"Just a Spark"

By Raising Kane

Disclaimer: I'd love to own them both. Oh the fun I could have! Unfortunately it's never gonna happen. I imply nothing about the sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. of any of the characters. This is simply a work of fiction produced by my twisted and adventurous mind.
Distribution: Shadows of the Moon, Camelot (if they want)..if you really want it... just ask first please.
Rating: PG (I think)
Characters: Steve Austin/Chris Jericho, appearance by Vince.
Content: M/M Relationships, tiny bit of language
Author's Note: No spoilers.. unless you are as far behind as August 9, 1999.
Dedication: : Jade for giving me the blasted AustinMuse and Pen for being my wonderful Beta. *g*

Milky Way bar

Raw-August 9, 1999
Chicago, IL

Tonight was supposed to be a night just like any other. Another show, another town, same old bullshit. Only it wasn't turning out that way...at least for Stone Cold Steve Austin.

He actually had a light schedule that night. Shoot a segment where it looked as if he'd been waylaid with a cinder block, then a quick run-in during the main event. He'd just finished shooting the segment and as far as he knew none of the tech idiots had actually hit him in the head with the cinder block so that ruled out brain damage as an explanation. He'd only had two beers so far that evening so he knew drunkenness wasn't an excuse either. Maybe someone had spiked his beer.

That was the only explanation he could come up with for what he was seeing. It had to be a drug-induced hallucination. The man was a looker from a side-glance, no doubts about that, but the way he was dressed could be compared to a train wreck. Steve stared in horrified fascination. He wanted to look anywhere else, but he just couldn't seem to peel his eyes away from the man.

Tilting his head slightly to the right Steve let his gaze wander over the man from head to toe. What looked to be flowing blond locks caught up in a rather strange topknot of some kind. Hey just because he didn't have hair now didn't mean he never had, plus the Divas were always tossing around those girly terms. He couldn't see the guy's face at the moment, but from the brief glimpse he'd had, he'd noticed high cheekbones, something supposed to pass for a goatee, and full pink lips.

The man's broad back was covered in one of those flimsy iridescent materials that belonged more properly on the feminine sex in Austin's opinion. Every time the man shifted his weight the colors changed over the plains of the man's back. It was kind of fascinating in a scary kind of way. Tight black pleather pants covered the man's lower half and if the shirt was fascinating, when he moved, the fit of the man's pants was downright enthralling. The smooth black material hugged the man's nicely curved ass, which looked to offer one a generous handful. The power in his muscular thighs was evident as he shifted his weight yet again.

The man seemed to finish his conversation with Vince and turned in Steve's direction. Vince looked up and noticed Steve standing there and after speaking another word or two to the newcomer, he led the man in Steve's direction. Seems he'd be getting an introduction sooner rather than later.

"Steve, how are you tonight?" Vince always was one for pleasantries. "I'd like you to meet the newest addition to the Raw roster...Chris Jericho. Chris, I'm sure you know who Steve is?"

Steve smiled and held his hand out to Chris. Chris had a nice name and a damn sure nice body, but was he a nice guy?

"Yes, Vince. I most certainly know who he is. Nice to meet you, Mr. Austin."

Chris' sweet voice drew Steve's notice. Then Steve turned and looked into the prettiest pair of blue eyes he'd ever seen...eyes that seemed to have a life of their very own. Twinkling and bright, they danced over him, as he stood there near to speechless.

Steve shook his head slightly, trying to clear some of the fog that seemed to have permeated his brain. "None of that Mr. Austin crap. Ya can just call me Austin or Steve. Hell I'll even answer ta 'hey you' before I'll answer ta bein' called mister. Nice ta meet ya Chris."

Chris clasping his hand in a firm warm handshake sent some of that fog swirling right back through his mind again. The "handshake" seemed to last much longer than one normally would. Maybe that was because Steve just couldn't force himself to let go of Chris' hand. The smooth warm skin under his fingertips was enough to give him thoughts he shouldn't be having after just meeting the guy. Jerking his hand back like he'd been burned, Steve just stared at the pretty blond. Maybe it would be a good thing to get to know him a bit better.

