Setting: pre-TPM AU for JA
Note: This story is the same story as A Bond of Friendship 5 (A Birthday Forgotten) but this one is written as a Songfic and it has a lot more details.
Disclaimer: As usual all the characters in this story belong to George Lucas, except Sulana whom I made up myself. The song "Don’’t Laugh At Me" isn’’t mine either, it belongs to Mark Wills. I do not mean to break any copyright rules and I am not making any money off this story!

I'm the little boy with glasses, the one they call a geek
A little girl who never smiles, Cause I have braces on my teeth
And I know how it feels, to cry myself to sleep

Obi-Wan lay in bed, it wasn't late but his Master was away on a business trip, he wouldn't be back for a few hours, and there was nothing left for Obi-Wan to do. He should be sleeping, he was a little tired, but sleep wouldn't come. His mind kept replaying the days events over and over again.


Obi-Wan just stood there in the gym, not saying anything, as Bruck and his friends taunted him. "Hey, Oafy-Wan! Wanna try the bars? Oh, that’’s right - he's too clumsy! I doubt he would even be able to walk the balance beam, let alone the bars!" Bruck said, laughing the whole time.
"I dare you to try the high beam, Oafy!" one of the other boys, a fellow initiate taunted.
Obi-Wan would have done the high beam had his Master told him before he left that he was to practice with the remotes and nothing else. If he grew tired of the remotes Obi-Wan was to study for his classes and read the material left for him. That was all. Master Qui-Gon didn't want him doing the more dangerous stunts with out him around.
Obi-Wan turned, "I have to study," he mumbled as he began to walk away.
"That’’s right," another boy taunted, "his Master doesn't trust him! I should have figured he'd run away." They all laughed, Bruck the loudest.
Obi-Wan finally gave in to his anger, "Yes, well I'd rather have a cautious Master instead of having to leave the Jedi Training to become a Healer because I was a failure!" His words hit their mark and Bruck got angry. Obi-Wan hurried from the room so as not to hear the boy's words but he still couldn't help hearing his cruel remarks.

*Flashback End*

A few tears began to fall as he lay on his bed. He pulled the blanket up over his face and did his best to compose himself. Jedi hide their feelings, he must practice this.
I'm that kid on every playground whose always chosen last
A single teenage mother trying to overcome my past You don't have to be my friend is it to much to ask,
Obi-Wan couldn't hold back the tears as his mind began to play back scenes he had tried to forget so many times over the years.


Obi-Wan was by the pool with Bant, Garen Muln, Reeft, Bruck and three of his friends. They were getting ready for a relay team and they were choosing sides. Bruck and Reeft were captains and one by one they were choosing people for their teams. Reeft got first pick and immediently picked Bant. Bruck took his pick and they continued to choose. Obi-Wan was the last one picked, not meanly but because Reeft wanted to be sure and get Bant and Garen Muln. Garen Muln was Reeft's best friend and Bant was the best swimmer at the temple. Still, it hurt.

*Flashback End*

He had friends but Reeft had a Master now and Garen was often at special training classes, all he had was Bant.

Don't laugh at me
Don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain

Obi-Wan got up, there was still three hours left before his curfew and Qui-Gon wouldn't be back until much later than that. He would go for a walk, that would help calm him.


It was last year's birthday. Bruck had been acting strangely and handed him a gift. Obi-Wan foolishly accepted and opened it. Out popped a snake. Bruck laughed as Obi-Wan jumped back from surprise. He quickly regained his composure and picked up the snake to set free but Bruck still laughed.

*Flashback end*

Bruck's laugh still echoed in his head as he ran from the temple towards Coruscant. He began to walk through the streets, looking in the windows at what was there. He didn't get to go into town very often.

In Gods eyes we're all the same
Some day we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me.

Obi-Wan tucked his lightsaber in under his Jedi Cloak, he didn't want anyone asking what a Jedi Apprentice was doing wandering the streets without his Master. The wind blew his cloak, and he pulled it tighter around him, it was getting a little bit colder but Obi-Wan didn't seem to mind. His mind was on this morning again.


Obi-Wan had gotten up feeling excited, it was his birthday and he was fifteen now. He had been with his Master now for two years and things were going very well, he felt. But as the day went on his excitement dropped and he felt worse and worse. Master Qui-Gon had gone to the other side of Coruscant to deal with some negotiations; he didn't even wish his Padawan a happy birthday.
No one had seemed to notice it was his birthday, not even Bant. She was to busy studying for some exam. He would have even welcomed one of Bruck's trick presents; at least he would know someone had remembered.

*Flashback end*

Obi-Wan realized he was getting a little bit hungry, he hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and for lunch all he had had was a piece of bread. He hadn't been hungry. But now he was, his stomach ached for food and of course he hadn't thought to bring food with him.

I'm the cripple on the corner, You've passed me on the street
And I wouldn't be out here begging if I had enough to eat
And don't think I don't notice that our eyes never meet.

Obi-Wan went up to a lady who was walking down the street, "Excuse me, I was wondering if you had any food you could spare for me. I'd be glad to send you some credits in a couple of days. I went for a walk, and I didn't think to bring any food. It'll be a while before I can get home." He didn't feel the need to tell her he was from the temple. She'd only think he was a runaway and contact the temple to tell them he was here.
She looked at him curiously. "I'm sorry, I don't have any food to give you," he said as she hurried past, "and I doubt you'd pay," she mumbled under her breath. Of course she hadn't expected him to hear the last part but with the help of the force he did. The words stung as if he had been slapped.

