One of the most frustrating things about Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome is the fact that there is no set treatment and definitely no cure. I believe this is what bothers me most---the helplessness that one feels.

The majority of doctors focus on treating the individual symptoms as they come. For example, many with chronic fatigue are given high doses of ibuprofen (600mg+ four times a day) for joint pain; flexeril, zanaflex or soma for muscle aches. Sleep disturbances are often treated with low doses of tricyclic antidepressants such as Elavil or Pamelor.

Even having the symptoms treated is of little concellation. Because the symptoms wax and wane, one never knows when more treatment will be needed. More times than not, the current flare up will be worse than the last and will possibly require more follow up.

Currently, one drug is nearing the end of the FDA approval process. This drug, Ampligen, is believed to be a hallmark in treating those with CFS. It remains to be seen what will come of this.