Headquarters Mecosta County MI 9th Brigade 5th Division
The purpose of the unorganized militia is to protect life, liberty, community, local, state, national infrastructure & to assist the lawful authorities of the state & nation in time of crisis.

Headquarters Mecosta County Michigan 9th Brigade 5th Division is responsible for the organizing, training & supervision of the brigade.
It is comprised of command/administration, intelligence/communications, training/operations, & supply/transportation.
Headquarters Mecosta County Michigan 9th Brigade 5th Division is also tasked with coordinating training & the actions of our units within the 9th Brigade with those of the other Brigade Headquarters within MILITIA 5th Division MI. Decision for our Brigade units to operate out of the MILITIA 5th Division MI counties is made by the 5th Division
Commander and staff.

All of Michigan`s 83 counties are identified as a Brigade regardless of size with tactical organization varying in each MILITIA Brigade.
Brigade means "A tactical unit & administrative unit composed of a headquarters with supporting units."
Each of the 83 MILITIA Brigades in Michigan is commanded by a Major -
Lt Colonel in the MILITIA rank system. The 83 MILITIA Brigades are organized into 9 MILITIA Divisions each MILITIA Division is commanded by a Colonel in the MILITIA rank system.
Michigan`s 83 MILITIA Brigades
9 MILITIA Divisions also known as the MILITIA Corps are commanded by a State Command.

MILITIA Mecosta County MI
9th Brigade 5th Division consists of a Brigade Headquarters Section, Support Sections, Sniper School, Sniper Section & Rifle Company.
Our units are given the maximum freedom to train & conduct actions within Mecosta County MI & to coordinate with members of the surrounding counties within the 5th Division. It is expected member(s) team(s) keep their training & actions within their brigade boundaries based on county lines. Teams coordinate with the next closest unit to maintain their respected areas of operation. Reporting those contacts back to their next higher team leader for coordination within the Brigade.

MILITIA Mecosta County MI
9th Brigade 5th Division is compromised of able bodied citizens 18 - 60 years of age from Mecosta County MI.
All members are required to purchase & maintain their own rifles, ammo, uniforms & equipment. Member(s) attend one 4 hour meeting & one 24 hour meeting a month at Level 1 & 2   

If you are interested in joining or have a question e-mail militia5thdivisionmichigan@yahoo.com mecostacountymichigan@yahoo.com

Weekly Chatroom Wed 7-8 PM EST http://tv.earthcam.com
Channel 576442

This is NOT an official website nor is it endorsed or maintained by the US GOV, State of MI, or local government(s) in MI.
Small Unit Training is conducted year around. Training subjects this winter include preparing for cold weather/northern winter opeations, principles of layering clothing staying dry, practice of winter travel techniques, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, use of snowmobiles & ATV`s, scouting, patrolling, use of 4 season tents, improvised shelter construction, fire starting, water resupply purification, outdoor cooking, ice fishing, sanitation, base camp operations, security & team tactics. Emphasis is placed on use of 4 season tents & construction of improvised shelters to help conceal, protect the teams from observation & the elements.
Unit links
Rifle Company 9th Brigade 5th Division Mecosta County MI
Sniper Section 9th Brigade 5th Division Mecosta County MI
Sniper School  9th Brigade 5th Division Mecosta County MI
MILITIA Divisions & Brigades MI
militia5thdivisionmichigan@yahoo.com mecostacountymichigan@yahoo.com