My Ninety-nine Shrine
The photos used on this page are from Kristina's Get SMart site'
Yall come back now ya hear?
Here's your to do list:
See my
Read my
Fan Fiction,
Read some
general fiction,
Vote on your
favorite episode,
Vote on your
favorite quote,
Take my
Visit some of the awesome
links I've got
Visit the
Songs page
If anyone knows how to put a sound clip on my Yahoo page Please e-mail me! E-mail Agent 99 (aka me)
The great Mystery is solved
Last updated 3/03/02
See my Greyhounds
Scarecrow and Mrs. King tribute
Visit 99's
Diary (Six entries so far)
Me (and company)
Started December 30th 2001
Visit the Second homepage (grriliketigers < Me!), I had to make! Some of these things will have links on my new page too. The Fan Fiction from this page and General Fiction will be there. And there will be more pictures of me and my dogs and my friends. Not to mention I'm going to mess up some more Max and 99 pictures... ought to be good...