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Deep venous thrombosis


Deep venous thrombosis is a condition where there is a blood clot in a deep vein (a vein that accompanies an artery).

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) affects mainly the veins in the lower leg and the thigh. It involves the formation of a clot (thrombus ) in the larger veins of the area. This clot may interfere with circulation, and it may break off and travel through the blood stream (embolize). A resulting embolus can lodge in the brain, lungs, heart, or other area, causing severe damage to that organ.

Risks include prolonged sitting, bedrest, or immobilization (such as on long plane or car trips), recent surgery or trauma (especially hip, knee or gynecological surgery), fractures, childbirth within the last 6 months and the use of medications such as estrogen and birth control pills.

Risks also include a history of polycythemia vera, malignant (cancerous) tumor, and inherited or acquired hypercoagulability (a condition where the blood is more likely to clot).

Deep venous thrombosis is most common in adults over age 60 but can occur in any age group.


  • leg pain in one leg only
  • leg tenderness in one leg only
  • swelling (edema) of only one leg
  • increased warmth of one leg
  • changes in skin color of one leg, redness

Signs and tests

An examination may reveal a red, swollen, or tender leg.

The presence of deep venous thrombosis may be seen on:

Many of the inherited and acquired causes of hypercoagulability (clotting tendency) can be detected by blood tests:


Treatment of DVT is intended to prevent the development of a pulmonary embolus and to prevent another DVT.

For years, the standard treatment has been an anticoagulant medication called heparin, which was given through the vein. This results in very quick anticoagulation and treatment of the clot. Along with heparin an oral medication called warfarin is given.

Warfarin usually takes several days to become fully effective, so heparin is continued until the warfarin has been fully effective for at least 24 hours. The warfarin is usually continued for about 6 months. In almost all circumstances, warfarin is started only after heparin has been started.

Because heparin is given as a continuous intravenous (I.V.) infusion, it requires hospitalization. However, newer forms of heparin, known as low molecular-weight heparin (usually a drug called enoxaparin) can be used in some circumstances. This heparin can be given by injection once or twice a day and thus can shorten or eliminate the need for hospitalization.

Warfarin causes an increase in the time it takes blood to clot (known as the PT). The PT is monitored to determine if the blood is sufficiently anticoagulated. A measurement known as the INR standardizes PT measurements between labs. For most patients warfarin is adjusted to keep the INR between 2 and 3.

Expectations (prognosis)

Most DVT's disappear without difficulty, however there is a risk of recurrence. Some patients may develop some chronic pain and swelling in the leg known as post phlebitic syndrome. Pulmonary embolus is uncommon when DVT's are treated properly but can occur and can be life threatening.


Calling your health care provider

Call your health care provider if symptoms suggestive of DVT occur.

Go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number (such as 911) if chest pain, difficulty breathing, fainting, loss of consciousness, or other severe symptoms occur in a person with a DVT.


Anticoagulants may be prescribed as a preventive measure for high risk people or people undergoing high risk surgical procedures. Minimize immobility of the legs (ambulate frequently during long plane trips, car trips, etc).


Deep venous thrombosis, ileofemoral
Deep venous thrombosis, ileofemoral
Deep veins
Deep veins
Venous blood clot
Venous blood clot
Deep veins
Deep veins

Page Content:

DVT; Blood clot in the legs ; blood clot in leg; symptom of blood clot in leg; blood clot leg; leg blood clot symptom; blood clot leg pain; sign of blood clot in leg; blood clot symptom in lower leg; picture of a blood clot in the leg; sign and symptom of a blood clot in leg; dvt; dvt symptom; dvt treatment; dvt prophylaxis; dvt sign; dvt prevention; sign and symptom of dvt; blood clots dvt; dvt camera; thrombosis deep vein dvt; dvt sensor; cause of dvt; dvt animation; dvt and pregnancy; dvt vision; prevent dvt; dvt test; dvt symptom treatment; dvt risk assessment; dvt pe; dvt blood test; upper extremity dvt; dvt picture; dvt in pregnancy; exercise and dvt; dvt vision system; team dvt; dvt and lovenox; dvt 505; dvt sock; dvt risk assessment tool; blood clot dvt; dvt; dvt blood; dvt risk factor; dvt arm; dvt information; dvt medication; dvt aspirin; bloom david dvt; complication of dvt; dvt therapy; flying dvt