I lost my wife and little boy when someone crossed that yellow line
The day we laid them in the ground is the day I lost my mind
Right now I'm down to holdin' this little cardboard sign

As Obi-Wan continued to walk down a street he heard the voices of children. He looked up, the one girl; she was about five or six, looked very much like a younger version of an old friend of his, Sulana.


Lana, as they called her, had been on a mission with her Master about two months ago when they were ambushed. They had tried their best to defend themselves but there had been too many of them. There had been no choice but to run. As they ran they deflected blaster bolts with their lightsabers. But Lana lost the force for just an instant and stumbled on a hidden tree root. A blaster bolt went stray and hit her in the back....
Her Master had retrieved the body and they had come home but Lana didn't survive.

*Flashback end*

The pain was still fresh and the little girl's laugh, which was so much like Lana's, only caused it to worsen. Tears threatened to come but he pushed them away.

So don't laugh at me
Don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain

Just at that moment Obi-Wan felt his Master's presence. He whirled around just in time to see Qui-Gon reach for his Padawan braid.
"Master!" Obi-Wan cried out in surprise, "Master please!" he said as he felt a hard tug on the braid.
"Keep quiet, Obi-Wan!" Qui-Gon said sharply. He released the braid, "You ran away from the temple, and everyone is looking for you! Master Yoda contacted me on my com link to inform me you were missing. I had to leave the negotiations early because of this." Obi-Wan lowered his head in shame at the trouble he had caused. "Look at me, Obi-Wan!" Immediately the boy's head snapped up, and he met his Masters gaze what he saw shocked him, there was anger there, he had never seen anger in his master before. "Come! We are going back to the temple. We shall talk of this again!"
Qui-Gon began to walk through the crowds and Obi-Wan tried to keep up but it was hard.

In God's eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me.

Obi-Wan couldn't keep up with Qui-Gon, not at the pace he was setting. Eventually he got lost in the crowds. As he continued to try to find a way back to the temple he realized he was only getting deeper and deeper into the heart of the city. It was then he realized he had no idea where he was. He turned down into an alley and tears began to come now, he didn't try to stop them, he was to exhausted for that, exhausted and hungry.
Obi-Wan's feet couldn't hold him any longer, his legs buckled and he collapsed on the ground of that dirty, trash-covered alley.

I'm fat, I'm thin
I'm short, I'm tall
I'm deaf, I'm blind
Hey aren't we all?

Obi-Wan lay on the ground, his tears mixing with the dirt on his face. Sobs racked his body as he remembered his Master's angry look and the sharp tug on the braid. It hadn't hurt that bad when Qui-Gon had pulled the braid but it was the look in his eyes, the anger; that had hurt him. The Padawan had never seen anger like that in his Master's eyes and it had hurt.
He curled up in a ball, pulling his Cloak around him. It was getting colder and the wind was picking up. Obi-Wan scooted back farther into the alley. The thought of having to sleep here all night caused the sobs to come again.

Don't laugh at me
Don't call me names
Don't get your pleasure from my pain.

"Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan wake up."
Obi-Wan opened his eyes and immediately sat up; Qui-Gon crouched before him. The boy bowed his head, "I'm sorry, Master. I tried to keep up but you were so fast and after I lost you in the crowd, I got lost. I'm sorry, Master; I should have stayed in the temple. I'm sorry." Obi-Wan whispered.
"Obi-Wan, look at me," Qui-Gon said gently. The boy obeyed. "Look into my eyes. Do you see anger? I am not angry with you. I overreacted earlier. What you did was wrong but I should have more patience in you. No, I am not angry."
Obi-Wan looked into his Masters eyes, searching for any signs of anger. He could find none. Only compassion, tenderness and regret.

In Gods eyes we're all the same
Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me.

Qui-Gon gently helped Obi-Wan up. The boy's face was dirty and had streaks where the tears had flowed but he didn't care, that could all wait. What mattered right now was that Obi-Wan was hurt inside. The boy’’s feelings had been hurt because his Master had forgotten his birthday. Qui-Gon knew now why the boy had left, and he had a feeling that all Obi-Wan had been able to think about today were the sad things in his life.
Obi-Wan shivered as another gust of icy wind blew past. Quietly his Master removed his own robe and wrapped it around the boy. Then he put a protective arm around him, this time he wouldn't be careless enough to let the boy get lost.
"Are you all right, Padawan?" Qui-Gon asked
"Yes, Master, I am fine."
Qui-Gon nodded but he sensed the boy was not. He sent him a message mentally, through their bond, You are not alright inside, my young apprentice.
No, Obi-Wan responded in the same manner. No, I am not. I am sorry for running- he began but Qui-Gon cut him off.
"No, Obi-Wan, do not apologize again, it is I who should apologize for not remembering today was your birthday." Qui-Gon said finally speaking. "And for that I am sorry. Your gift is in the room. I shall give it to you tomorrow."
Obi-Wan nodded his acceptance of the apology, "That will be fine, Master, but for now, can we go home?"
"Yes, Padawan. Yes, we can go home."
Qui-Gon held Obi-Wan close as another gust of wind hit them and together, side-by-side, Master and Padawan walked home.

Someday we'll all have perfect wings
Don't laugh at me.....

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