Vince's quiet laugh finally broke through his train of thought. Austin tried to figure out what had prompted the laughter but apparently Vince wasn't in the sharing mood. Vince turned to smile at Chris indulgently, somewhat like a father would do, before he spoke.

"If you have anything you need to do to get ready yet, you might want to get to it. You're up soon."

Chris blinked and then smiled radiantly, his excitement over his debut obvious. "Yeah. I suppose I should head that way." He turned again to look at Austin before blushing slightly and letting his gaze drop to the floor. "Maybe go over my lines one more time. I'll see you after Vince?"

"Yes. I'm sure you'll do great and I'll meet you backstage after you're done." Vince was still grinning over the by-play between these two men. He was glad he'd stopped to introduce them to each other. He'd have hated to miss this unusual behavior from one of his top stars. Steve seemed to be struck dumb for lack of a better term.

"Okay then. It was nice to meet you Steve." Chris took a step or two backwards still reluctant to turn and walk away from Steve.

"Git on out there and show 'em what for. I'm sure I'll be seein' ya sometime soon." And he still couldn't stop staring. Enjoying that beautiful last smile before Chris turned and walked towards the gorilla position. It had to be the shirt. All that dazzlin' color must have short-circuited his brain...that or the view of Chris' ass moulded by tight pants. Either one was a threat to Steve's mental health. Vince laughing again had his head snapping in the owner's direction.

"What?" Vince, with a huge grin on his face, merely shrugged and walked along the hall towards the monitor closest to the place Chris would return to after his promo.


He really had planned to go back to his dressing room before his scheduled run-in. So how was it he had ended up following Vince to the nearest monitor backstage to watch Chris' debut. And what a debut it was. The Chris Jericho that stood out on that ramp was a complete contrast to the quiet, dare he say almost shy man he'd met backstage a few minutes ago. This Chris Jericho was just as loud and sassy as the clothes he was wearin'. One thing was for sure...the man could cut one hell of a promo. Steve had no doubts as to why Vince had hired him.

Steve never realized the way his mouth quirked upwards when Chris mentioned knights in shining armour and the way he was here to save the WWF. By the time Chris' speech reached the "Jericho is Excellence" portion, Steve was smiling like one of those idiots that Chris had just mentioned. He thought that Chris might just be right...that Steve might never e-e-e-ever be the same again. Not that he was going to complain about it. No sir.

It was sheer joy just watching the expressiveness of Chris' face. The grimace on his face as Rocky mentioned giving him a size 13 enema via the Rock's boot almost had Steve sympathizing with him even though it was just a promo. The pretty little pout had him wanting to rush right out there and save him from the man grinning in the ring. When he chewed on his lip, Steve let his mind wander to doing a little chewing of his own on the full red mouth. Hell yeah! He was definitely going to have to get to know Chris just a little bit better...or a whole lot better if he had his way.

Steve was so wrapped up in his mental meanderings that he completely missed the smirk of amusement on Vince's face as they waited for Chris to make his way backstage.


Chris was pretty damn happy at the moment. He was pleased with his promo with the Rock figuring it couldn't have gone much better. Now as long as Vince agreed with his assessment, then Chris could settle his mind on the wisdom of making the jump to the WWF. Of course there was already one thing in favor of this company...the talent seemed to be much nicer, at least what he'd met of them so far. That led to thoughts of one particular talent that he'd met earlier...Steve Austin.

Now in reality, Chris wasn't normally shy, but he was nowhere near as flamboyant as his on-stage persona. For some reason when he'd met Steve, he'd found himself acting like a schoolboy. The way the Texan had been looking at him had sent shivers down his spine and he wasn't even going to think about his reaction to the brief time that he'd held Steve's hand while they were meeting. Chris just couldn't figure it out. Gruff, burly men weren't usually his type, but for some reason he felt drawn to Steve. Maybe it was the whole bad boy image that Steve portrayed in character...then again it might be something as simple as his bald head, although that'd never earned Bill points as hard as the man had tried.

