Politics International: Michael McCafferty Biography

Michael McCafferty's Politics International

Michael McCafferty

Born at Toronto,Canada in 1951 Michael McCafferty spent his childhood and youth in The Province of New Brunswick where he was educated, and in 1971 made history by becoming the youngest elected public official in the history of that Canadian province.

Michael carries the surname of his great-great-great grandfather Henry McCafferty who came to Canada from Ireland in 1824.

A passion for history and public affairs combined with a love of politics led him to Canada's national capital Ottawa where he served as a personal aide to The Right Honourable John Diefenbaker the great statesman who had been The Prime Minister of Canada - and was affectionately known to countless people as "The Chief".

Learn more about Michael McCafferty's
service as Special Assistant to
John Diefenbaker

Two outstanding books in Canada - "ROGUE TORY: The Life and Times of John Diefenbaker" by Professor Denis Smith and "TRUMPETS AND DRUMS:John Diefenbaker on the Campaign Trail" by Dick Spencer both record Michael's loyalty and dedication to The Chief.

In 2004 the very famous Canadian author Peter C. Newman
wrote the 'BEST SELLING' book
Telling Tales of People Passion and Power"
in which Mr. Newman writes about John Diefenbaker with quotes from Michael McCafferty.

Michael McCafferty's interest in politics and personal commitment to building good relations between Canada and the USA have led to him being designated an Honorary Citizen of both the State of Montana and the State of New Hampshire by Governor Stan Stephens of Montana and Governor Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.

Governor George W. Bush designated Michael an Honorary Citizen of the State of Texas in 1998, and the Erie County Executive of New York recognized Michael McCafferty's 'leadership and commitment' to building good Canada-USA relations by making him an Honorary Citizen.

Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico named Michael McCafferty Honorary Colonel of the State of New Mexico in an official citation issued in 2004.

Over half of Michael's life has been spent in the political arena at a partisan, civic, legislative and staff level. In 1984 he was an International Guest Observer to the Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas.

Among the highlights of his years in politics was being invited to and attending The Inauguration of the President of the United States: President Jimmy Carter in 1977, President Ronald Reagan in 1985 and President George Bush in 1989.

Michael is married,(wife: Helene) the father of two children (Nicholas & Sarah), and the family has a wonderful cat named Cody. The McCafferty Family calls Regina in the great province of Saskatchewan - Canada "home".

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Poor health has side lined Michael to home.

Michael is proud of the fact that he got involved in politics at age 12 and has 40 years of political experience in the the 'political arena'.

The McCafferty family den is loaded with political memorabilia and hundreds of history,political and biography books -- including
many about Michael's hero -- President Abraham Lincoln.




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