Parts 25 - 28

By Raising Kane

Milky Way bar

Part 25

When Chris reached the couch, instead of sitting next to Kevin as he had before, he knelt sideways next to the larger man. Tilting his head to the side a bit, he spent a moment just studying him as a bout of nervousness managed to creep in. Vaguely, Chris could hear shifting behind him and he figured that Shawn and Scott were getting more comfortable so that they could watch him with Kevin, but he didn't spare them a glance. He was too busy battling a new thought that had cropped up. He was about to have sex with someone that up until yesterday had pretty much hated his guts. Chris wasn't into casual sex now, not that he hadn't ever been in the past, but after he'd admitted to himself that he had feelings for Shawn he had realized that sex should actually mean something besides a quick release of his body's urges. He hadn't been celibate after things went south with Shawn, but the one person he had been with was someone close to him and even if there hadn't been a romantic relationship between them, there had certainly been respect and caring. Within the last twenty-four hours, Chris had had sexual contact with four people, only one of whom he supposedly loved. Wasn't that somewhat hypocritical after the words he'd tossed at Kevin last night? True, he hadn't had intercourse with all four of them, only Shawn, but that didn't mean the thoughts hadn't been there.

Chris slowly licked his lower lip as he contemplated why he was so eager to be with Kevin. It wasn't in any way a sexual gesture, but more a nervous one. There was just something so damn compelling about the man, though Chris couldn't seem to pinpoint what it was. Mentally, Chris shook off his thoughts. No matter what the reason was, he couldn't deny that he did want to be with Kevin and this procrastinating certainly wasn't accomplishing that.

Kevin was still looking over at Shawn and Scott, who were now climbing up onto the other couch with Scott leaning against the arm and Shawn crawling to sit in-between Scott's legs. He'd actually expected Scott to head his way. He was definitely in need after that little performance and he wasn't sure he could wait until they were done snuggling or whatever the heck they were up to now. Feeling the cushion shift beside him, he turned to look at Chris who was now kneeling beside him and looking at him with an odd expression.

He wasn't sure what Chris was thinking, but it seemed to be pretty heavy thoughts if the creases on his brow were any indication. Kevin watched as Chris' tongue slipped out to run over his bottom lip. Fuck. He was pretty sure it hadn't been an intentional gesture and it definitely hadn't been meant to cause arousal, but it had nonetheless. Kevin suppressed a growl of desire as he waited for Chris to say something, anything.

Chris knew that he needed to do something, but he was at a loss for how to start things off. He could feel eyes focused on him, surely Shawn and Scott, as he returned to the words Shawn had whispered to him earlier. Just as he was about to use that suggestion he noticed the look in Kevin's eyes. That was it. That was the reason he couldn't resist what he was about to do no matter if he had reservations or not.

He wasn't sure he could explain it, but Kevin's eyes were the windows to his soul. Those beautiful green eyes burned bright with emotion seemingly all the time whether it was the passion of loving life in general, an incomparable fury, or filled as they were now with intense desire. There also seemed to be an air of danger about the man. Kevin's whole attitude was alien to Chris' nature...take what you want, when you want it and damn the consequences... protect those important to you no matter what the cost or die trying.

Chris smiled ruefully as he noted that he'd always had a thing for bad boys...look at Shawn. He'd always been too shy to toss caution to the wind and be one off-stage. Y2J was who he wanted to be, but he'd never been able to let that side of him run free once the show was over. Kevin wanted him and he admitted honestly that he wanted Kevin. Being with Kevin, he could let that wild, intense, no-holds barred side of his personality shine through and know that he'd be met with the same intensity in return. As long as he knew that Shawn loved him and that he was all for what was about to happen, then Chris was going to take a page from Kevin's book and take what he wanted, without regret.

"Something I can help you with, Tiger?" Kevin raised a brow in question while waiting for Chris' answer. His breath caught in his throat as Chris smirked at him, then raised one hand and feathered it through the hair over his ear.

Chris smiled wickedly as he noticed Kevin's reaction to the fleeting touch and he was starting to get an idea of what Shawn had been talking about. "Yeah, Kev. I think there is something that you can definitely help me with," he said as he repeated the gentle caress.

"And what might that...be," Kev asked, his voice cracking slightly. He noticed the playful light flash in Chris' eyes a bare moment before Chris made his next move.

Chris again ran his fingers through Kevin's hair, but when he reached the back of it, he fisted his hand tightly in the blond locks and used it to tilt Kevin's head backwards. He enjoyed the sharp gasp of surprise he had drawn from the larger man. "This..." Chris said huskily as he leaned in and covered Kevin's mouth firmly with his own as his eyes drifted closed. As he pushed his tongue into Kevin's mouth, he slid his left leg across Kevin's and settled into a kneeling position over the top of the big man's thighs.

Kevin moaned as Chris' other hand joined the first, tangling tightly in his hair. He knew that Shawn must have mentioned his little hair fetish to Chris, but no matter how the blond had found out about it, he was already driving him crazy with it. When Chris gave a sharp jerk on his hair, he growled and sucked sharply on Chris' invading tongue. Laying his hands on Chris' hips, he pulled him down forcibly as he thrust his own hips up, bringing their groins roughly into contact. Chris squeaked at the sudden movement but didn't pause in his feverish exploration of Kevin's mouth.

Chris' head was spinning. Whether from the excitement pulsing through him or the lack of air, he really couldn't say, but it was most likely a mixture of both. The moment he'd tasted Kevin's mouth, he'd known he was lost to whatever the big man might want. He squeaked when Kevin grabbed his hips and ground against him and redoubled his efforts to taste as much of Kevin's mouth as he could manage.

Finally, he couldn't resist the call for air any longer. Pulling his mouth from Kevin's, Chris panted harshly, trying to draw in the air his lungs were demanding. Opening his eyes, he looked at the man that had just kissed the breath out of him and damn near lost it all again. The hungry look in Kevin's eyes burned right through him. Laying his forehead against Kevin's shoulder, he took just a moment to collect his scattered thoughts.

Across the room, Scott leaned forward placing his mouth closer to Shawn's ear in their cuddled position. "Damn, Chico, they look..."

"...Hot as hell together?" Shawn whispered back. "Trust me Scotty, I noticed. I wasn't expecting him to be ready this soon, but damn am I glad that he is." Shawn turned his head and grinned at the man sitting behind him.

"He's really special. I think you've finally found the one you were looking for Shawn. I'm glad you found your way to each other despite all the roadblocks. We can rest easier now that you're happy." Scott squeezed Shawn gently in his arms as he thought about some of the stunts Shawn had pulled because of his unhappiness after what had happened with Chris the first time around. He hadn't done anything necessarily outright dangerous, but he hadn't taken care of himself like he should have either. Thank god for second chances.

Kevin wanted nothing more at that moment than to throw Chris down on the couch and have his way with him. He didn't think that Chris would protest all that much, but he was pretty sure that Chris wasn't quite ready for the unleashed version of Big Sexy. Not that he was rough all the time, but it was just his nature to be a little...dominant when it came to sex, even when he was the one on the receiving end. Scotty teasingly called him bossy when he got into that kind of mood, but he just looked at it as adding a little excitement to the mix. He was surprised that Chris seemed to be taking so well to the whole Kliq's lifestyle. Maybe Chris was "the one" for Shawn after all, despite the misgivings that Kevin had had at first.

Considering that they'd been damn near as close to enemies as you could get just yesterday, Kevin was surprised at the seemingly quick transition to all of them considering Chris almost part of their family at this point. He'd stood up to Kevin to protect Sean's feelings and also in defense of his relationship with Shawn, which had earned him huge points with Kevin. Scott seemed to approve of Chris and his actions in the last few days thus earning Chris more points on the Kevin Nash scale. Sean seemed ready to follow him around like a puppy and Chris might have been the one to salvage any chance of a happy ending for Sean and Glen. And Shawn...well, it was easy to see how Shawn felt about the beautiful blond cuddled up against him.

For someone that had come to mean so much to them all in such a short amount of time, Kevin would somehow rein in his gut instincts and try to take things slowly...for now. So even if Chris decided that he wanted to stop right here, Kevin wasn't going to complain...too much anyway. If things worked out like he expected, there would be plenty of chances later to test Chris' limits. Tracing gentle circles over denim-covered hips with his thumbs, Kevin waited to see what Chris might do next.

Chris tilted his head and sighed quietly, his breath flowing in a drawn-out wave over the curve of Kevin's neck. Having finally regained the ability to hold a semi-rational thought, Chris' tense nerves settled a bit more at the soothing motions Kevin was making against his hips. Despite what Shawn had said at the time, Chris had still expected his foray with Kevin to resemble the interaction the big man had had with Scott last night. While it had been beautiful watching them together, Chris wasn't so sure he was ready for something so...animalistic for his first experience with Kev.

