Divorce laws in the state of georgia

Furthermore, the fact that a parent surrendered custody to the other parent upon separation may be relevant to the issue of willingness to assume parental obligations. divorce laws in the state of georgia Example joint custody agreement. If you are seeking to change the status quo, you should be prepared to give a compelling reason for the change and explain how you would minimize the disruption to your child's life. 4. The Child's Preference. divorce laws in the state of georgia Arkansas custody laws. A child's preference is relevant only to the extent that the child demonstrates sufficient maturity and reasoning to persuade the court to adopt the child's preference. The Family Division judges will not permit a young child to dictate where he or she will live, just as a child cannot dictate whether to attend school or what to eat or when to go to bed. A teenager, however, may have significant influence in a judge's decision. divorce laws in the state of georgia Separation and divorce consequences. We will ask you to predict your child's preference, but we strongly urge you not to attempt to influence your child or inquire about your child's preference. If a custody evaluator is appointed to make a recommendation to the court, the pscyhologist can usually detect whether a parent has attempted to influence the child's preference. This practice reflects poorly on the parent, because it places the child in the center of the parents' conflict. Many judges are suspicious of notes or letters written by young children, because they are often dictated by one of the parents. On the other hand, you may collect homework, pictures or other materials that demonstrate the child's bonding to you. 4. The Parents' Availability and Work Hours. If a parent is otherwise fit, custody will not generally be denied merely because the parent must work full-time to support himself or herself. A parent will not be denied custody where there is adequate provision for child care during the parent's work hours. On the other hand, there may be significant advantages to full-time parenting.

Divorce laws in the state of georgia

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