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AM League Playoffs November 30, 1999
Hey all you AM leaguers! We are in the playoffs! 7 will post our match time but I want to get some pracs going before this weekend. I put out a call for times and it looks like 8:30 PM PST is our best available time. Some ppl will show up a little late (me) and others will have to go, but try to show up around 8:30 and call out prac time! and get it started! Whoever joins us later can just wait for the next round. Lets rock the house in these playoffs!


Round 1 AmLeague Playoffs November 29, 1999
Hi Guys and Gals

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and didn't gain too much weight, because I don't want your fingers to be too fat to play SS =).

We have our first game of the Amateur League playoffs this coming weekend vs. Ballistics. Let's all get together and practice some this week so we can beat Ballistics and advance in the playoffs. I am still working on a time for the match with Ace High so I will let you know when the match will be asap(looks like Sat@3-6pm ET right now). Let me know if you can make this.

I do not know who we play in UL this weekend yet or the time. I will post asap.

Ok that's all, Cya in SS


AmLeague Playoffs November 23, 1999
Hello Warlords

I was just looking at the AmLeague site today and noticed that they picked the top 16 teams in AmLeague for the playoffs. This means that WE are included :) w00t! I wasn't sure if we were going to make it in up 'til now but now we know. The playoffs will not be held this weekend due to the Thanksgiving holiday. They should start them the weekend after. So get ready to go back to AmLeague and show these people what we can do :) This should be a lot of fun for us so let's try and get some practices together before then so we aren't too rusty.

Here is the log for this past weekends match vs. Intelli. Click here to view it and here to download it. Sorry I didn't post it sooner.

There will be no matches held this weekend in UL because of Thanksgiving, so have a great holiday people and I will see you all soon.

Cya in SS


UL match vs. Intelli November 21, 1999
Hi all

Well our match vs. Intelli just ended and we beat them 12-1 Backlash MVP (4-0). I am not much in the mood for posting alot of news right now since I have had the flu, but I will get back on it here soon. I will post the log for the Intelli match as soon as I know if they are going to appeal or not. They said we ping flooded them *laff*. Can you believe that crap? That's what I call sore losers.

Anyways I will get back to updating the news more often once i am feeling a little better. Also I am a bit disappointed in the number of you posting on the site here :(. I went through all the trouble to get us a news script that no one but me uses *sigh*. Oh well at least it makes it easier for me to do anyhow. Cya all in SS


Next AM season November 15, 1999
Sorry to hear about Flipp, But I did want to post a message of support for 7.62 and the job he is doing with the AM squad. I expect our fortunes to improve next season with the addition of several Warlords being added to the AM roster. Hell, we can only improve on this season right? :). Hang together, practice together and we will win together. On a side note, Congrats to the UL squad for the impressive romp over Radar. space out


Scoremaster 2000 November 15, 1999
Hey guys

I linked the Scoremaster 2000 to our menu bar on the left. The link is called UL Results. Click on it and you can see every result from United League along with stats, logs and previous weeks results too. Thought you guys may use it :)

See you guys in SS


UL match log November 14, 1999
Here is the log of our match vs. Reds. Click here to view the log or here to download. Check it out if you missed it. We played very well in the match. I hope they all go that well :)

Cya in SS


UL results November 14, 1999
Well we won our first match of the season vs Reds. We defeated them pretty easily by a score of 12-0 with Mooshroom getting a well deserved MVP(5-0) even after lagging out 2 times and losing reps.Congrats on the win guys it was a very well played match. I will post the log as soon as I edit it.

On to another subject. FlippMode is no longer a Warlord. He has left because of some personal difficulties with me and some of the squad. This also means that his predictions will no longer be hosted on this site. Sorry guys for any inconvenience this may cause you. Good luck to Flipp wherever he ends up :)

See you all in SS


United League match and predictions November 13, 1999
Hello peoples

I got an email from hallu saying we have a United League match on Sunday@4pm ET vs. Reds/Radar. Please show up for the match if you are on the roster. Thanks.

I also heard that Academy beat (vast) today in AML. With AW*AM going to pro does this mean we are in the playoff picture still? I do not know for certain yet. Stay tuned for more info on this.

I updated FlippMode's Predicts page with a nicer Statistics layout. This time it is split into two pieces, Squads A-M and Squads N-Z. It loads faster this way and is easier to work with. Go have a look :)

That's all for now guys so seeya tomorrow at the match!


www.napster.com November 09, 1999
Hey guys

I have the log from this weekends match vs. Ballistics. Here it is if you want to see it. Click here to view the log or here to download it.