He did however want something to happen and while the kiss had been beyond nice, there was so much more he wanted. Kevin, at the moment though, seemed quite content to just hold him. As realization dawned on him, Chris smiled and pressed his lips softly to the side of Kevin's neck, drawing a slight shudder of anticipation from his soon-to-be lover. Kevin was waiting for him to make the next move. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, that was just what Chris did.

Feeling Chris' fingers tighten within his hair, Kevin yielded to the pressure that Chris applied to tilt his head back slightly. A puff of hot air blew gently over the spot where his shoulder and neck met, barely preparing him for the first swipe of Chris' warm, wet tongue brushing against his skin. Tilting his head to the side, he exposed more of his pale flesh for Chris' exploration. Chris followed the neckline of his T-shirt, teasingly painting a damp trail up and down the side of his neck with opened-mouth kisses and teasing nips gently soothed by a gentle lick. Kevin slipped his hands under the hem of Chris' shirt and let his fingers drift over the warm smooth skin he found just above the waistband of Chris' tight denim jeans. A firm jerk on Kevin's hair drew an unbridled rumble of approval from him as Chris sucked gently on the skin at the base of his throat.

Chris felt more than heard Kevin's response to his latest hair tease. The vibrating sensation underneath his lips spurred Chris on to draw even more sweet reactions from the man he was so engrossed in. As he reached the juncture of Kevin's neck and shoulder on the other side he scraped his teeth gently over the corded muscle and felt a steady beat beneath his tongue as he smoothed it over salty skin. Knowing that what he was feeling was the pulsing of Kevin's blood flowing through his veins almost made him understand the lure of vampire tales. Biting firmly enough to leave a slight indentation, but careful not to pierce the skin, Chris sucked gently on the spot between his teeth drawing a pale red mark to the surface.

"Fuck, Chris," Kevin growled his name quietly as Chris released his bite and laved the reddened area with his tongue. The fact that his name rather than some empty passion-induced endearment had passed Kevin's lips struck a chord in Chris. Any doubts he'd secretly harbored about his decision flew out of his head. This was right. Now all he had to do was make it happen.

Raising his head a bit, he allowed his teeth to graze Kevin's earlobe as he sucked it into his mouth. Kevin's fingers tightened at his waist as Chris drew his head back, releasing his earlobe with a quiet pop. Giving another firm tug on the locks in his hands he shifted so he could look into Kevin's eyes. His voice deep and husky with want, Chris finally gave voice to what he was coming to crave more by the second. "Want you to fuck me, Kev...now."

Chris had only a second or two to note the look of shock on Kevin's face before he found himself flat on his back on the couch with Kevin kissing him hungrily. He hadn't expected Kevin to move that fast, but if it got him closer to what he wanted then he was all for it. Kevin's body was pressed deliciously against his own from lips to groin, with Kevin settled between his legs. Kevin's arm beneath his waist lifted his hips into Kevin's downward thrusts forcing their hard cocks into contact through the restrictions of their clothes. Chris whined and wrapped his legs around Kevin's waist forcing even more contact between them, but found it still wasn't enough. His hands were still buried in Kevin's hair, so he wrenched Kevin's head back, pulling the big man's lips from his own and whined plaintively, "God Kev...please!"

Kevin grinned wickedly down at the frustrated man beneath him. As much as Chris wanted him to hurry, it just wasn't going to happen, not this time anyway. Kevin sat up enough to pull off his T-shirt and toss it to the side before shaking his head gently at Chris as he leaned over him again. "Sorry, Chris, but you're just going to have to wait. See, I've been thinking about this longer than you'd probably guess, and I'm just not going to rush through it." Kevin grinned at Chris' wide-eyed look of shock. "You know why I was so pissed off to see you here yesterday, other than the obvious, of course?"

Chris trembled slightly beneath Kevin and let his hands slip from Kevin's hair down to his bare shoulders, bracing himself in a way for whatever was coming and at the same time noticing the warmth beneath his hands. "N...no. Why?"

Shawn craned his neck, turning to look at Scott behind him. Scott was sporting a huge grin and Shawn wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing at this point. "Do you know what this is all about?" he whispered to Scott with a slight note of concern in his voice.

Scott pressed his mouth to Shawn's shoulder to smother a snort of laughter before pulling back to answer him. "Hush, Chico. You'll get a kick out of this. I promise." Shawn turned around, still a bit disgruntled at not knowing what was going on, and waited for Kevin to get to the point.

"Do you remember when we did the Highlight Reel for the show?" Kevin asked, confusing Chris slightly with the seemingly off-topic question.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with..."

"Do you remember what you were wearing on the show that night?"

"Uh...no. Should I?" Chris was really confused at this point. What did this have to do with Kevin being pissed off at him?

"I do. I remember exactly what you had on that night. Do you have any clue how pissed off it made me that despite what you'd done to Shawn, the only thing I wanted that night was to rip those fucking shiny pants off you and fuck you right there in the ring?" Chris' mouth opened and closed several times, making him resemble a fish out of water, as he tried to think of how to reply to Kevin's admission.

A loud burst of laughter from the two across the room saved him momentarily from having to answer Kevin. "Oh man. That's fucking hilarious. You knew about this?" Shawn half-turned to look at Scott again and smacked him gently on the arm. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Christ, Shawn. I don't know how you could have missed it. I figured it out while I was sitting at home watching it on television. Then Kev called later that night to bitch about it." Scott said smugly, his grin stretching ear to ear.

"So that's why..." Shawn started but was interrupted quickly by Kevin.

"...I was so pissed off when I lost the match. If I hadn't been so busy checking out his...assets, he never would have gotten in that low blow," Kevin growled as he looked at Shawn who had started laughing again.

"You know I should have realized it. Thinking back on it now it makes sense. You know my favorite part of that whole feud was the cute little nicknames he came up with for you Kev. That had to be like a kind of foreplay to you or something," Shawn said, a wicked grin on his face. "I think the best one was 'Big Daddy Bald', that just fit you so well."

"No, Chico. The best one was when he called him Nashhole. He whined for a whole week about that one," Scotty said. He smiled when Kevin snarled at him.

"Uh...guys, I really don't think making him mad right now would be a good thing," Chris whined as he squirmed under Kevin's large form.

"Chill out, Chris. If I were still pissed off about it, you wouldn't be where you are right now." Kevin smiled down at the man trapped beneath him. "The whole point to my bringing this up, before the peanut gallery got involved..."

"Hey!" Scott and Shawn shouted in objection bearing twin pouts.

"...Was to let you know that no matter how much you want me to hurry up, you're just going to have to wait. I thought a lot about what I'd do to you if I got the chance and now that I have it..." Kevin leaned down and slid his tongue along Chris' bottom lip. "Now that I have it, I'm not going to let you come until you are a whining..."

Lick. "...Begging..."

Lick. "...Mess," Kevin finished with a growl.

Chris whimpered after Kevin's teasing onslaught, the images in his mind fueling his arousal, which hadn't actually subsided from before. "I could...uh, actually just beg and whine right now and we could...skip right to the end you know. Have I mentioned how happy I am that you let your hair grow back out?" Chris looked wide-eyed up at Kevin hoping for a tiny bit of leniency, but from the grin on Kevin's face, he knew it was a useless hope.

"Afraid not, Tiger, but I promise you will enjoy every moment of this. Are you particularly attached to this shirt?" Kevin asked as he leaned down to run his tongue along the neckline, similar to what Chris had done to him earlier.

"Not particularly, I suppose. Why?" Chris asked with a frown.

"Because I didn't want to upset you when I did this..." Kevin slid one hand up Chris' arm, over his collarbone, and then grabbed hold of the neckline as his lips teased along the column of Chris' neck. The loud rending sound brought a gasp from Chris as Kevin ripped the shirt down the middle exposing Chris' chest and abdomen to his heated gaze.

Chris smirked up at Kevin who was grinning widely at him. "I would have taken it off if you'd asked, you know."

"Yeah, I know," Kevin said with a laugh, "but it was so much more fun that way."

Chris' snort of laughter was cut short by a hiss as Kevin bent to suck harshly on the skin over his collarbone. Chris' hands clenched on Kevin's shoulders, his nails digging slightly into the skin as Kevin licked a slow torturous path over his shoulder and the side of his neck, interspersing the licks with tiny nips of his teeth. "Does...does this plan of yours include either of us being naked in the near future?" Chris growled as he wrapped one leg over Kevin's hip and thrust upwards trying to spur Kevin on to move faster.

