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Chest x-ray


A chest x-ray is an x-ray of the chest, lungs, heart, large arteries, ribs, and diaphragm.

How the test is performed

The test is performed in a hospital radiology department or in the health care provider's office by an x-ray technician. Two views are usually taken: one in which the x-rays pass through the chest from the back (posterior-anterior view), and one in which the x-rays pass through the chest from one side to the other (lateral view). You stand in front of the machine and must hold your breath when the x-ray is taken.

How to prepare for the test

Inform the health care provider if you are pregnant. Chest x-rays are generally avoided during the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy (a trimester is a period of 3 months). You must wear a hospital gown and remove all jewelry.

How the test will feel

There is no discomfort. The film plate may feel cold.

Why the test is performed

A chest x-ray may be ordered when an person's symptoms include a persistent cough, coughing up blood, chest pain, a chest injury, or difficulty in breathing. The test is also used when tuberculosis, lung cancer, or other chest or lung disease is suspected.

A serial chest x-ray (repeated or sequential) may be used to evaluate changes (for example, an increase in the size of an abnormality) found on a previos chest x-ray.

What abnormal results mean

In the lungs:

In the heart:

  • Size and shape of the heart determined
  • Position and shape of the large arteries

In the bones:

Additional conditions under which the test may be performed:

What the risks are

There is low radiation exposure. X-rays are monitored and regulated to provide the minimum amount of radiation exposure needed to produce the image. Most experts feel that the risk is very low compared with the benefits. Pregnant women and children are more sensitive to the risks of the x-ray.


Aortic rupture, chest X-ray
Aortic rupture, chest X-ray
Lung cancer, frontal chest X-ray
Lung cancer, frontal chest X-ray
Adenocarcinoma - chest X-ray
Adenocarcinoma - chest X-ray
Coal worker's lungs - chest X-ray
Coal worker's lungs - chest X-ray
Coccidioidomycosis - chest X-ray
Coccidioidomycosis - chest X-ray
Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II
Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II
Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II #2
Coal workers pneumoconiosis - stage II #2
Coal workers pneumoconiosis, complicated
Coal workers pneumoconiosis, complicated
Coal workers pneumoconiosis, complicated #2
Coal workers pneumoconiosis, complicated #2
Tuberculosis, advanced - chest X-rays
Tuberculosis, advanced - chest X-rays
Pulmonary nodule - front view chest X-ray
Pulmonary nodule - front view chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage II - chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage II - chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage IV - chest X-ray
Sarcoid, stage IV - chest X-ray
Pulmonary mass - side view chest X-ray
Pulmonary mass - side view chest X-ray
Bronchial cancer - chest X-ray
Bronchial cancer - chest X-ray
Lung nodule, right middle lobe - chest X-ray
Lung nodule, right middle lobe - chest X-ray
Lung mass, right upper lung - chest X-ray
Lung mass, right upper lung - chest X-ray
Lung nodule - front view chest X-ray
Lung nodule - front view chest X-ray

Page Content:

Chest radiography; Serial chest x-ray; X-ray - chest ; chest radiography; chest ray x; chest normal ray x; chest picture ray x; chest pneumonia ray x; abnormal chest ray x; chest interpretation ray x; chest ray reading x; chest pediatric ray x; chest ray read x; chest image ray x; chest ray tb x; chest ray result x; chest portable ray x; chest ray spot x; chest ray tuberculosis x; chest ray view x; chest cost ray x; chest normal picture ray x; cancer chest ray x; cancer chest lung ray x; chest pneumothorax ray x; abnormality chest ray x; asthma chest ray x; chest emphysema ray x; atlas chest ray x; chest film ray x; chest interpreting ray x; aorta chest ray x; chest ray shadow x