If you are into mp3's and that's your bag baby, then I suggest you go to www.napster.com and give it a try. You won't be dissappointed :) It's awesome, you can find ANY mp3 you are looking for and download it in a flash. Truly incredible program here guys and I am usually not one to plug programs very often. Try it and see for yourself what it can do :)

That's it for now, cya all in SS!


AML Season November 08, 1999
5-5 Not bad, One of the better records at the end of a season for me personally. But we can do better. A few new people to the roster will help.

A new season will begin in probably about a month with playoffs and the All-Star Games. I am going to post something on the Warlord BBS that I think we need to play by in Matchs that's all for now. Take it was while you can muhahaha.


AmLeague season and playoffs November 08, 1999
Hey Warlords

Well we had our final AmLeague match of the season last night against Ballistics. We did great at the beginning then we kind of fell apart :(. I lagged out twice during the match and lost all of my repels and specials and died out shortly after. My connection was fine before the match and all of a sudden went haywire after the match started(ping bombed?). Oh well anyways we ended up losing to them and that ended our season and playoff hopes. I have no log of the match since I lagged out during it so if you have a log please send it to me and I will post it.

I would like to thank everyone who played this season and participated in practices, etc. The new season will begin in 2-3 weeks so if you are not currently on the Am roster and are interested in playing for Warlords in AmLeague please contact me through email or icq and I will see about adding you to the roster for next season :) We ended up 5-5 on the season...not to bad considering the amount of players I had to work with heh :)

On another note, United League will be starting soon. Hopefully first matches will be held this upcoming weekend, so we have the UL season to look forward to. I really think we will go far again this season in UL like we have done before and maybe we will win it all :)

Hey, If anyone is interested in posting news on this site regularly about squad and Subspace related issues then please contact me and I can set you up with an account for the news script. So far I have accounts for hallu, space herpe, FlippMode and Cash. If you want to be included then let me know :)

FlippMode should be done with his predicts for next round soon. When I receive them I will post them up for you all to look at.

Well that's all the news I can think of for now so I will see you all in SS and thanks again for your participation in this AmLeague season :) Cya!


UL starting up again November 04, 1999
I've gotten the new league software done (well in a fully functional state at least), and it's pretty cool -- takes 4 buttons plus the match results form to run the league now hehe.

UL will be posting the matchups this coming weekend, or Monday at the latest. Then each week, the matches for the following week will be posted on Monday.

Get ready to rock!


Testing 1,2 ... er 3 I think November 04, 1999

Hello it is I FlippMode. I am here to check the script and make sure it works. Hi Seven!

Ok come to watch our match this Sunday 10pm EST against BALLISTICS. FlippMode


News Script Up! November 03, 1999
Heya guys!

I got us a news script for the page! w00t! It seems to work just like I had hoped :) I went ahead and made space herpe, hallu, FlippMode and Cash all accounts so you guys can use the script to post relevant squad news and SS news as well. Just gimme a yell and I will give you your username and pass to the news script. Boy it sure is nice to be able to write up some news and post it with my browser :)

On another note, we have an AmLeague match vs. Ballistics on Sunday@10pm ET. Although this time is not official, we both agreed on it so it will most likely be the time of the match.

Practice tonight and tomorrow night at 11pm ET BE THERE! :) Man I have to go and rest for a few minutes I have got the worst headache of my life right now :(

See you all tonight


News November 01, 1999


Took me forever to get all these updates done wow.

First, FlippMode's Predictions are updated with the Round 10 picks. I have made him his own section so you can view past picks, etc. Just click on the link to the left Flipp's Predicts. Thanks again Flipp for doing predictions :)

In Amleague we were beaten by Militancy by a score of 12-7 MVP Jae(4-2). This was a tough match for us and was back and forth at first. I personally believe we played a very good game against them and it wasn't as easy for them as they expected. The only thing I saw that we need to work on is sticking together a bit better. Other than that I think we did great :) Here is the match log if you wish to see it. View it here or download it here.

I will let you know when the next match will be asap. Practice times for this week will be Wed. and Thurs. at 11pm ET. I also updated some of the links on the menu bar, some were broke, others are new ones :)

Well that's all for now I believe so see you guys at practice and most of all HAVE FUN IT'S ONLY A GAME!!!!


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