As he reached the backstage area and spotted Mr. McMahon, he managed to calm himself so that he wouldn't seem too eager. As Vince turned to greet him, Chris realized that he wasn't alone. Suddenly more nervous than he had been, Chris smiled shyly at both Vince and Austin.

"So...what did you think?" Vince was smiling, so Chris assumed it wasn't all that bad, he was just hoping for more.

"That was great Chris. Just what I had in mind. I think you've got a bright future here." Chris smiled, relieved that he'd pleased Vince with his debut. He shyly shifted his eyes toward Austin hoping for his opinion as well. Austin was one of the top men in the business after all.

Vince raised a brow when Steve cleared his throat. "Vince, would you mind if I had a word alone with...with Chris?" Chris tilted his head to the side studying the man that had asked to speak to him alone. He was still a bit nervous around the man, but it wasn't like he was scared to be alone with him or anything.

"Of course not. Just don't go too far. Chris has a run-in to do in about ten minutes. Again, great job Chris. You two have fun and I'll see you later." Vince grinned like a fool as he turned and walked away.


"So what was that ya said again? Oh yeah, I believe ya called us 'uninterestin', untalented, mediocre sports entertainers.' Is that right?"

Chris' gaped like a fish out of water while he tried to figure out how to reply to Steve's question. Was he really upset over what Chris had said in his promo? It sure looked like he might be.

"I... uh, well...I didn't really mean it you know. It was just part of the promo...to get heat. I mean, I think that you certainly aren't mediocre...you have tons of talent...and uh, I think you are very interesting." As he finished speaking and realized what he had actually said, Chris turned a nice shade of bright pink. Maybe he should just get down on his knees and kiss Steve's ass while he was at it. That brought to mind a visual that Chris really shouldn't be having at this point in time.

A loud burst of laughter startled Chris from his fantasizing. "I was just givin' ya some guff. Ya did good. I was downright impressed ta be honest with ya. Though it's always nice ta know when someone thinks I'm interestin'."

Chris ducked his head and ran his hand through his hair. Normally that wasn't a problem but since he'd put it up tonight it got caught up in the band he'd put it up with. He tugged the band out of place and once again ran his fingers through his hair. He should have realized that Steve was just razzing him, but he wanted so badly to make a good impression that he'd completely missed any teasing note in Steve's voice.

"Thanks, Steve. That means a lot coming from you." He completely ignored the bit about finding Steve interesting. The man had already had enough amusement at his expense.

"Ya know, I think yer pretty interestin' yerself. So how 'bout we git together after the show for a couple drinks?" Steve hadn't known he was going to ask until he was actually doing the asking, but he wasn't about to take it back. He definitely had an interest in getting to know Chris better so he might as well let him know it as well.

Chris' head snapped up and he stared at Steve while trying to decide if the man was serious. What if this was just an attempt to get him drunk and take advantage of him or something? It was entirely possible that his "hard to get" reputation had proceeded him from WCW. He didn't think that Steve was the type to see him as a trophy, but then he didn't really know Steve at all.

"Are you...are you asking me out on a date?" Chris stammered as he tried to decide what course to take with Steve.

Steve recognized immediately that Chris seemed to be a bit skittish and he didn't want the man to bolt before he'd even had a chance, so he did his best to put Chris at ease. "Actually, I was thinkin' we could have a few drinks, git ta know each other a bit and if we survive that without wantin' ta kill each other then we could go on an actual date. I've heard it said that I take a bit of gittin' used ta. So what do ya say?"

Steve really wasn't his type, but something deep down inside was telling Chris that if he turned down this invitation that he'd regret it for a long time to come. Taking a deep breath, he looked Steve in the eyes when he answered him. "Sure. Okay. I'd like that." The resulting smile on Steve's face at his acceptance made his stomach do a little flip, but in a completely good way. He had a good feeling about tonight.

