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Maxwell's Salvage: story index and warnings
Disclaimer #1
I don't own these characters or the world they exist in. I'm most certainly not making any money from this endeavor, so please don't try to track me down. If anything on this site offends you, you have my gracious permission to leave.

Disclaimer #2
I've watched the series about three times now, some episodes more than others. But let's face it, my memory for detail is rather faulty, so if any of you hard-core fans out there come across any blatant or ugly errors, I'd be happy to fix them if you'd care to email me (maxwells_salvage@yahoo.com) with corrections. I'll fix things and make corrections myself as I also reserve the right to make changes based on any feedback I may receive or whims I entertain.

Disclaimer #3
I don't have a beta reader in my back pocket I'm sorry to say (though I do have a few people who help me out from time to time), so any typos, errors, or omissions are entirely my fault. I lurk on a few email lists, but post to GW-Fan and 1x2ML almost exclusively, I don't know any Japanese, and I've never written dialog before. Now you're warned.

Disclaimer #4
If you don't know what all the numbers mean, email me and I'll send you a nice page of links that tell you more about them. Also, this is a "love is love" site—I believe in love and romance in all of its many forms. If that bothers you, read the warnings on the fiction before reading the fiction. If you have a problem with two people in a relationship who happen to be the same sex, go read my work on GW Addiction and read only the fics Tyr has labeled as "gen," okay? Yeah, I've got an eclectic mix here—but nothing too graphic at the moment.

Disclaimer #5
I haven't written in anything in years, and this is my first try at any type of fan fiction, so make of it what you will. These characters have been living in my head since May 2001 and I had to do something with them...

If this site isn't to your taste, I have a nice selection of links you can wade through.

If you still haven't left, and want to know a bit more, click on the D.C. Logan button at the table of contents page for some additional notes and background information.

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