The Cats of Alley Cat Rose Studio of Arts


Sudye is the model for the studio's logo, a cat sitting on a slice of the moon. She is also the star of "Sudye Laughing Cat Moon Kitty," a short story that appeared in Cats, Cats, and More Cats, published by Royal Fireworks Press (1996). The story was written by Jeanette Spencer and is one of many stories starring Sudye including the first which appeared in Middle Eastern Dancer Magazine.
The kitten of an abandoned queen, Goldie, Sudye was born in the studio's garage August 1989. Sudye and Goldie are beloved residents and models of the studio to this day; both are spayed.


More pictures of Sudye along with our Rusty.

Alley Cats/ More Alley Cats/ Even More Alley Cats/ Rusty and Sudye/ Bandit's Page/ Charlie's Page/ Sudye's Page/ Florida Panther Faith/ Wolf Song/ Jeanette's Page/ Photo Album/ Places We Prowl/ Site Map

©Copyright 2003 Jeanette Spencer, Alley Cat Rose Studio of Arts. email: