Michael McCafferty's Politics International

Land of Living Skies

The Honourable
Lorne Calvert
The Premier
Province of Saskatchewan

The Premier of Saskatchewan

Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan

The Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan

Premier Tommy Douglas

The Father of Medicare in Canada

The Honourable Ralph Goodale, PC, MP

Saskatchewan's Minister in the Government of Canada

Saskatchewan Links

  • Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
  • Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
  • Tourism Saskatchewan
  • CBC Saskatchewan
  • My Sask - Your Link to Saskatchewan
  • Virtual Saskatchewan
  • SaskNews.com
  • Saskatchewan Teacher's Federation
  • Saskatoon Star Phoenix

    Saskatchewan Politics

    Regina - Capital City of Saskatchewan

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    The Leader-Post
    Regina Health District
    RCMP Museum
    Saskatchewan Roughriders
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    University of Regina

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    Copyright © 2005
    by Michael McCafferty