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Warlords now 3-1 in AmLeague! April 30, 2000
Heya guys

Well our match vs. Dismay was a pretty easy one. We beat them by a score of 12-4 MVP DaLinx(4-0). They were at a total disadvantage the entire match though since only 2 of them showed. We allowed them TopGun97 as a non team sub, so it was a 4 vs. 3 match :(. But let me give credit where it is due, and that would be to the player on Dismay named Attack. That guy ran for like 20-25 minutes and got 2 kills in the process before we finally managed to finish him off. Hell of a run guy. He was tanking everything though, and there were several times that he should have been dead but never went below 1500 energy :P. But he gave us a challenge considering it was 4 vs. 1 LOL. Anyways nice job guys you played well. If you missed the match or want to see the log for it then click here to view it or here to download it.

Our next AmLeague match is vs. Blasphemy. I am pretty certain these guys are good so lets get some good practice in this week so we are ready for the match. I will let you know the time and day as soon as it is confirmed with their captain. Until then...

Cya in SS!


AmLeague match vs. Dismay Sunday@5pm ET April 27, 2000
Hey all

We have a match set for Sunday@5pm ET against Dismay. Let's all show up so I have subs and players to pick from =) Also try and get there at least a half an hour early to test connections and warm up. I will see you all at the match.

On a sad note, mint was found to be double squadding and was banned from amleague for the season. Apparently he was still on Picklemens roster and was being added to Demonics as well. Let this all be a lesson to you guys. Double squadding is not allowed and will not be tolerated within our squad or any of the leagues. If you feel the need to join another squad make sure it's all legal like ;). Anyways I am not going to go into the gory details of the whole situation. If you want to know more go read the am site and message board. BTW that means we had to forfeit our match and appeal vs. RAF since mint played in that match. GG mint.

Cya in SS!!!!

P.S. I cancelled my ISP account so I no longer have the email address of ccoffey@sprint.ca. Use seven@gamehacker.com or vigilante601@hotmail.com instead if you wish to reach me, thanks.


New UL season April 24, 2000
Heya guys

I heard from TopGun97 that the new UL season should be starting in about 3 weeks. Let's get out there and start practicing so we can kick some butt this season :P. Congratulations to Forsaken for winning the UL finals. Was a good game to watch. We'll be gunning for you guys next season ;)

In AmLeague we have a match vs. Dismay coming this weekend. Hopefully it will be on Sunday sometime. I am still working on a time with their captain. I will post here and email you all when the time is confirmed. Stay tuned for more.

Heh, I watched the Requiem vs. Legends game in Pro yesterday. I was surprised at how easily Req defeated Legends. Was kind of a blowout, but oh well :). Hope you all had a nice Easter holiday. I will see you all at practice tonight 11pm ET.

Cya guys later


Appeal Denied April 21, 2000
Hello once again

Before I forget again like I did yesterday, I meant to tell you that our appeal of the RAF match was denied. Sorry guys I tried my hardest to make it happen. Here is the letter I got from the Am staff denying our appeal:


After looking over and discussing your appeal, we have decided that you will not be granted a replay.

It is true that a ref did make an error in your match, but you must understand that refs are humans and make many mistakes. The mistake that the ref made was not a crucial mistake in the outcome of your match. Quite frankly, Gazelle (I believe) went 2-1 while using the Jav and thus was obviously comfortable using this ship. The final score was 12-5, a score which is not close enough to have replayed because of a small reffing error such as the one you had to experience. About the 0ms player...you cannot appeal a match because of lag.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.

-Mal Dark Storm AML Protector

I guess the refs are allowed to screw up whenever they want, change the outcome of a game, and there are no consequences for them. Oh well now I know how the ref thing works. GG ref.

Cya guys


Dismay vs. Warlords match postponed April 20, 2000
Hey guys

The captain of Dismay changed his mind and had the match postponed until next weekend. So that means this weekend off from amleague. Also I am cancelling practice tonight so we can all have a long Easter weekend. I will see you all on Mondays practice. Have a Happy Easter!

I will announce the new match time as soon as it is agreed upon.

Later guys


Dismay vs. Warlords Sunday@4pm ET April 20, 2000
Yooo Warlords

I got enough responses from my email, so I scheduled our AmLeague match for Easter Sunday@4pm ET. We had the option of playing this weekend or next, and since I got enough people saying they would make it I figured we might as well play it and have the following weekend off =). I will see you all at practice tonight and at the match on Sunday. Have a Happy Easter to those of you who won't be there.



Those silly pro players :P April 18, 2000

I was in Pro League yesterday when I encountered the following occurence =)

I don't know who started it but a few people used the *cough* wall bug to get outside the main map. Then the whole arena attached LOL. Was kind of fun trying to invade the base with that many decoys and players in there :) Made me sick though :( hehe.



New Intro Page!!! April 17, 2000
Hey peeps

If you haven't seen the AWESOME shockwave flash intro that old squaddie Drunk made for us then click on the link that says Entrance Page on the left. I think the intro is really incredible myself. Anyways go and look and post comments on the public board. Thanks a million for the new flash C¡gåR =) C¡gåR=Drunk in case you didn't know.