"Hey, Chris! You're up next!" He heard Vince's voice from down the hall and knew he needed to get going. Smiling back at Steve, he took a few steps backwards, once again reluctant to turn away from this man for some unknown reason.

Steve winked at him just before he turned to head to the curtain. "I'll meet ya in yer dressin' room after the show."

Chris nodded back and turned to sprint to the curtain.


Vince walked back to the monitor where Steve was waiting to watch Chris' run-in shortly before he'd have to make his own. The owner smiled as he watched Steve staring at the monitor in front of him.

"Having a good night Steve?"

Steve looked a bit warily at Vince. The guy just seemed way too happy. "Yeah, I'd have ta say I'm havin' a pretty decent night."

"You weren't too hard on him were you?"

Steve snorted and looked at Vince in exasperation. What did Vince think he was going to do to the guy?

"What'd ya think I was gonna do ta him, Vince? Give 'im a stunner? A boot up the ass?" He quickly returned his eyes to the screen and watched as Chris shoved Rocky off balance just in time for Billy Gunn to get involved as well. Smiling as he watched Chris bounce around the ring, topknot firmly back in place, he missed the laugh Vince smothered against his palm.

"With you Austin, I'm never quite sure what you're going to do. Not everyone appreciates your...unique brand of humor. It seemed as though you were a bit dazed earlier by our newest addition."

"How could I not be dazed? That shirt's enough ta blind anyone," Steve sputtered, not daring to look at Vince. "What do ya want from me, Vince?"

Vince smirked as he took in Austin's flustered reaction to the honest comment. "Me? I don't want a thing from you, Steve. Considering Chris' reaction earlier to you earlier, I'd have to say that he just might."

"What? Do ya not have enough ta do with the WWE? Gonna have yerself a reality datin' show? Chuck Woolery ya ain't, Vince."

"Now Steve...no need to get all worked up. I just couldn't help it. You two were so...cute together earlier that..."

"What? Cute? Vince..." Steve practically whined. The unexpected complaint coming from the gruff Texan made Vince laugh. He just couldn't help it.

Just as Steve was about to vociferously deny that he was in any way, shape, or form "cute," Chris came back literally bouncing with excitement. Now Chris was most definitely cute in Steve's opinion, especially with his eyes all glittering the way they were at the moment. A man could get lost in eyes like those. Steve shook his head at his own thoughts and smiled at Chris.

"That was so great! I think I'm absolutely going to love it here!" Chris knew he was bouncing around like a hyperactive bunny, but he couldn't seem to stop. He loved being out in front of a loud, lively crowd. A permanent grin etched on his face, Chris turned to look at Steve. "You're out next right?"

"Yeah. I git ta whack Helmsley with a chair...one of my favorite pastimes."

Chris' peal of laughter brought a startled grin to Steve's face. Steve was stricken with a mixture of amusement and pure lust. Imagining having Chris under him, smiling and laughing as Steve tickled his fingers along his ribs just before claiming his mouth with ravenous intensity.

Chris tilted his head to the side as Steve stared at him, the almost predatory look in Steve's eyes causing his breath to catch in his throat. That look was... good lord it looked like Steve planned on swallowing him whole. That thought led to a thought of just where he might start that particular venture and well... Chris turned a bright shade of red at the train of his own thoughts. He was in such big trouble here.

"Steve!" At Vince's loud shout, the third such attempt to get his attention to be honset, Steve blinked his eyes and Chris somehow managed to resume breathing.

"Damn ya Vince, I'm not deaf. What ya want?"

"Sorry to... interrupt. You're up in about four minutes. I thought you should find the chair you're supposed to hit Hunter with. Maybe?" Vince said rather tongue in cheek.

"Chair?" Steve asked as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Oh yeah right...Helmsley. I s'pose I ought ta be doin' that then." Turning to Chris, Steve smiled. "I'll meet ya in yer dressin' room after then?"