Kevin smirked against Chris' bare skin as he kissed his way down to his chest. "Nope," Kevin lowered one hand from its position above Chris' shoulder and brought it down sharply, slapping Chris on the hip. "Stop that."

Chris yelped at the sharp sting. That had really kind of hurt, but as Kevin's hand lingered, rubbing over the same spot he'd smacked, it started a tingling sensation that seemed to seep through Chris' nerves. Unwilling to explore his reaction that deeply, Chris contemplated ways to make Kevin speed up his pace a bit. He sucked in a sharp breath as Kevin's mouth latched onto his nipple and his tongue teased in circles around it.

"Shawn," Chris half-moaned and half-whined, "can't you make him stop torturing me?"

Shawn, who was busy admiring the sight of Kevin sprawled all over Chris, laughed at his lover's plea. "Oh no, no, no. You got yourself into this Sweetheart, so you're going to have to get yourself out of it...or him into it, whichever the case may be. I already gave you a secret weapon and that's all the further I'm getting involved in this."

As Kevin pulled his mouth from Chris' nipple and growled in Shawn's direction for giving Chris a reminder, the trailing ends of Kevin's hair brushed Chris' hands. His hair...it had completely slipped Chris' mind for a moment, but with the reminder he latched onto the thought like a drowning man. He was willing to use anything at his disposal to hurry Kevin along. Threading his hands quickly through Kevin's hair again, he jerked hard on the golden locks as he thrust his hips upward into Kevin's again.

Kevin groaned and delivered another sharp slap. "Damn it all, Chris, play fair."

"I think," Chris panted as the pain along with the friction resulted in a burst of pleasure that zipped straight through his hard cock, "that this is extremely fair in relation to what you have planned. Come on Kev... give me something at least. You're killing me here."

Kevin sighed as he bent to tease the other nipple with his tongue. After a couple of teasing licks and another sharp tug on his hair by Chris, Kevin raised his head and smiled at the beautiful man beneath him. Maybe they could work out a deal of sorts. Then it hit him, the perfect idea.

"I'll make you a deal," Kevin said, a wicked grin on his face. "If I agree to speed things up right now and give you what you want, then you have to agree, that at some point in the future, you will give me as long as I want to play and let me do...whatever I want."

Part 26

Chris sucked in a deep breath as he contemplated Kevin's deal. Sure it would get him what he wanted right now, but that "whatever I want" sounded just a bit ominous. Fortunately for Kevin and perhaps unfortunately for Chris, he was almost desperate to get off after watching Scott and Shawn together not to mention all of Kevin's teasing since then. His cock, which was most assuredly in control of his brain, or so he would tell himself later, decided to speak right up for him. "Yes, okay. I agree. Just please do something."

Kevin's unholy grin of approval had him squirming almost immediately and wondering if he'd made the right decision, but it was way too late to take it back. Kevin swooped in on him and covered his mouth in a hot, steamy kiss. Kevin's hand slipped from his hip to the curve of his ass and the rough squeeze he was given ripped a moan of pleasure from his lips, which was immediately swallowed by Kevin's ravenous mouth.

Shawn was momentarily frozen when Chris agreed to Kevin's deal. Not that he objected by any means, as a matter of fact, he was perfectly okay with it as long as he was invited to watch. He was being swamped by images of what might actually happen on that unnamed future date. Shawn was well aware of what Kevin had probably meant by that "whatever I want" part of the deal. Pictures of Chris chained to a bed, his ass a perfectly bright shade of red, with Kevin thrusting inside him, had Shawn squirming in his seat against Scott.

"That deal they just made paints a rather pretty picture in itself, doesn't it, Chico?" Scott laughed quietly as Shawn shuddered against him.

"Fuck, yes," Shawn replied as he tried to rein in his reactions to both the pictures in his head and the scene that was taking place right in front of him. If this drug out much longer, he'd be back in the same predicament he had been before he and Scott had "fucked like bunnies", as Chris had phrased it.

Meanwhile, Kevin had decided to relent and give Chris at least part of what he wanted. Breaking the kiss, he ran his hands down the front of Chris' body as he crawled from between his thighs and stood up beside the couch. Quickly removing Chris' tennis shoes without bothering to untie them, Kevin tossed them off to the side blindly and then disposed of his socks as well. Offering a hand, Kevin helped pull Chris to his feet. Without hesitation, Kevin reached for the button on Chris' jeans, unfastening it and quickly lowering the zipper.

Chris wasn't in the mood to wait anymore and with a frantic jerk peeled the faded denim over his hips, grateful for the relief of pressure from the tight material. Turning to toss his pants over the arm of the chair, Chris froze at the high-pitched whistle from Kevin.

"Damn. If I'd known that's what you were hiding under those jeans, I'd have let you out of them ages ago."

Chris immediately ducked his head as his cheeks blazed bright red. He hadn't given a thought to the royal blue silk thong he'd had on under his jeans as being anything too exciting, but apparently Kevin disagreed. Figuring that being naked couldn't be any more embarrassing, Chris raised his hands to the waistband so he could take them off, but was stopped by Kevin's large hands covering his own.

"I know you're in a hurry, but I think I'm going to have to insist you leave those on just a bit longer."

Chris sighed and laid his forehead against Kevin's chest. He should have known it wouldn't be that easy. He felt Kevin shifting against him and looked down to see Kevin toeing off his own shoes. He looked up at Kevin's face in surprise when Kevin grabbed his hands and guided them to the waistband of his jeans.

"Why don't you go ahead and get rid of those for me, Tiger."

Encouraged by Kevin's smile, Chris did just that in short order. Tearing at the button and zipper, Chris quickly dealt with the fastenings and peeled open the fly of Kevin's pants. Slipping his hands into the sides of Kevin's jeans, Chris quickly pushed them past Kevin's hips. Discovering that Kevin had gone sans underwear that day was a pleasant surprise from his current point of view - on his knees. Another quick shove had Kevin's jeans dropping to his ankles, which he quickly stepped out of. Chris licked his lips as he took a moment to study Kevin's naked form. Raising one hand, Chris brushed the back of his index finger down the underside of Kevin's erection startling a moan from the big man. Before Kevin had a chance to stop him, Chris' hands were at his hips and his tongue was dragging slowly up the length of Kevin's hard shaft.

Being that his cock had been almost rock hard and throbbing from the moment Chris had oh so kindly requested that Kevin fuck him, Kevin knew he wasn't going to be able to withstand much teasing. Not that that was going to stop him from teasing Chris a bit more before he finally gave him what he wanted. Grabbing Chris' hands he tugged him to his feet bringing a startled whine of disappointment from the beautiful blond. Putting his hands on Chris' waist, Kevin turned him around to face the couch and pressed his body flush against Chris' from behind. Lowering his head, he used his chin to push Chris' hair to the side before letting his lips whisper over the nape of his neck. His hands like iron bands on Chris' enticing hips and his cock branding the base of Chris' spine, Kevin teased his tongue the length of his neck before settling his mouth at a spot just behind his ear. As he sucked gently on the sensitive spot, Chris jerked his hips backward causing Kevin to moan.

Ready to turn things up a notch, Kevin took a couple of steps forward until Chris' knees met the couch. "Get on your knees for me, Chris, and put your hands on the arm." As Chris took position as requested, Kevin slid in behind him and pressed his length against the blue band of silk that separated the firm cheeks of Chris' ass. Leaning in to kiss and suck at the blond's neck, he occasionally shifted so that his cock would rub over the scrap of silk and against the smooth skin at the edge of the thong. Kevin's hands and mouth roamed ruthlessly over Chris' body. The larger man exploiting any erogenous zone he discovered in a bid to turn Chris into the whimpering mass that he'd promised him he'd be. The only exception to the exploration was the most obvious. Kevin avoided any direct stimulation to Chris' groin.

His plan seemed to be working too. Chris was whimpering and moaning, trying to thrust himself backward against Kevin's cock. Despite Kevin's cocky grin, he wasn't too far from a whimpering state himself. He was drowning himself in Chris...the scent of vanilla in Chris' hair, most likely from his shampoo; the smoothness of Chris' skin, warm and soft against his hands; the sweet gasps, moans, and whimpering sounds he made, music to Kevin's ears; the way Chris' luscious ass seemed to mold itself around his cock. Any more direct stimulation from Chris and he'd most likely come all over Chris' ass instead of inside it. Time to move on to the next item in his repertoire of tricks.

