A colour scheme that involved a lot of red? On a website about China? That's unique!

Follow Matt around China.
Includes at times superfluous annotation!

- Stuff in Guangzhou
- Fun and Friends
- Adventures in Hong Kong
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Fun & Friends

Like most non-muslim countries, one of China's most popular past-times is drinking alcohol. Here are photos of myself and some friends about to drink, drinking, or dunk.

Mike and Melissa's Housewarming

This was a party to celebrate Mike and Melissa's new place. It's a pretty sweet joint, bigger and cleaner than mine by far. Not only do they have a Western toilet - they have two! Scumbags.
The first pic is me and Chrissy giving Erica a massage for some reason or another. Erica seems too distracted by Mike's sexy little striptease to notice.
Next is Mike and Dan snapped out of an embrace to salute the camera in their native Canadian and German styles respectively.
The morning after the party, Melissa, Nancy, Mike and I went for a walk around their place in our dodgy, post-drunken states. Nancy molests some fish with a water mop thing whilst Mel supervises. I don't really remember why I'm holding my nose, but chances are the river smelt a bit iffy. Then again might've just sneezed.
Mike and Melissa also have their own website, from which I stole all of these photos. Check it out here: www.virtualtourist.com/mel&mike.

Richard's Birthday
Richard's birthday, yeah! We all went 'round to Chrissy and Erica's for a bit then we went to the Elephant and Castle - a pub usually full of expats. From what I recall, it was quite fun.

Andwich! That's Canadian Dave with an Andy to either side of him.
Andy and Melissa pull 'party pose #31' whilst Erica tries to destroy them with her evil death-ray vision.

That's a nice photo of Victoria and Suki, neither of whom are drunk. Suki's wearing a top almost identical to the one that's responsible for Sting's stage name.
Things heat up when Mike and I compete eachother in a hairy gut competition. I may have lost, but the glory of winning is nothing compared to the thrill of the competition.

On the way to the Elephant and Castle.
Mike enjoys a cold one on the train, which I'm told is completely legal - althought I have seen 'Do not eat or drink' signs on the train, so I dont know what's going on.

Later on, Chris spellbinds an easily amused Mike with some magic at the Elephant and Castle.

Check back later for more stuff.