
Friends of Afghanistan
Radio Voice of Afghanistan
Lemar Aftaab
Assistance Afghanistan
Afghanistan Foundation
Terry Dougherty's Afghanistan--Peace Corps Experiences

General Websites
Radio Afghanistan
Afghan Cultural Information Center
Afghanistan Useful Information Site

Afghan Community Foundation (ACF), Inc
Afghan Radio
Afghans Website
Afghani Music Website AFW
Website of Afghani
Afghanistan dot com
Bahar Music
Afghan Music Website
AMSC Afghan Medical Students Club
Executive MBA Gateway

Afghan's Web-Pages
Akbar Rahid's Homepage


If you wish a link with us please email us at webmasters@afghanvision.tk or megaboys_3@hotmail.com  so we setup a link here. Thanks!