About Us


Works In Progress

Residents Of The Reserve


Contact Details

Marshfield Greenwatch Group.

Green For Green's Sake

About Us

We are a ‘not for profit’ community environmental group who are aiming, with the support of Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council & Cheshire County Council to create a small Local Nature Reserve.

The proposed site of the reserve is situated between the A530 and Marshfield Avenue, behind Marshfield Bank Employment Park, in Crewe, Cheshire. The reserve covers 2.4 hectares and is home to many species of birds, mammals, insects, plants, trees and amphibians — a number of which are protected species and include (according to figures from 2002) 20-30 great crested newts, 100 smooth newts and 3000 frogs, these, and the other species, were displaced by building works during construction of the adjacent employment park. The reserve contains at least five distinct & recognisable habitats: including wetland, grassland, scrub, broad leafed woodland and hedges, plus all of their associated microhabitats. Over the coming months, we plan to further defragment the existing habitats, whilst simultaneously enriching species richness & diversity throughout the site.

Although our primary aim is conservation we wish to encourage as much community involvement as possible. We hope the reserve can be used for formal and informal activities such as nature walks (under the guidance of a countryside ranger), health walks, school visits, activity days, academic research, use by community groups and a place where people can just generally come and relax. One of our other aims is to ‘inform and educate’ the public about the value of the site, and to encourage a sense of ownership by local residents, leading to a more open access and appreciation of all that it has to offer.

If you feel you would like to join our group or would like to contribute in any other way, we are always happy to see new volunteers, or, if you would like further information, or just to come and visit the reserve, please contact the secretary.