Scooting back away from Chris, Kevin finally reached for the waistband of the thong and peeled it over Chris' hips. Sliding it teasingly down firmly muscled thighs until he reached Chris' knees, Kevin tapped Chris on the hip so he would raise each knee to aid in the removal of the tiny scrap of material. As soon as the thong joined the rest of their clothing on the floor, Kevin laid his large hands on the curve of Chris' buttocks, squeezing and stroking them. Kevin was ready for the final assault to his own senses...Chris' taste.

Chris was just about ready to beg Kevin to finish him off. He was pretty sure that he would shoot like a rocket the second Kevin so much as touched his hard, throbbing cock. If this was Kevin's version of speeding things up he was going to be in big trouble when he fulfilled their agreement and let Kevin take his time. Every nerve in his body was tingling and when Kevin finally removed his thong and started touching his ass, Chris was hoping Kevin was almost ready to fuck him silly. He really should have known better. The next thing Chris felt was something warm and wet sliding over the curve of his ass. Holy fucking hell. If Kevin did what Chris thought he was going to do Chris had a feeling he'd be a permanent puddle of goo stuck on Shawn's couch for all eternity.

Shawn's breathing was rather erratic at the moment. Not that anyone could blame him. Scott's wasn't all that steady either. They both knew where Kevin was heading, each having been in that situation themselves, and just the memories were enough to cause raging hard-ons. Chris' reactions to Kevin's teasing already had them both close to whimpering right along with him. Shawn had spotted the lube a few minutes ago on the floor where Chris had left it and had picked it up. He was pretty sure that Kevin would be asking for it before too long.

At the first swipe of Kevin's tongue along the crack of his ass, Chris actually yelped. That was it, he'd died and gone to hell and this was his punishment...eternal torture. Not that that was necessarily a bad way to spend eternity, but he did want to actually come sometime tonight. Feeling Kevin spread the cheeks of his ass open and the heat of Kevin's breath blowing across his entrance, Chris shivered and dropped his head to his forearm. His head snapped right back up when Kevin's tongue teased over his hole and Kevin's name fell from his lips in a whine. His grip on the arm of the couch was so tight that his knuckles were pure white and he could feel the muscles in his legs trembling in anticipation. He was so keyed up that when Kevin growled and a split second later something dropped down on the center of his back he just about jumped off the couch. What the hell was that?

Scott laughed. He couldn't help it. Shawn was shaking and burrowing into him like he could actually hide from the glare Kevin was shooting his way. After Chris' little whine Kevin had raised his head enough to look at Shawn and raised one hand up. Shawn had of course understood and tossed the lube to him. Only he'd bounced it off Kevin's head pretty much as Sean had the night before...purely on accident, of course. As soon as he saw what had happened and heard Kevin's growl, Shawn had hidden his face in Scott's chest. Scott was pretty sure that was so Kevin wouldn't notice him laughing.

"Sorry about that, Tiger. Your man over there has shitty aim." Chris calmed down as Kevin removed what he assumed was the tube of lube from his back. Chris would have probably laughed as well if Kevin hadn't chosen that particular second to spread his ass wide open and push his tongue into Chris' entrance. His mouth dropped open and instead of a laugh the sound that came from him resembled a strangled whimper. With each wiggle and thrust of Kevin's tongue, Chris squirmed and whined. He had never experienced anything like this and if Kevin kept it up he'd be coming before he knew what hit him. Chris was seriously considering reaching down with his hand and stroking himself off. He knew it wouldn't take long at all, but he really wanted to wait until Kevin was inside him. He just hoped that it would happen relatively soon. Maybe he should try some of that begging and see if it helped... or at least a plea.

"Kev, please. I need...please...fuck me," he managed to pant out.

Kevin, being close to his limits himself, decided to give in to Chris' plea. Slicking his fingers with lube as he gave Chris one last swipe with his tongue, Kevin pulled back and quickly set about stretching Chris with two fingers. It took little time before Chris was thrusting back into his probing digits. Wanting to make sure he didn't hurt Chris, he went ahead and slowly inserted a third finger. Chris gave a small whimper of discomfort, but after a moment of waiting relaxed enough to take the third finger fully. After a few thrusts, Kevin withdrew his fingers, prompting another whine from Chris, and stroked some lube on his hard cock. He smoothed one hand over Chris' hip but then paused as he realized that he wanted Chris to control the pace of the actual penetration. Besides that, he really wanted to watch Chris' face when he came.

Wrapping his large arms around Chris' waist, Kevin twisted until he was sitting on the couch dragging Chris back with him. Nuzzling against his neck, Kevin brought his mouth to the side of Chris' head and breathed three words quietly into the blond's ear. "Ride me, Tiger." He chuckled as Chris scrambled around to face him and straddled his thighs. Wide, startled blue eyes locked with half-lidded green eyes.

Despite Kevin's seemingly nonchalant air, Chris could see the desire burning in his eyes. Even though he'd tried to fight it, Kevin had kept to his word about turning him into a whimpering mess. The big man had played his body like a fiddle and left him still wanting, but to Chris' surprise it seemed that Kevin was now turning control of their coupling over to him. Chris felt an almost desperate need to turn the tables on Kevin and turn him into a begging, whining mess. Suppressing the wicked grin that was trying to work it's way onto his face, he tilted his head to the side with a questioning glance on his face.

Chris almost jumped for joy when Kev inadvertently revealed another weapon for him to use with his next words. "I want to watch you," Kevin said in response to the unanswered question. Remembering how Kevin had been watching his face during his encounter with Shawn yesterday, Chris knew he could use that to his advantage. Feeling Kevin's thumb tracing along his lips, he flicked his tongue out letting it brush against the sensitive pad. Kevin sucked in a breath as Chris leaned into the touch and wrapped his lips around the digit, sucking on it and running his tongue over it.

Releasing Kevin's thumb with a loud pop, Chris smiled shyly at him. Laying his hands on Kevin's chest, Chris rubbed his palms gently over Kevin's nipples as he shifted in his lap, the movement causing their cocks to rub briefly against each other. Kevin's eyes closed and a small hiss escaped him as a brief smirk flickered on Chris' lips. Once again adopting his shy innocent look, Chris dropped his lashes to half-mast and asked in a husky seemingly hesitant tone, "you want me now, Kev?"

Shawn just about jumped off the couch ready to yell, "I do!" He was a little suspicious of the return of Chris' shy innocent nature and wondered if he was about to see someone get the best of Big Sexy...something that didn't happen too often. Scott's snicker against his neck told him he wasn't the only one having that thought. Kevin seemed completely oblivious to any plotting on Chris' part. That just made it all the better for Shawn. After this, he doubted that Kevin would underestimate Chris again.

"Yes," Kevin hissed as he gazed at Chris. Kevin had the feeling he was missing something important, but couldn't quite put his finger on it. He was too interested in what was about to happen though for it to be more than a passing thought. Reaching down between them, he wrapped a hand around his cock and held it steady for Chris as the blond lifted himself up on his knees to hover over it. He stiffened as Chris' hands clenched on his shoulders in an attempt to steady himself as he positioned his body to take Kevin inside him.

Chris took a deep breath as he felt the head of Kevin's cock brush against his entrance. True, Kevin had stretched him, but he wasn't sure anything could really prepare him for taking the girth of Kevin's hard cock. Pressing down slowly and steadily, he released the breath and forced himself to relax allowing the head to push past the ring of muscle. Fuck did it hurt. Biting his lip, Chris locked his eyes on Kevin's as he managed to take the head inside without making a sound. A quiet moan from Kevin and the flash of fire in his eyes helped Chris fight through the pain of initial penetration. The feeling of Kevin's hands moving to his waist to help steady him had him relaxing enough to be ready to move on. Keeping his eyes locked with Kevin's, he allowed his muscles to ease him slowly and steadily down onto Kevin's shaft until his ass settled against Kevin's thighs.

Realizing that his nails had left crescent shaped marks on Kevin's shoulders, Chris eased his grip and bent down to bathe the marks with his tongue. In a breathy tone, Chris spoke against Kevin's shoulder in between licks. "Fuck Kev. Feel so full."

Kevin moaned as he lowered his hands from Chris' waist to cup his ass. He wanted Chris to move and he wanted him to do it now, but Chris seemed to have other plans. He could understand him needing a moment to adjust, but he'd thought the blond would be as eager as he was to get to this part, instead he seemed to have his own agenda at the moment. Kevin growled as Chris' hands suddenly wound in his hair with a sharp tug. As Chris' mouth covered his own, he opened his mouth eagerly letting Chris' warm tongue explore every inch.

