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The 2003 MCC St. Louis
Board of Directors are as follows:

Moderator - Toni Smith
Clerk - Mary Lou Suter
Treasurer - Ron Jagels
Member-at-Large - Linda Odom
Member-at-Large - Mike Dunning
Member-at-Large - Keith Thompson

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Following will be summary of Board business, listed by month:

DATE: September 9, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike D., Ron J., Linda O., Mary Lou S., Keith T.


OTHERS PRESENT: Rev. Kirk F., Don A., Ember B., Keith D., Mike R., Travis R., Mel S., Lora W.

I. Quorum was established and the meeting called to order at 7:00pm.

II. Rev. Kirk opened with a devotional and prayer.

III. Minutes from the August meeting were reviewed and approved.

IV. The agenda was reviewed and two items were added.


A. Guests

No agenda items presented at this meeting.

B. Treasurer’s Report – Ron Ron explained the August 2003 ministry funding plan numbers. Discussion continued around how fixed and variable ministries are funded. There was some confusion around the golf tournament pledge program and Ron will speak with Sandy to find out how that was supposed to work.

C. Membership – Mary Lou

Current membership count is 362. The average attendance through August, 2003 was 289. The non-participating list of members was reviewed and a letter will be sent to those individuals by Rev. Sue.

D. Interim Senior Pastor Report - Rev. Kirk Rev. Kirk reported that his hours have calmed down some and at this time he is not working 50hrs a week. September 23rd through October 7th he will be out of the Country. On September 28th, Rev. Bev S. will be preaching in his absence, and on October 5th, Rev. Bob G. will be preaching. The 30th Anniversary shirts are selling well. October is GLBT history month and that will be recognized on Sundays through October in different ways. Rev. Bob, Rev. Sue and Rev. Dale are working on an outreach program to the community. Thank you to Jerry S. for his hard work and dedication to the ministry of MCCGSL. VI. UNFINISHED/CONTINUING BUSINESS

A. Sept. 21st Informational Forum

We will be using power point, video and an in focus machine during the presentation.

B. Emergency Contact Numbers

Rev. Dale, Director of Pastoral Care, has been identified as the person who will be taking call for after hours church related emergencies. Discussion centered around how best to contact Rev. Dale during non-business hours. Pam is to explore the options and present those options to the Board.

C. Staff Retreat There will be a staff retreat on September 19th at Rev. Kirk’s house.

D. Process for Electing Lay Delegates

Electing lay delegate changes will have to go into the SOPP’s. Example: Starting a nominations committee to review applications to make sure applicants meet requirements. Mike D. will have a new form ready for board review at the October Board meeting.

E. Rite of Membership

Discussion centered around the rite of membership and how it is worded in MCCGSL’s bylaws. Rev. Kirk believes that the rite of membership is a whole process, a series of events. The UFMCC bylaws will be reviewed with regards to the rite of membership.


A. Halloween Ball

The Board was asked by Rev. Dale for $300 to underwrite the 2003 MCCGSL Halloween Ball. The event was discussed and agreed that this needs to remain a free event for the congregation and that the focus of this event needs to be on families. It was agreed that calling it a “party” instead of a “ball” represented families better. Motion made by Linda O., seconded by Keith T., and all in favor – carried. Motion 03-15: The Board will underwrite the 2003 Halloween party for $300.00 and would like the focus to be on families.

B. Computers in the Office

Rev. Kirk presented a quote to the Board from Pam with regards to five new Dell computers for the S. Grand office. The board discussed the quote and options, possibly having a laptop computer for the Senior Pastor. We will check our insurance coverage to make sure that the new computers are adequately covered. A motion was made by Keith T., seconded by Mike D. and all in favor – carried.

Motion 03-16: The Board approves taking $5,000 from the $25,000 in multi media monies to purchase new computers with Dale S. and staff having authority to purchase computers.

C. Lease

Reviewed the lease agreement presented by St. John’s. A motion was made by Mike D., seconded by Ron J., and all in favor – carried. Motion 03-17: Agree to sign St. John’s lease, accept it as written and pay back to June, 2003. (Toni S. to sign the lease.) VIII CLOSING COMMENTS

A letter was received from Rev. Elder Armando Sanchez regarding health benefits. UFMCC is feasibly checking into becoming self insured.

Also Mike J. who played piano for MCCGSL for a number of years passed away this morning.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm with prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lora A. Whitten

Ministry Support Specialist

August 12, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike D., Linda O., Toni S., Mary Lou S., Keith T.


OTHERS PRESENT: Dale C., Rev. Kirk F., Pam K., Ember B., Mel S., Bonnie L., David T., Don E., Tim C., Cheryl S., Rev. Wally S., Ralph

I. Quorum was established and the meeting called to order at 7:00pm.

a) Rev. Kirk read the book “Love You Forever”.

II. Rev. Kirk opened the meeting with prayer.


A. Guests – Rev. Wally S. from St. John’s first wanted to thank MCC for their assistance several months back with a group of protestors on Sunday morning. It was also expressed that Rev. Wally and St. John’s appreciated the participation and show of support by MCC in their Anniversary Celebration and the funeral of Bill T.

1. Rev. Wally and Ralph gave a presentation of the outside lighting project at St. John’s. Their request for assistance has gone out to their congregation, neighbors, and the tenants of St. John’s and the approximate cost of the project is $16,000. They have received a grant from Ameren and their time frame on the project is by early November. Toni S. inquired as to the variance of the cost and assistance from the city. It was agreed that this project be given consideration by MCC and that SJ apply for the Golf Tithe.

B. Treasurer’s Report – Ron J. was absent from the meeting but had prepared the Ministry Funding plan with a memo attached for explanation. There was an inquiry about memorials given to MCC in the memory of Myrl C.

C. Membership Report – Mary Lou S. gave an update count of membership, 362 total memberships with 313 active members. It was discussed that there needs to be a review of membership inactivity of tithe and attendance after six months. Mary Lou thanks Lora for her assistance.

1. Membership Rite Proposal – Mel S. brought up questions in regard to membership rite and it was decided that this would be discussed within staff before any changes are made.

D. Lay Delegate Report

1. Cheryl S. provided a written report for reference and highlighted the available websites, literature, and organizations available. It is acknowledged that Cheryl was appointed to a Region 2 team and Elaine L. was appointed to the Communications Team in Region 2.

2. Dale C. provided a written report and expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to attend conference and the Intensives that followed. He looks forward to bringing new things to MCC.

3. Richard M. provided a written report and was unable to attend.

4. Sue Y. provided a written report to follow up on her verbal report from last month.

E. Staff Reports – Pam K. briefly discussed the research for placing ads in the bulletin and/or LIFE Link with the Communications Team. There will no action taken on the ads at this time.

F. Pastor’s Report – Rev. Kirk F. thanked the BOD for the opportunity to take time off and the demands on his time have increased to approximately 50 hours in the previous week. Mike D. brought up concerns of Kirk doing work that is “above & beyond” his original requests. It was determined that Rev. Kirk is doing the tasks equivalent to a full-time Senior Pastor and that management has been needed. Rev. Kirk expressed that by fall MCC should be acting as a large program church with community outreach.

(1) Several individuals inquired and voiced concerns to the announcement of the staff taking an hour for lunch. It was decided that Rev. Kirk would monitor the lunch situation and make any changes that he feels are necessary. There was discussion around 24-hour availability of clergy and Rev. Kirk, along with staff, will determine emergency contacts. Action Item: Rev. Kirk will report at September BOD meeting on the 24-hour coverage and plan of action.

(2) The staff will need to provide an accurate account of their job duties in the form of a report for the September Forum. Rev. Kirk explained the new board binders that include a copy of previous minutes, SOPP’s and financials. The NPR interview Rev. Kirk participated in will air Thursday or Friday between 7:00 am and 8:00 am.

IV. Unfinished/Continuing Business

A. Nominations Panel for Board of Directors election.

B. Lay Delegate nominations will require a bio submitted for February Forum.

C. Informational Forum scheduled for September 28th, 2003 was briefly discussed.

D. 30th Anniversary – Mike D. expressed concerns around conflicting reports given out on event. David T. gave a brief update and report.

V. New Business

A. Proposal from congregant to sell flowers at MCC was discussed. Pam K. will contact individual with decision.

VI. Close General Meeting

A. The general meeting was closed by a motion by Mike D. and a second by Mary Lou S. at 8:27 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela L. Koenig
Director of Ministry Operations

July 5, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike D., Ron J., Toni S., Keith T., Mary Lou S.


OTHERS PRESENT: Don E., Rev. Kirk F., Bernestine H., Pam K., Bonnie L., Jackie Mc., Rev. Sue Y., Nancy D., Judy B., Mel S.

I. Quorum was established and the meeting called to order at 7:00pm.

Toni read the MCCGSL mission statement, “To Manifest, Communicate and Celebrate God’s Surpassing Love” and talked about the meaning of the statement – that we are to live out, share and find joy in the love of God. Also read were 2 Cor 4-7 and concluding with an exert from “Coffee Break with God” in relation to making good moral choices with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

II. Rev. Kirk opened the meeting with prayer.

III. The June board meeting minutes were accepted with the following corrections:

a. Policy/Procedures Business A. Regional (was misspelled).

b. Policy/Procedures Business A. Regional Conference D, Rev. Dale C. The board approved extending expenses for Dale’s hotel and meals through the period of his Intensives, immediately following the Conference, to allow him to earn his UFMCC Credentials.

IV. In considering the agenda, the unsigned letter from a congregant in reference to Father’s Day was briefly discussed.


A. Treasurer’s Report – Ron

Net income for the month was $3,667.56. For the month, Income exceeded expenses by $3,600 due to increased conference expenses, which are being finalized.

We once again did not move monies into the Building Fund account this month.

Golf Tournament has taken in approximately $8,465 with expenses around $2,500 and looks on track.

The possibility of placing ads in the bulletin were discussed again and decided that the bulletin was not the place for that and Pam K. would discuss this and other options with the Communications Team.

The need for an educational component for the congregation on the income/expenses for our current situation was discussed. Using the Congregational Forum and other means were considered.

It was decided to place a memo in the bulletin to update the congregation on our offices current plumbing and A/C situations.

B. Membership – Mary Lou

There is nothing new to report at this time.

C. Interim Pastor Report - Rev. Kirk

Rev. Kirk reported that he would plan his schedule through October for his term and PST.

He discussed that incorrect information was possible in regard to the 30th Anniversary Team and the event planned in October.

He encouraged everyone to reach out to those you know who haven’t been attending and let them know they are missed and there is a lot going on. Personal invitation is always best!

D. Dallas Conference

Bonnie L. presented her report and was very impressed and blessed by the conference. She thanked the Board for the opportunity to attend and encouraged everyone to attend the upcoming conferences.

Rev Sue Y. updated everyone on the workshop led by herself and Rev. Dale C. and indicated that they received great reviews and were asked to lead another workshop in the near future. She also informed the board that compared to other MCC churches, we are a financially sound congregation.

Toni challenged everyone that attended the conference to bring at least one key element they learned back to MCCGSL.


A. Toni informed everyone that in the August board meeting they would need to establish the Nominations Panel for the upcoming board elections. The panel will be made up from Council of Ministries, Staff, Board Moderator, and a Board Member.

B. Nancy D. inquired about the use of photos of congregants. It was established that written permission from any individual is required to reproduce/publish any photos.

C. Mike D. commented on The Pride Team and the wonderful work they do. Review of Pastoral support at the booth was discussed. He also inquired about the final Congregational Meeting Minutes and it was determined that a completed copy would be submitted ASAP.

D. Mel S. questioned the requirements of membership and whether the Rite of Membership was required to be made up at a later date. She also inquired about clergy performing Holy Unions and if they have to be sanctioned by UFMCC.


A. Basement and Air Conditioning Repair - Pam Discussion centered on the need to replace the old and broken air conditioner in the S. Grand offices (it has been out for 1 ½ weeks). A motion was made to replace the old unit with a budget of $1,500.00. Motion made by: Mike D. Seconded by: Ron J. All in favor, motion carried. MOTION: 03-12

An update was given on the plumbing repair in the basement of S. Grand. It is suggested that the remaining pipe in the basement be removed and replaced due to the fact that those pipes are in extremely bad condition. A bid of $3,000.00 was given by Curt Meyer Plumbing to complete the remaining portion of the basement. Mary Lou S. suggests that we receive a “guarantee of work” from Curt Meyer Plumbing. The monies can be transferred from the short terms fund. Motion made by: Keith T. Seconded by: Mike D. All in favor, motion carried. MOTION: 03-13


At this time there was a prayer request for Sylvia and Susan.

The general meeting was closed with prayer at 9:43pm.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board did meet for executive session.

MOTIONS: 03 – 12, 03 – 13

Respectfully Submitted,

Pamela L. Koenig
Director of Ministry Operations

DATE: June 10, 2003

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike D., Mike H., Ron J., Toni S., Mary Lou S.


OTHERS PRESENT: Don E., Rev. Dale C., Rev. Kirk F., Bernastine H., Pam K., Bonnie L., Elaine L., Jackie Mc., Mike R., Cheryl S., Rev. Sue Y., Lora W.

I. Quorum was established and the meeting called to order at 7:00pm.

II. Mary Lou opened with readings from the books of Psalms & Proverbs.

Bonnie opened the meeting with prayer. III. Minutes from the May meeting were reviewed and approved.

