MCB IB Biology

Itgs Class

Biology growth as the result of the hardwork of researches
around the world. Biology is not a static subject, students
must have own iniative to explore the world of biology. Do not
set in mind that you're study just for the exam, do not become
an exam oriented student.

This website will help you to survive in the 2 years International
Baccalaureate Programe. Once you go back to home in the weekend
,no need to bring a bundle of biology books to make a revision.
We also provide you with three years IB examination set of questions
that still in PDF form. For the sake of convenience, when you want
to print the notes that been given, we already set the notes in
microsoft words programme. The notes also given in the power point
presentation programme.

Enjoy your study!!(^.^)

Click here

  • Introduction
  • IB Notes
  • PaSt YeaR PaPers
  • Lab Practicals
  • LinKs BiO

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