After spending a moment or two kissing the breath out of Kevin, Chris finally shifted and raised himself up the length of Kevin's shaft before descending on it just as slowly. He swallowed Kevin's quiet moan as he repeated the process once again purposefully avoiding his prostate so that he could keep his wits about him for a moment or two yet. It was going to be a struggle though because just this stimulation was enough to make him want to start whimpering again. Breaking their kiss, he bit his lip as he continued his slow and steady ride. Kevin's hands were clenching on his ass with each stroke and he was sure he'd have mild bruises to show for it later, but he wasn't going to complain. As soon as he got what he wanted, he was going to end this torture for both of them and let them both have what they needed.

"Kev?" His voice cracked slightly as he asked the question on the downstroke. He tugged harshly on Kevin's hair when he didn't get an immediate response.

"Yes?" The response was still almost absentmindedly spoken. Chris watched Kevin's face as he licked his lips and saw the flame in his eyes flicker just a bit brighter.

Speaking in between heavy breaths, Chris moved in for the kill. "I don't think...you really stuck...to our agreement." He saw the flash of surprise in Kevin's eyes and smiled wickedly. His mouth dropping open in a gasp as he shifted enough to graze across his prostate, Chris almost missed the slight shudder Kevin gave in response.

"Can't we...talk about...that later?" Kevin's voice was anything but steady as he asked the question.

Chris shook his head almost violently as he bit his lip again. Kevin's eyes were glued to his mouth. Oral fixation? Chris bit back a smile. "No. Now. I still agree...but..." Chris moaned breathily as he dropped himself quickly down Kevin's shaft. He could hear Kevin's breathing deepen as Kevin continued to watch his mouth. "I want the same...oh god," Chris moaned as Kevin's hands molded his buttocks against the shaft sliding in and out of him, and Chris forced himself to stop altogether until he got what he wanted.

Kevin groaned in frustration as Chris stopped his slow ride altogether. Couldn't they do this after they were done? "I want the same agreement from you. My time, my rules." Kevin's mouth dropped open as he realized he'd been had. The evil grin on Chris' face convinced him that if he didn't agree, then Chris was quite willing to deny them both until he did. Kevin would occasionally give up control, but so far the only ones he'd allowed to have that luxury were the other two men in the room. "You aren't going to move until I agree...are you?" As good as it felt just sitting there buried inside of Chris, he did want to finish what they'd started...and the sooner the better.

Chris bit his lip to hold back his triumphant smile. He knew he had Kevin between a rock and a hard spot...or in a tight spot one could say, but it wouldn't do to gloat until he had Kevin's agreement. "Nope, I'm not. As much as I want to ride you hard until I come, it isn't going to happen until you agree." He really hoped it wouldn't come down to Kevin testing him, because he wasn't sure he could hold out much longer. The urge to move was thrumming through his veins and he was fighting it with every breath.

"Okay. You win," Kevin growled. He wasn't really all that unhappy about it, but it wouldn't do to actually look eager for it either. "Now can you please move that pretty ass of yours and make me come?"

"Whatever you want, Kev." Chris' smile was brilliant as Kevin snorted. Rocking forward slowly, Chris dropped himself quickly on Kevin's cock, earning him a ragged moan from the big man.

Shawn's mouth was hanging open. He did not just witness Kevin agreeing to give up control to his shy little Tiger. Shy, his ass. He wanted to laugh, really he did and he most likely would later, but right now he was too busy watching as Chris rode the hell out of Kevin. Turning on his side so that he could still watch Kevin and Chris, Shawn reached blindly for Scott's cock which had been prodding him in the back for awhile now, and started stroking him quickly and firmly. He moaned as he felt Scott shift and take him in hand also. He was going to be an easy touch this time around, especially with the view he currently had.

Chris moaned loudly as he rode Kevin's cock hard and fast. Twisting his hips as he sank down, he aimed for his prostate. Bingo! Chris shuddered as the pleasure ripped through him and he subconsciously tightened his grip on Kevin's hair. Losing himself in the furious rhythm of his ride, Chris moaned and whimpered as he felt his orgasm coiling inside his body.

Kevin growled as Chris' hands jerked harshly on his hair. Kevin wrapped his arms around Chris' waist as he felt the urge to thrust upward into the warm willing heat that surrounded him. Sounds of their coupling echoed in around them... the slap of flesh on flesh, harsh breathing...both his and Chris', moans and whimpers falling from Chris' lips with regularity, his own moans and growls as he came closer to completion.

It wasn't so much the sounds as the sight in front of him that was going to force him over. Seeing his cock sliding in and out of Chris' tight sheath, the pleasure on Chris' face, the way his eyes dropped closed and he tilted his head back on his shoulders...they were all part of what had him hovering on the edge, but there was one thing he was still waiting for. Unbeknownst to Kevin, Chris had been spot on...he did have an oral fixation of sorts. He was waiting to see his name formed on Chris' kiss-swollen lips as he came.

Chris whimpered loudly. He was so close. The hits to his prostate were slowly driving him insane, but he never once thought to shift to avoid them. All he needed was one thing to set him off and he had no problem asking for it. "Please..." the whine broke from his lips, "please, touch me."

As soon as the plea passed Chris' lips, Kevin gave him what he'd asked for. Leaving one arm around Chris for support, he pulled back and wrapped his right hand firmly around Chris' hard leaking cock. Chris' own momentum forced himself through Kevin's hand and within a few seconds Kevin felt Chris' cock twitch.

Chris shuddered as Kevin's hand wrapped around him. Tossing his head back against his shoulders, Chris' mouth dropped open in almost a perfect O, a muted moan slipping out. After thrusting hard into Kevin's solid grasp a few times he came unglued. "Oh! Oh f...fuck! Kevin!" he shouted unable to hold back his release. He continued to bounce on Kevin's cock even as he felt his come spatter against his chest, riding out the storm ripping through him.

He'd been so sure he'd come as soon as Chris said his name, but he had almost blanked out as he watched Chris come. His release had been so pure, so uninhibited, and so beautiful a sight...that it had quite honestly stunned the big blond man. Chris' skilled riding brought him back to the moment and his own aching hard cock. Dropping his come-slick hand from Chris' cock, he placed it on the blond's hip as he continued to thrust upward into his silky heat. Chris' eyes locked with his...the haze of satisfaction easily readable in the soft blue depths. His breath caught in his throat in the next moment as Chris jerked firmly on his hair.

"Come for me, Kevin." Chris' commanding tone allowed no denial.

His grip tightening ruthlessly on Chris' hips, he growled and lunged upward one last time, burying himself deep and filling Chris with his release. As Chris collapsed against him with his head lying on Kevin's shoulder, Kevin hugged him close and tried to slow his own breathing. Neither one had heard Scott or Shawn's shouts as they'd come a second time.

Kevin turned his head slightly, putting his mouth close to Chris' ear. "Thank you, Chris."

Chris, not moving his head in the least, spoke quietly against Kevin's chest. "For what?"

"For accepting all of us so easily after the way we treated you, for letting me have this time with you, but mostly for loving Shawn like you do. I think you're going to do wonders for him."

Chris smiled against Kevin's shoulder before lifting his head to look at him. "Loving Shawn is kind of like breathing...you can't not do it." He was just about to admit to Kevin that he'd wanted what had happened between them just as much as Kevin had when he was interrupted.

"Holy shit!" Four heads snapped towards the doorway and the person walking through it. "Go to make a phone call and it looks like I missed all the fun. Any chance of a repeat performance?" Sean's amused question was met with various groans, snorts, and chuckles. The smile on his face though warmed each and every one of them. Chris turned from his position on Kevin's lap, intending to sit beside him, but Kevin wrapped his arms around Chris' waist and pulled him back into his lap facing forward this time. Chris settled himself into a comfortable position and let Kevin have his way.

Watching Sean cross the room and drop easily into a chair, Shawn smiled at him. "So, how did it go?" He was pretty sure he knew, but he'd also learned it was best not to assume anything.

"It went...really well. In fact, I'm going to meet him at the airport tonight. You won't mind him staying here will you?" Sean looked a bit uncomfortable. He knew Shawn never minded anyone in the family staying there, but Glen wasn't technically a member of the family yet. He also knew that Shawn had planned to spend this time alone with Chris, but he was desperately hoping that Shawn wouldn't mind. He and Glen would most likely be locked up together trying to piece together their broken relationship for most of the time anyway.

"Of course I don't mind Sean. If you love him, then I already consider him family. As long as he doesn't break your heart again, we won't have to break his face." The teasing smile on Shawn's face eased any lingering worries that Sean might have had.

"You know, even though the day started out a little rocky, I'd have to say it's turned out pretty damn well," Scott said with a smile as he gave Shawn a gentle squeeze. "We've had great, no, make that really great sex; Sean's got his heart back; and speaking of really great sex, we've got two really hot encounters to look forward to."