Ignoring Vince's gleeful smirk, Chris smiled shyly at Steve and nodded. "Yeah. That's...that would be good."

Chris turned and watched as Steve walked purposefully towards the curtain yelling for a chair as he went.


Chris walked over to the monitor and waited for Steve to make his appearance. He liked keeping current with the storylines no matter where he was working, or at least that's the excuse he gave for wanting to watch the current segment. As the Undertaker made a cover on Hunter and got a two-count, Vince joined him at the monitor.

"So...Chris. I take it you are happy with your switch over to our organization?" Vince looked entirely too pleased right then, but since Chris wasn't sure what he was so happy about, he decided to ignore it and just answer the question.

"Oh yeah. Completely happy with it Vince. I think it's the best decision I could have made." Okay so greasing the wheels a bit never hurt anything, right? Oh! There was Steve backstage and it looked as if he'd found his chair.

"And would that be from a business or personal perspective?" Vince smiled and gently elbowed Chris in the arm.

"Vince, I...uh," Chris stammered, not quite sure how to take Vince asking about his personal life.

"I'm sorry Chris. It's just that we're like one big happy family around here and I like everyone to be content. Steve's a really good guy and he seemed to take a shine to you. I thought maybe it was mutual?"

Chris blushed and ducked his head. He wasn't used to his boss taking an active interest in his love life, unless you counted Bischoff, and that was only him trying to make sure he was a part of it. Chris grimaced a bit over that thought. Thank god he didn't have to deal with him anymore. Realizing he hadn't answered Vince yet, Chris looked up at the screen just in time to watch Steve nail Hunter with the chair. He knew as he was looking at Steve that he couldn't deny his interest in the man, it would most likely be plain as day to anyone watching him.

"Yes. I guess you could say it's mutual. We're going out for drinks after the show...a get to know each other night. Thanks for the subtle attempts at matchmaking there, Vince." Chris smirked up at Vince as Vince sputtered.

"I would never presume..."

"It's okay Vince. I won't tell on you. If I'm going to be ready when he shows up at my locker room I really should go and change. Have a good night, I plan to." Waving goodbye as he turned to leave Chris had to laugh. Who would imagine Vince McMahon trying to play cupid? An absurd image of Vince with wings and a bow and arrow entered his mind and made Chris laugh even louder.


He hadn't actually wrestled, but he still rinsed himself off in the shower before changing his clothes. He'd managed to slip into his blue jeans and was just about to pull on a t-shirt when he heard the knock at the door. Holding the shirt in his hand, he yelled for whoever had knocked to enter. The low whistle of appreciation caused more than just his cheeks to turn pink.

"I...I'm almost ready." Great. Back to the stuttering schoolboy act again. He really needed to learn to control his reactions to this man.

"S'ok. Take yer time." Steve settled for leaning against the wall while waiting for Chris to finish.

Chris quickly tugged his shirt on over his head and turned to grab a comb and rubber band to pull his hair back into a ponytail. As he was combing it and pulling it back, a gentle touch on his arm stopped him from finishing his task.

"If ya don't mind, I kinda like it loose...'specially all wet like that."

Chris turned to look at Steve and felt shivers running down his spine. There was that look in Steve's eyes again. He wondered if he'd react that way every time Steve looked at him like that. Biting his lower lip gently he nodded in agreement. Chris quickly packed his things and hoisted his bag up on his shoulder. He was surprised when Steve reached out and took the bag from him, settling it along with his own on his shoulder. He was even more surprised when Steve grabbed hold of his hand to lead him from the room.

"C'mon Chris. Let's go git ta know each other," he said, though Steve was pretty sure he already knew all he needed to know.

"That sounds great Steve." Chris thought maybe they already knew each other in all the ways that counted, though he couldn't have explained why he felt that way.

Neither man noticed the lone figure at the end of the hall smiling as he watched the two of them leave together.

©2005 Raising Kane

Milky Way bar

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