Cya at practice tonight


Sigh...GG ref April 16, 2000
Hey guys

Well our AmLeague match vs. RAF was a well played match and you guys did great. Unfortunately it didn't run that smoothly. Seems that Krip+ told Gazelle when he tried to ship change back into a lev after his second death, that he couldn't and would have to use another ship. I looked it up in the AmLeague rules and there is no rule against using a ship you have already used. So on that basis I am appealing the match and have written and forwarded an email to MadAxe+, Wolf+ and Dark Storm. Now we just have to wait and see if they reject the appeal or lets us replay. I will let all of you know the decision ASAP. The match ended in a score of 12-5 RAF MVP Ahmed(5-2). If you want to see the log then click here. Download the log here. There were other minor problems with the refs performance such as, not being able to lock the arena in no blue. And saying "Prototype subs Cash" instead of Golden Bear. I mean maybe he didn't want anyone to know? LOL Oh well sorry Golden Bear your alias is no secret anymore. GG ref. On top of all that, a player named Warlock * on RAF had a 0ms ping almost the entire match. WTF????

Our next scheduled match is vs. Dismay. I will let you know when as soon as I get all this straightened out. We may have to play 2 matches next weekend if we are allowed to replay RAF.

Cya at prac tomorrow night :)


Match vs. RAF April 14, 2000
Hey people :)

We have an AmLeague match vs. RAF this Sunday@4pm ET. Please be at this match so I have subs, etc. If you can't make it then let me know. RAF are a solid team so we will need to be on our toes to give them a good game. Let's show them that we have some teamwork and open up a can 'o woop ass =).

Cya Sunday at the match!


New squad member April 11, 2000
Hi all

Just wanted to let you all know we have a new member of Warlords flying with us in AmLeague. His name is DaLinx aka BadBoy. Please do your best to make him feel welcome and say hello when you see him on the chat :). Welcome to the squad DaLinx I hope you enjoy it here with us.

I am still setting up our AmLeague match time with RAF. No response to my time of Sunday@5pm ET as of yet. I will let you know when it is confirmed. Until then I will see you all at practice on Thursday@11pm ET.

Cya guys


Good news & Bad news April 09, 2000
Hey guys

We kind of had some good news and bad news this weekend. First I will tell you the bad news.

Bad news is we lost to Shaved Monkeys 9-6 in the United League playoffs. Aurora captured the MVP with a 4-0 performance. I think what hurt us the most was the 3 month break from UL while we waited for teams to play :(. Not much we could do about that, but maybe we should have practiced a bit more to keep from getting rusty. Oh well we will get them next season :). If you weren't at the match or if you just want to see the log here it is. Click here to view the log or here to download a zip file of the log. Congrats to Shaved Monkeys on their win. Good luck to you guys in the finals.

Good news is we beat Half/Life in AmLeague by a score of 12-3 MVP Neglomaniac(5-0). Way to go guys! You all played an awesome match and I was very happy to see the nice teamwork you guys had. Keep up the good job guys and we just may be in the playoffs this season :). Neglomaniac was awesome in the game BTW ;). If you want to see the log then click here or click here to download.

I would like to thank hedcase1 for being so kind as to make us a new logo for our site. Looks awesome doesn't it? :). If you see him around tell him how much you like it :P. Thanks hed!!!!!!!!

I will let you guys know when our next Am match is asap. We will be playing RAF and it will probably be on Sunday sometime. In UL we have a few weeks off now until the new season starts. Practice and keep in shape!!

Cya guys at practice tomorrow night. P.S. We will have a couple of new prospects for our Amleague team trying out on Mondays practice. Say hi to them if you see them.


Upcoming match times April 06, 2000
Hiya Warlords

Both our UL and Amateur league match times are now confirmed for this weekend. We play Shaved Monkeys on Sunday@4pm ET in United League. In Amateur League we play Half/Life on Sunday@6pm ET. I will email the Amleague players with the match time. Hallu will email all the UL players. Please attend these matches if you are on our rosters.

On another note, I have a couple of new graphics for the site being made right now so keep checking back to see them :) I don't know if I will make it to practice tonight guys :( I have got a nasty cold that is making me sick as a dog right now *sigh*. But please get together without me and play as usual and get some good practice in if you can. If I don't make it then herpe will be in charge :P

Cya guys l8r


Chaos League April 04, 2000
Hey guys

I got an email about the start of the new Chaos League. I was wondering if any of you guys would be interested at all in playing in this new league. If you are then please email me or leave a message on our board or something. I will try to get a team of us together to play in this league for fun :) 7 man teams hehe. If you want to know more about it first then visit Chaos League.

I am trying to schedule our match vs. Half/Life for Sunday@6pm ET. I hope you all can make this time. If this is bad for you please let me know. I will let you all know when the time is confirmed. I sure hope this team shows *sigh*.

We also have our UL playoff match vs. Shaved Monkeys to play this weekend. NO more postponements allowed :). This match will most likely be on Sunday as well at like 4 or 5pm ET. Will be confirmed ASAP.

That's all for now kids. Cya in SS!!!!!


UL match vs. Shaved Monkeys postponed April 02, 2000
Hi Warlords

Our scheduled match vs. Shaved Monkeys was postponed until next weekend. Apparently they messed up the scheduling or something. So we will be playing them next weekend around the same time I think. I will post the time ASAP.

In Amateur League our match vs. Quarantine ended up being a no show. Too bad because we had some good players there on our side :) Anyway, we got the no show win 6-0. I hate that though, I am there to play not get free wins :( Oh well Our next Am Match is vs. Half/Life and will be next weekend. I will let you know the time ASAP. Thank you to all my AmLeague players who showed up for the match. I had plenty of people to choose from and thats the way it should always be hehe.

I will post times for our upcoming matches when they are confirmed. Until then, practice, practice, practice.

Cya at practice tomorrow night(Monday) :)


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