At Scott's reminder, Kevin growled loudly. Chris tensed for a moment, wondering if he was about to be eaten by the big bad wolf growling in his ear. "I cannot believe I let you talk me into that, by the way. Remind me not to underestimate you again."

Chris looked over his shoulder at Kevin's pouting face and smirked. "Like what I did was any worse than what you did. And if you'd stuck to the agreement, I wouldn't have even thought of returning the favor."

"Wait, wait, wait! What else did I miss here?" Sean was looking intensely curious over this mysterious discussion.

"Nothing much. Kevin got Chris to agree to a free-for-all some night in exchange for a bit less teasing, except Kevin didn't quite stick to it. So Chris held him over a barrel and got him to agree to the same thing." Shawn said with a gleeful smile.

"Whoa! Way to go, Tiger. We all get to watch...right?" Scott and Shawn laughed over Sean's eagerness, Kevin pouted, and Chris just blushed.

Part 27

It was getting late. Chris looked at the clock across the living room from where he was snuggled in Shawn's arms on the sofa. After the gamut of emotional events from the morning, Kevin had decided he was hungry yet again. Amidst much teasing by the rest of the group, they had dressed and filed into the kitchen to scavenge for something that might tide the big man over for a few hours at least. Kevin insisted that the emotional ups and downs were responsible for the hole in his stomach...Scott insisted however that Kevin was always hungry after sex, which earned him a scowl and a grumble or two for his observation. Sean was bouncing all over the place at his usual frenetic pace...the guys all attributing it to his excitement over Glen's future visit. That was especially obvious by the grilling he gave Chris over what Glen had said about him when they talked. Chris and Shawn seemed generally happy and totally sickening to the others. They managed to sneak in several dozen affectionate kisses and a dozen or so sappy endearments just so that they could hear Kevin make gagging noises and Scott's "Isn't that sweet" observations.

After lingering over their meal of grilled chicken breast, rice, and steamed vegetables, the five of them had ended up in the living room watching the Rocky Anthology that Shawn had received as a Christmas gift. Kevin had taken the sofa of course with Scott laying in front of him, his arms wrapped tightly around his dark-haired lover. Shawn and Chris cuddled side by side on the loveseat. Sean bounced back and forth between the floor and sitting next to Chris. He was way too anxious for Glen's arrival and had a hard time sitting still which drew many teasing comments from his friends.

"Watch. Glen will be here for all of five minutes before Sean jumps him." Scott laughed while Sean shook his head.

"Nope, you're wrong. They won't even make it into the house without Sean jumping him," Kevin said with a grin.

"The house? Hell, I'm voting for in the car on the way home." Sean perked up a little at Shawn's suggestion.

"You're all wrong. I'm going with the first men's room they come to in the airport."

"Damn, Chris. I'm not that big of a whore." Sean deadpanned.

The rest of them laughed, finding his denial completely hilarious. "Sure you are Sean, but we all love you anyway," Chris returned. "Just make sure you avoid the toilet paper dispenser. Those things can leave wicked bruises." Another round of laughter, although Shawn had raised an eyebrow in his lover's direction. Seemed Chris wasn't quite as innocent as he'd thought, not that it mattered with this bunch. Not one of them could claim anything close to innocent either.

As they finally settled down, Shawn popped in the Rocky DVD. Scott commented about how much Heyman resembled Paulie, both in looks and character, and Chris mentioned how weird it was that they shared the same name. Not one person in the group was a fan of Heyman's and they all tended to avoid the man if possible. Luckily, since the last draft that hadn't been much of a problem.

Their observations turned to a discussion of which of them could have taken down the Italian Stallion. Scott of course insisted that he could have, the Bad Guy didn't play fair after all. Kevin insisted that he could as well, though Scott disagreed.

"He'd be so busy trying to figure out why they call you Big Sexy that he'd never get around to fighting with you," Scott told him with an exaggerated wink.

Sean, Chris, and Shawn all mock gagged at that nauseatingly cute suggestion. Chris and Shawn started arguing over whose finisher would cause the man to go down first. They were debating the merits of 'Sweet Chin Music' versus the 'Walls of Jericho' when Sean put his two cents in.

"I'd be too busy going down on the man to worry about taking him down," he said, wolfish grin firmly in place. Shawn and Chris quickly seconded and thirded that motion.

Apollo's entrance as George Washington drew snickers and grins and they decided that as a joke Shawn should suggest just such an entrance for himself to Vince at their next meeting. If by chance he actually convinced Vince to give it some thought, the rest of them wouldn't be allowed to wear clothes for the duration of their next visit, no matter who might show up. Shawn decided right then that he'd have a huge party if by chance it should occur although he wasn't sure that he wanted 'his' Chris running around naked in front of everyone.

Rocky II turned out to be just as much fun...well except for Kevin. The others reminded him of how he'd gone crazy spending money during his first title reign, including buying Scott matching convertibles in red and black because he couldn't decide which color would better suit his lover. Kevin of course had a rebuttal ready, saying he'd only spent all of his money so that he'd finally have to move into Scott's house with him.

Scott snorted then smiled at Kevin. "Actually they were a bribe so I'd let him in my house at all. I was afraid his ego was getting so big that his head wouldn't fit through the doorway and I'd be stuck with him forever." Kevin pouted spectacularly until Scott leaned over and distracted him with a long passionate kiss.

Chris and Shawn compared Rocky's attempt at reading dummy cards to some of their coworkers. Snitsky, Lita, Goldberg, Torrie, and Simon Dean all immediately came to mind. In the end they voted and Lita was given the 'botch award' for her talent of screwing up any and all promos, commercials, and spots although there were almost as many votes for Goldberg.

Mid-movie Shawn and Chris snuck off to make popcorn and indulge in a vigorous make-out session while waiting. They might have forgotten the movies and their guests altogether if Sean hadn't bounced into the room to see what was taking so long.

"You feeling neglected, Kid?" Shawn asked with a smirk. He was sitting in a chair with Chris perched on his lap, one hand obviously visible under the front of Chris' shirt.

Sean rolled his eyes and then shook his head. "Nah. Kev and Scotty are making out again and I've seen that a million times so I came to watch you two make out instead," he finished with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a smile.

Chris took his turn to roll his eyes and got up to check on the popcorn, shoving Sean into Shawn's lap instead. As he turned back with the popcorn, now separated into two bowls with one in each hand, he made a soft noise of appreciation. He had been right. They were pretty together. Light and dark, tongues entwined, hands exploring lithe bodies...very nice. Pulling apart at the soft sound, Sean looked at him for a moment before flinging himself directly between the bowls of popcorn and wrapping his arms around Chris' neck. A few Kernels bounced out of the bowl on impact and hit the floor as Sean's mouth covered Chris'.

As Sean pulled back, he smiled up at Chris. "Welcome to the family...Tiger."

Chris groaned and then stuck his tongue out at Sean. "There is just something disturbing about you calling me family after a kiss like that. You kiss all of your family that way?" Chris asked with a smirk.

Sean grabbed a piece of popcorn from the bowl as he seemed to consider that question. "Nope. Only the ones whose asses look really hot in tight leather pants." Grinning, he bounced back out of the room as quickly as he'd bounced in.

"Sometimes that boy just worries me."


Chris and Shawn having finally made it back into the room, found Scott and Kev in pretty much the same position as when they'd left, making them both wonder if Kid had been using them as an excuse to crash their party. Chris retaliated by throwing pieces of popcorn at Sean's head at various intervals. Sean shot him dirty looks from the floor for awhile before he finally decided to get back his own. Waiting until Chris was paying more attention to the movie than himself, he flipped onto his back and nudged the bowl in Chris' hand sharply with his foot, upending the contents of the bowl. Unfortunately his aim was off and it ended up all over Shawn instead of Chris. Chris simply smirked when Shawn growled and then set about cleaning the popcorn from Shawn's lap...with his tongue. Sean shook his head and rolled back over to watch the end of the fight between Rocky and Apollo.

In-between the second and third movies, Kevin and Scott snuck off to the bathroom. Shawn couldn't help but laugh and when the duo came back he commented that he thought that only women went to the bathroom in pairs. Kevin and Scott scowled at him for a good five minutes over the implication, but Shawn shrugged it off. Once Hogan hit the screen, the men laughed over the antics of "Thunderlips".

Calling Hogan 'the Ultimate Male' was just too much for Shawn. He laughed and pointed at the screen. "Even back then he barely had any hair."

"Shawn, I hate to break it to you, but the hair's getting a little thin up there for you as well," Sean said with a smirk over his shoulder.

"Hey!" Shawn immediately started pouting.

