["Last Nite" by The Strokes hits the PA system and the crowd go wild as the MaxiTron lights up and the One Last Time logo appears...the faces of MWF wrestlers both past and present appear through the logo and the crowd respond with cheers to every one. The final image is one of the MWF CEO, Edward Walker, smiling and he gets the biggest reaction from the fans.]

JP: Here it is, the final night in the Maximum Wrestling Federations' history, we're back where it all began in Chicago, Illinois, and this is going to be one hell of a show.

Sully: Oh it will be, without a doubt. The MWF is the best place in wrestling and tonight the top stars from throughout its history are returning.

JP: Anarkist...

Sully: ...Thunder Bull...

JP: Tempest...

Sully: ...Troy Knight...

JP: Everyone you could think of will be here tonight, and even Edward Walker himself will be stepping in the squared circle against his nemesis Insane Wayne.

Sully: That's going to be a highlight, a Who's The Boss? match between two great men.

JP: I've just got word we're going backstage...

Sully: ...okay, let's see what is going down.

[The camera cuts backstage and the fans go crazy with anger as the smug face of Ben Harlum, WEW Owner, can be seen. He is sitting behind a desk and he has various sheets of paper in front of him, all of them with the MWF logo on them.]

Harlum: Heh, well, hello there MWF fans.

[The fans jeer loudly as Harlum takes a pen and scribbles on some of the papers with the MWF's logo clearly visible on them.]

Harlum: I decided to let this little show go ahead, after Walker got down on his knees and begged to high heaven for it to take place. Yes, that's right you scum...Walker got down on his knees and begged, like a bitch, he begged me to let there be 'One Last Time' for the MWF. And I couldn't say no could I? How could I refuse the chance to watch you pathetic people one last time? I can sit back, relax, and count the profits. Some of you thought the money from tonight would be going to the MWF, to Walker's pension fund, well you're just plain wrong. It goes to me! And WEW! And my pension fund! Haha! I've foo....

[Harlum is cut off as he's smashed round the back of the head with a table weight, the massive WEW paper weight drops to the floor and the camera swings round to reveal Edward Walker standing over the slumped body of Harlum. The roar from the fans can be heard clearly.]

Walker: I didn't beg, bitch, I'm the CEO of the Maximum Wrestling Federation. Now let's get this damn show on the road...

[Walker slaps Harlum around the back of the head, and walks out of the office slamming the door behind him.]

JP: Whoah! The MWF CEO sure showed Harlum who is boss there.

Sully: Not hard is it, he's a WEW slime ball.

JP: As Walker said, let's get this show started...

[The camera cuts backstage and a door swings open and we see the familiar figure and face of Laura Walker, the daughter of the MWF CEO Edward Walker. She turns the corner and Ian Gonzales jumps forward with a microphone.]

Laura Walker: Ian!

Gonzales: Sorry to interrupt you Laura, but could I get a few words?

[Laura breathes deeply, obviously a little shocked by the squat Mexican appearing out of nowhere. She flicks her blonde hair and smiles.]

Laura: Of course Ian.

Gonzales: Are you here tonight to support your father?

Laura: Of course I am, he's up against Insane Wayne and needs all the love and support as possible. Plus it's the final show of the MWF, and I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Gonzales: How do you feel the show is going so far?

Laura: Really well, it's great to see so many people coming back to support the MWF.

Gonzales: There are rumours you might be taking over the MWF after tonight, are these true?

Laura: Not at all, stop stirring Ian.

Gonzales: I just heard...

Laura: ...I don't care what you heard, that's just not true.

Gonzales: Now, Insane Wayne is taking on your father, will a little part of you be cheering for Wayne?

Laura: Not at all. I won't be cheering either of them.

[A look of confusion crosses Ian Gonzales' rather ugly square head.]

Gonzales: What do you mean?

Laura: I'm going to be refereeing the match, I want to make sure it's a fair fight and the best way to do that is by being right there in the middle of the action.

Gonzales: Wow! I never expected that.

[Laura Walker leaves Ian Gonzales stuttering away as she walks off down the corridor.]

JP: Sully, now that's a turn up for the books!

Sully: It definitely is, I didn't think she'd put herself in that level of danger.

JP: It's good to know she's happy to step into the ring and see to it that it's fair battle.

Sully: She has a heart on both sides I feel, not just her father but also Wayne - the father of her baby.

JP: Well, let's leave the Walker/Wayne conflict for a moment and look forward to our next match.

Sully: Wildfire and Steven Douglas going one on one, both of these men have so much talent, and yet neither have been the MWF World Heavyweight Champion...

JP: ...they really do have exceptional skills in the ring and this is a perfect match to showcase them.

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