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A Loving Memory

My loving husband and always my best friend, Bill.  It's been two years since you went away.  You were taken from my sight; but you can never be taken from my heart.  I think about you everyday.  I can still see your gorgeous eyes sparkle like stars in the sky.  I still hear that one of a kind laugh.  You will always be the biggest part of my life, now and forever.  Two years have passed and your little girl Megan is growing so fast, almost time for her to go to school.  I only wish you were here for that big day in her life.  She misses her daddy so much, we look at pictures all the time.  I want to thank you for giving me such a precious, beautiful  daughter.  Our son is doing well, he has a message for you, Dad I love you and I miss you.  Bill you are a very special person to us all.  Life isn't the same without you in it.  My mom and dad always say there will never be another Bill and they are so right.  We will all be together again one day, but until that day comes I want you to know how much I love you.  All your friends want to say hi but your one true friend Scotty Dog says hey Bill what's up.  I will be remembering you everyday until we are together again I love you.  Megan sends hugs and kisses and lots of love to daddy.  Loving you always,   Your wife,   Tammy

" One of Life's Greatest Gifts "

 These words were written by the founder of the M.B.F. : Scott Lynch 

One November day an old friend called on me.  To give him a ride, and his new baby I  would see.  When I first walked through the door, it was hour #3.  "They said she's an angel", but this I didn't see.  Like a new born teddy bear, that's what she was to me. These words came from her, Daddy as he approached his final sleep ; " Please when I'm gone, take care of her for me ".  Well now that he's gone, it's my Megan Bear, that I'm dedicated to, to love and to care.  I can't give her a simple answer, she just knows that I'm here.  " One of life's greatest gifts, is My Megan Bear "

She's done past kindergarten,  moved right on through first grade.  At her birthday party, her family, they all came. Even that special someone, who's memory still remains.  It was like someone changed the weather, it's not even going to rain.  As she rode away, on her brand new bike, now I know it's up to me to help guide her through life.

"One of life's greatest gifts, is My Megan Bear."


My star in the sky, five long years have passed, five years of thinking of you and wishing you were still here.  Everyday that passes I wonder why you were taken from us.  I know that no one will ever have an answer for me, all I can do is tell myself that god needed you, you were the one he chose for the job and that's why you had to leave.  I know you look down from above, I feel it everyday, you are our Angel.  

Our little girl Megan knows her daddy is the brightest star in the sky, she looks up and says, there's my daddy.  The one that shines the brightest has your name on it, and she knows it's you.  She misses you so much and now that she's seven years old she's starting to ask more question's about you.  We look at your pictures allot and I know that makes her feel better.  Her uncle Scott tells her a lot about you.  When you chose him to be the one to watch over her, you chose the right person, he loves her so much and he is very good to her.  He's always there in whatever she's doing, so thank you for asking such a good person and friend to help with things concerning our daughter.  

Five years ago on February 23,I heard too many times different people would say that only time can ease the pain of loosing someone you love, time has passed, I feel no different.  I find myself crying so much more as years go by. Bill you are my best friend, my one true love.  We were so perfect together.  I'll always love you, always know that in your heart. Please rest now my Angel I will be thinking of you now and always. 

 Love as always,

 Your wife Tammy, and kids Ben and Megan :-)




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