"Awww. Don't worry Shawn. I'd still do you...even if you do go bald." Chris' grin and choked laugh didn't endear him to Shawn any and Shawn retaliated by dumping what was left of the popcorn on Chris' head. "Hey!"

Kevin and Scott laughed from the other couch until Scott happened to look up at the clock. "Shit. If we don't get out of here we're going to miss our flight."

"I'll drive you two over and then wait for Glen's flight. He should be arriving about an hour after you guys take off," Sean said as he sprang to his feet.

Kevin ran up to get their bags and then the five men congregated in the hall. Good-bye's amongst them were just as interesting as hellos apparently Chris noticed. Instead of being met by an angry Kevin, they said good-bye to an amorous one. Chris was surprised as hell when Nash wrapped him up in a hug and laid a hell of a kiss on him ending with a dip nearly to the floor. As Kevin pulled him back to a standing position, Chris stood there a bit dazed while Shawn laughed over his condition. Scott didn't try to top it, but left Chris a little more dazed with a kiss of his own.

"Welcome to the family, Tiger. We'll be seeing you soon. Have those promises to cash in on after all," Scott said wiggling his brows, which made Chris blush prettily.

After the three had left, Chris and Shawn settled back down to watch the rest of the movie, though their minds weren't really on it. Chris was leaning back against the corner of the couch with Shawn leaning against his chest, his hands stroking slowly through Shawn's hair, his breath heavy against Shawn's ear. They were quiet for the moment, indulging in the peace of having the house to themselves. Shawn had considered dragging Chris off to his room for another round of lovemaking, but for now he was content to just sit and enjoy having him here at his home. They had all night - Sean would likely seclude himself in his room with Glen once they got back from the airport - and Shawn was content to sit and wallow in the feel of Chris' arms wrapped around him.

For Chris, as much as he was enjoying the moment, he couldn't help but feel a little bitter. How many moments like this had they missed? How many times could he have held Shawn like this, spent his week like this, if not for one jealous spiteful man? He shouldn't be dwelling on Hunter, he knew that, but after the lies he'd been told and all the time that he and Shawn had spent separated when they could have been together it was hard not to dwell on it. And it would be hard until Hunter got what he deserved...which was nothing. If Shawn's plan worked, Hunter would be left with nothing...no friends, no 'family', and no championship.

Shawn could tell what Chris was thinking about, his frame tense beneath the weight of Shawn's body. He knew that Chris wouldn't truly be happy until Hunter paid for what he'd done and Shawn blamed him not one bit. While he might mourn the friend he'd once had, Hunter had ceased to be that person for a long time now. Shawn didn't even recognize the person that Hunter had become...so bitter, so obsessive, and so vile in his methods. "Hey," he said quietly, turning his head to look up at the man holding him, "don't worry. I told you he'll get what's coming to him and he will. We've got it in the bag...well almost. The only real wildcard here is Batista."

"I know. I just have this feeling that that one wildcard is going to be an issue. I mean Benoit and Adam will have no problem falling in with this and Orton will be on our side as well after his latest contretemps with Hunter. I don't know about Dave. Hopefully we'll be able to convince him." Chris continued running his fingers through Shawn's hair as he settled back against his chest once more.

"Yeah. Hopefully. I'll talk to Orton and you can talk to Benoit, though I don't know how you two are still friends after that nickname you gave him." Shawn grinned as he thought of some of the nicknames Chris had handed out over the years that had actually stuck. Mr. Roboto was certainly apt, even if Benoit denied it up and down. "I'll try to get to Dave sometime during the taping Monday. If Hunter won't leave his side, then I'll draw him away with some excuse and you can talk to Dave. He seems like a reasonable guy. I want to go with you to talk to Adam if you don't mind. I know he really doesn't like me, but maybe if we explain everything to him then he'll let go of some of the animosity."

"I think once we explain everything, he'll be fine. You know I think he used to idolize you as much as I did. It was only after everything went down between you and I that he changed his mind. He blames you for the night that I...ended up in the hospital." His chin resting on Shawn's shoulder, Chris tilted his head so that his cheek brushed Shawn's. "Maybe I should talk to him first just to make sure he doesn't try to take your head off."

"Nope. No way. I'll brave it. You made up with Kev and the guys and I want to do the same with your friends." Shawn turned his head just enough to brush his lips against Chris' cheek and noticed the reticence in Chris' face. "What aren't you telling me?"

Chris' head snapped up and he looked at Shawn with something akin to awe. "How the hell do you do that?" He smirked, deciding he really didn't need an answer. "Adam...was the one person." Surely Shawn would be able to figure it out without him having to spell it out. Shawn didn't disappoint him.

"But you said it had been over a year since..."

"And it has. It just kind of happened...one of those things. It started around July of 2003 and was over by December of that year. We decided that being friends was more important than anything else. He figured out that I was still in love with you, despite everything, and I didn't think it was fair to him." Still his fingers running through Shawn's hair were like a balm to him, calming his nerves. "It wasn't like a relationship in any real sense and I think he deserves to find that. The only reason I even brought it up was in case it happened to come up during the confrontation. I didn't want you to think I was keeping things from you."

"I know you wouldn't keep things from me, but are you sure that's not part of his problem with me?" Shawn didn't really know Adam, but he could see where losing a lover like Chris just because Chris still had feelings for Shawn might just upset the man...unless it really was just a sex thing like Chris thought it was. Then again if it were something else then Adam had had a year to let the man know and he hadn't...so maybe the animosity was just due to what had happened in the past.

"Of course it's not. Adam and I are best friends and we were lovers, but it was a mutual decision to end that part of it. He knows how I feel about you and once we straighten out the mess with Hunter for him, he'll be happy for us. You'll see."

Shawn really hoped that Chris was right. If not then they would just have to deal with it because no matter what he was not letting Chris go again. Not for any reason.

"So we go talk to them and convince them to see things our way. Like you said...I don't think any of them will have a problem with it except maybe Dave and if we have to work around him then we will. It would just be a lot easier if he were on our si...."

Just then the front door opened and they heard heavy footsteps in the hall. Shawn climbed from the couch, heading towards the door with Chris following him.

"Glen, Shawn is fine with you staying here. I promise. I doubt he'll even notice you're here anyway since he and Chris will be too busy fu...."

"Christ, Sean. You make it sound like that's all we ever do." Shawn said with a smirk.

Sean rolled his eyes and smiled up at Glen. "That is all they ever do."

Glen's almost shy smile caught Shawn off guard.

"So Sean...Exactly how long did it take?" Shawn laughed at Chris' question and apparently Glen had a clue what Chris was talking about if the bright pink shade of his cheeks was anything to go by.

Sean stuck his tongue out at Chris and grabbed Glen's hand, dragging him towards the stairs. "Just for your information you were all wrong. We're being mature and talking first."

It was a nice try...really it was. If not for Glen's booming laugh, Shawn and Chris just might have bought it too.

Part 28

It was unbelievable what a difference just a few short days could make in one's life. That was the thought that Chris woke up with that bright, shiny Thursday morning. Smiling at the relaxed figure lying curled around him in the sinfully comfortable bed, Chris couldn't think of anywhere he'd rather be. If someone had told him three days ago that he'd end up in Shawn's bed at Shawn's house and actually be happy about it, he'd have called them insane.

They had managed to work through all the hard feelings and all the lies and ended up together in the end. That was all that really mattered. He was already considering Shawn a permanent part of his life. He had new friends that he could count on and new lovers to moon over. And didn't that just sound weird? It wasn't really though. This alternative lifestyle he'd immersed himself in seemed to fit him, even if it would take awhile to get used to how free they were with each other. The best part of all though was that he was sharing all of this with Shawn...the man he could now admit to himself that he loved more than anything.

His fingers drifted lightly through silky blond strands of hair as he let his eyes wander around the room, once again noting the pictures on the walls. He was focused on a particularly cute picture of Shawn on a horse. In a white hat, white vest, blue jeans, a pair of white chaps that looked suspiciously like some of his ring gear, and a smile, Shawn looked like a good guy in some goofy western...but it was just so darn cute.

A quiet mumble against his chest had his attention turning back to the man half on top of him. "Morning love."

Another quiet mumble and then one sleepy blue eye peeked up at him. Chris laughed and continued petting Shawn's hair despite the glare he was receiving. A jaw-cracking yawn later and Shawn finally lifted his head to look at his lover. "Are you always this cheerful in the morning? If so, I may just have to kick you."

"Yes," Chris answered, ignoring the threat. "You'll get used to it." Also ignoring the disgruntled look being aimed in his direction, he kissed Shawn's forehead and then eased out of the bed. "I've got the perfect idea for what we can do today too."