IV. The agenda was reviewed and items were added. It was agreed that individuals would have 2 minutes for conversation and Rev. Dale would be the timekeeper.


A. Treasurer’s Report – Ron

Net income loss for the month was $5,236.24. We once again did not move monies into the Building Fund account this month. In the month of May the average weekly general fund contribution was $5,447.38 and this is the smallest average to date this year. Our Southwest bank account has just over $20,000. It was noted that “Conferences” is a big line item and that we will look into the “Promised Light” line item and verify if the band still exists.

B. Membership – Mary Lou There is nothing new to report at this time.

C. Interim Pastor Report - Rev. Kirk Rev. Kirk reported that he has been working 30+ hours for MCCGSL and he does not expect that to change. He advised the Board that they and the Stewardship Team need to educate the congregation regarding stewardship. He feels that MCCGSL is holding onto a “small church” mindset and with the large church growth in a short amount of time MCCGSL has moved into a “program church” and that the congregation needs to be challenged to move through the culture shift from “small church” thought into the “program church” mindset.

D. Reporting - Pam Copies of the updated Bylaws and SOPP’s have been made and two copies will be placed in the church library for congregational use. Just a reminder that the LESS dinner is coming up soon. The Board of Directors and officers insurance package was received from Philadelphia Insurance Co., the premium was less than we thought and the document needs a signature from the Board. Copies of the summer worship schedule have been made and distributed. The airline ticket for Felicia Scott has been researched and according to American Airlines the ticket cannot be transferred to another person and the monies will not be refunded.

E. 30th Anniversary Team - Don There are now eight people attending these meetings. The team has planned that on July 26th there will be a work day at “Food Outreach.” Also in October there will be an event called “Diamond and Pearl Gayla.” The cost of the tickets has not yet been determined. The team has also decided to sell polo shirts at church to help raise monies to cover the costs of this team’s ministry. A lot of discussion centered around what logo would be used on the front of the shirts. An initial motion was made by Ron and that motion did not carry. A second motion was made by Mike D. and that motion was amended. The amended motion recommends that the MCCGSL 30th Anniversary team go ahead with selling shirts to cover their expenses and to allow the team to make the decision on the logo and colors. Motion made by: Ron Seconded by: Mike H. Three members voted yes, two voted no and one was absent. Therefore the motion carries. MOTION: 03 - 10

F. Report - Jackie Discussion centered around an individual who approached a member of the CHEFF’s team and asked about selling shirts at MCCGSL and donating the money raised to the CHEFF’s team. The board advised that the individual could make a monitary donation to the CHEFF’s team, but not through selling shirts at the church. Jackie and Mike did some research on the price of CHEFF’s supplies and Jackie spoke with the board about their findings and concerns.


A. Reginal Conference – Cheryl & Bonnie Cheryl and Bonnie spoke about the upcoming regional conference in Dallas and about the blessings they received from Rev. Elder Sanchez during his visit to MCCGSL. Cheryl created a newsletter regarding lay delegate information and general MCC information. It was decided that her newsletter would be displayed on the information tables at church. Further discussion addressed sending Bonnie to the conference as the alternate delegate. It was also decided that there would be a congregational Q & A on June 22nd after the 11:30 worship service to address any concerns or questions the congregation has for the general conference. A motion was made to elect Bonnie to go to the general conference in Dallas as our alternate lay delegate. Motion made by: Mike D. Seconded by: Ron All in favor, motion carried. MOTION: 03 – 11

Ron also added that the church does give a per diem to lay delegates going to conference. It was agreed upon by the board that the lay delegates would be given a per diem amount of $50.00 a day.

B. SOPP’s & E-Mail – Mike D. The board discussed SOPP’s around Board e-mails and their importance for communication. Further discussion related to the Board and their use of “Executive Session” time and regulations regarding the same.

C. Report – Mike H. Mike spoke about religious education groups and MCCGSL. Mike feels that our circle groups are very important. He also senses that the congregation would love to develop some type of Bible study circle group. Mike thanked the Board members for their support of him as a board member and a friend.


A. Communications Team Letter - Lora Discussion centered around the letter for the congregation created by the Communications Team. Costs and options were reviewed and it was agreed that the letter will be sent out through e-mail, posted on the MCCGSL web site and black/white copies placed on the information tables at church.


The board members wanted to publicly acknowledge and thank Mike H. for his many years of service, spirituality and friendship. At this time there was a moment for prayer requests.

The general meeting was closed with prayer at 9:45pm.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Board did meet for executive session.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lora A. Whitten
Ministry Support Specialist

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