My Own HP Scribblings

So yes. Here it is. Some of my sketchings and such that are Harry Potter themed. A Warning: not everything is quite canon...>_>...*coughs*. I like to have fun, and some of the pictures are purely that (see Draco and Snape and Lily for full explanations). I hope to add more as I get the chance. Mainly these were the ones that were mostly colored or that I just felt like ripping out of the sketchbook and tossing in the scanner. Speaking of the scanner, the pics are a bit smaller than I would have liked, so all of the words and such will not be seen clearly. Sorry about that, but you get the general idea of the pictures. Um, use your browser's back button to get back to the page o' pics, because I'm really lazy and forgot to put in a link back on most of them anyways. Oh, and newer stuff is at the top of the lists. I hope you like the pictures. ^_^

Oh yeah, and there might be spoilers. If you haven't read all SIX of the current books, don't read my commentary. Okay? Okay. :P

Lily and Severus
Father and Son
Ginny (She's great to draw)
red pen sketchdump
Teen Teachers
Ron's Doom (HBP)
Dumbledore Smacky! (HBP sketchy part 2)
Severus makes an unpleasant discovery (HBP sketchy part 1)
Hermione contemplates time
Some random things
OotP scene
Ron's Favorite Game
Younger Narcissa
Fic scene. :D
Lily Evans
Hermione Sketchness
A few Professors
More Lily Pictures
Narcissa Malfoy
Dreamy 'Mione Hair
If I Wrote Harry Potter...
Lucius Malfoy
A Harry and a Lupin
More Professors
Harry vs. the Dragon
The Triwizard Champions (minus Harry)

Colored Stuff
Red and Bones
Teen Snape
Loony and Weaslette: 6th Years
RPG fanart!
Bellatrix Black
Hermione being pretty
7th Year Potions
Luna Lovegood
The Brothers Snape ( o.O)
Snape and McGonagall
Pure Fanon Draco
Cutie Ginny
A Super-Cool Ron
OMG it's Harry
Severus Snape
Lily's Loves (unfinished)

Potions Wallpaper
Goblet of Fire movie wallpaper