Shawn rolled his eyes on the bed and pushed himself up to sit against the pillows. "Sex in every room of the house?"

Chris laughed. "Well yeah, but I meant besides that."


"Hey! It's a compliment to you actually. No one else makes me this horny," Chris said with a grin as he stretched his back.

Shawn rolled his eyes again. "Okay if you say so...so what is this plan of yours if not sex?"

"And you say that I have sex on the brain?" Chris laughed again at the low growl emanating from his lover. "I want you to teach me to ride."

Shawn blinked, raised a hand to scratch the back of his neck, and said almost nonchalantly, "From what you demonstrated with Kev yesterday, I'd say you have riding down pat."

Chris' mouth dropped open and he simply stood there until Shawn started laughing. "Why do I love you again?"

"Beats me, and I can't teach you how to ride a horse, which is what I'm assuming you're talking about."

Maybe Shawn didn't have any horses here, despite the fact that it was a ranch. No, that wasn't right. He'd heard Scott asking Shawn about one of the horses just the night before. He went with his next assumption, which seemed a bit illogical. "You don't know how?"

Shawn snorted and looked at him like he was insane. "Of course I know how. I live on a ranch in Texas. I can't teach you because Canadians cannot learn how to ride. The only thing they're good for is falling off."

For a moment, Chris did a perfect impersonation of a large-mouthed bass, then he grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it in Shawn's face. Peals of laughter were muffled beneath the pillow before Shawn lowered it and smiled at his lover. "You are making that up. You can't just declare a whole country's people incompetent to ride horses."

Shawn raised both hands, seemingly in surrender, but he wasn't finished yet. "Wait...I have proof." Chris looked doubtful but waited to hear Shawn's so-called proof. "Lance...Lance Storm cannot ride a horse. Remember that flat-topped haircut he had? That's because he fell on his head so many times."

Chris picked up the pillow and swatted Shawn with it again. "Lance Storm? You're basing this whole theory around Lance Storm? And I have to say that that haircut actually made Lance look pretty darn hot."

Shawn stuck his tongue out at Chris. "I'm so not going to dignify that with a response and no, it's not just Lance Storm. Benoit can't ride either. How do you think he lost his teeth?"

At that, Chris couldn't help but laugh. "You are so full of it Michaels. Go ahead...who else?"

Shawn had to think for a moment, but then his eyes lit up and Chris knew this one would be a doozy.

"Bret Hart..."

"What?" Chris sat down on the edge of the bed, laughing so hard he was holding his stomach.

"Bret...he fell off so many times he bruised his ass. Since it was my horse, he blamed me. That's the real reason that doesn't like me...it has nothing to do with Montreal." What was even more impressive was that Shawn actually said it with a straight face.


After meeting Sean and Glen in the kitchen and having breakfast, Chris talked Shawn into taking him out to at least see the horses. Shawn finally gave in and saddled up a horse for his insistent lover. Chris ended up on the ground three times, but laughed about it each time. They ended up riding double for a time and Chris actually managed to keep his seat. Shawn finally admitted that he was a better rider than Lance who actually had fallen off a dozen or more times the day that Shawn had tried to teach him how to ride. He even admitted that maybe...just maybe some Canadians could learn how to ride without falling off. Chris dutifully took a swipe at Shawn's head as they made their way back to the house to check with Sean and Glen for their plans for the next day...New Year's Eve.

Glen was just a bit on the embarrassed side when Chris walked into the living room, catching he and Sean right in the middle of a rather vigorous...workout. Chris considered grabbing a seat and staying to watch until Shawn walked in and mentioned the fact that Glen's face was red enough to match a fire engine. They left the two alone and went off to christen the den properly so that they could add it to their list of rooms they'd made love in.

Sean caught up with them later and thanked them for giving Glen a break. Apparently he was okay with the whole idea of the Clique's special relationship, but needed a bit longer to adjust to things than Chris had. Glen, according to Sean, was rather shy when it came to the idea of 'sharing the love', though he did promise that he was working on correcting that tiny problem.

They made plans to stay in for New Year's Eve and watch movies rather than chance being out on the streets with a bunch of drunken idiots. The four men drove into town together with the intentions of getting snacks, supplies for supper, and videos. After a lecture on the difference between movies and porn by Shawn, Glen and Sean were dropped off at the video rental store to find movies, while Shawn and Chris went to the grocery store.


"You aren't actually going to eat all of that junk are you," Chris asked with a grimace as he eyed the assortment of chips, dips, and ice cream flavors that Shawn had managed to accumulate while Chris had been picking out supper fixings. Chris counted at least 5 different types of chips, 3 different kinds of dip, and a total of 6 different flavors of ice cream. "If you do, we'll have to roll you out to the chamber in a wheelbarrow."

"Ha ha ha...smartass. No, most of it's for Kevin. You have to know that they'll be back at the house by Tuesday at the latest, waiting for us to show up and fill them in on how the plan is shaping up. You...you are coming home with me after the show, aren't you?" Shawn looked so worried there for a moment that he was going to say no that it almost broke Chris' heart.

"Of course I am. You'll be lucky if I let you out of my sight long enough to go to the bathroom for the next couple of months. When we talk to Adam on Monday, I'll talk to him about stopping by my house and checking on things for me. Maybe the next week though you could come to Florida with me. If I don't pay my bills, then they'll shut off all the power and crap. The guys can come visit there if you want them to. Depending on what happens at the pay per view, we may need to come up with a new plan."

Shawn was relieved by Chris' assurances and then surprised that Chris was inviting the rest of the Clique, minus Hunter of course, to his home. He supposed that he shouldn't really have been surprised. Chris had seemed to accept his friends whole-heartedly now that the misunderstandings had been cleared up. There was no doubt that he was doubly blessed in his friends and his new lover.

"So what kind of grub did you pick up? You do realize that you're going to end up doing most of the cooking don't you? Unless you want me to have Donna come up and take care of some of it for you? I'd offer my help, but I'm assuming we do actually want to eat the food at some point," Shawn said with a grin. He was the first to admit that his cooking was marginal at best. He had no clue if Glen could cook or not, but Sean was pretty much as hopeless as he was.

"Nah. I think we can handle seafood. It's not that hard to boil stuff so I'll let you do that and I'll make the other stuff."

Shawn looked dubiously at the items in Chris' cart, his eyes widening when one of the boxes moved. "What's in that box?"

Chris raised a brow and smirked as he noticed Shawn's horrified fascination with the box. "It's a live lobster. You've never cooked your own before?"

"No." Shawn tilted his head as if looking at the box at another angle would somehow change the contents. "Why don't we buy dead lobsters. I really don't want to have to kill them and with our luck, Sean will try to make one into a pet. He'll want to keep it in the bathtub or something."

Chris laughed at the rather distressed look on Shawn's face. "Well if he puts it in the bathtub with fresh water, it will kill it anyway and it doesn't taste as good if it's not fresh. We'll just stick them in the refrigerator when we get home and then we'll cook them tomorrow." Chris started pushing his cart down the aisle and Shawn hurried to catch up with him, his eyes returning to the box over and over.

"So you put them in the refrigerator while they're still alive? We don't have to chop their heads off to kill them or something, do we? I've seen what happens when you do that to a chicken and I have to tell you..."

Chris laughing at him again didn't help matters and Shawn was becoming just a tad disgruntled. Was it his fault he couldn't cook? Well...yeah technically he supposed that it was. He could have learned at some point, he just found it easier to have someone else do all the messy stuff. After all, he had to work, and have sex, and spend time with his friends, and have more sex, and....

"No, Shawn. It's nothing like chickens. You just stick them in the boiling water and that's it."

"But that's...that's cruel! You boil them to death?"

"That's usually how it's done. You can drown them if it really bothers you...or you can stab them in the head with a knife, but it's nothing like when you kill chickens."

Now instead of looking outraged, Shawn was staring at him as if he were insane.


"How can you drown a lobster? Don't they live in water?"

Chris sighed and seriously considered giving up the idea of fresh seafood for their little party. "They're salt-water creatures, Shawn. If you put them in tap water, they'll suffocate. Do you want me to put them back?" Chris wasn't at all sure that they would take them back now that they'd been boxed. He wasn't sure what he would do if Shawn said yes. Luckily for him, it wasn't necessary for him to find out.

"No, but I think I'll let you do the dunking," Shawn said as they stood in line for the check out. "Just make sure those things don't get loose in the car or something and I'm so not sitting in the back with them."

Shaking his head, Chris didn't mention that he planned on putting them in the trunk. At least he'd found out something new...life with Shawn would never be boring even if they were doing something 'normal' like grocery shopping.

To be continued...

Milky Way bar

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