*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

Obi-Wan sat in his room reading a datapad for class. It had only been a couple of weeks since his Master had left but still he was tense and nervous. He didn’t know Master Jinn very much, and all that Obi-Wan wanted was to stay out of trouble. Another beating was not something he wanted, considering he still had the marks from the last one. Sure, the pain had left but the scars remained on his back and as far as he could tell they would be there forever. 

He would have been in the main room reading but he wasn’t comfortable during that. During the last months that Na’em had been here, Obi-Wan had been afraid to remain in the main room of the quarters for fear of doing something that would anger the Master. He didn’t know how Master Jinn would react to misdemeanors but he certainly didn’t want to find out.

“It’s getting late Obi-Wan. Perhaps you ought to retire for the night.” Qui-Gon said from the door way in his usually low voice.

“Yes sir.”

The Jedi Master watched the boy quietly. This wasn’t the same Obi-Wan that he had seen fighting to become a Padawan so many months ago. Instead this boy was quieter, and more nervous. Something had happened while staying with Na’em that the rest of the Temple didn’t know about, something very bad. He was jerked out of his disconcerting thoughts by Obi-Wan’s quiet voice.


“Are we going to be practicing in the gym tomorrow Master Jinn?”


“I thought I’d give you the day off. We had a pretty hard workout this afternoon. Tomorrow evening will just be for relaxing.” Qui-Gon replied. From the boy’s startled expression he decided that Na’em must not be real big on breaks.

Obi-Wan bowed and murmured a quiet “thank you sir” before putting away his datapad. Master Jinn seemed to be a much kinder man than his own Master. Na’em would never have given him an evening just for relaxation. But things were not always as they seemed. The boy remembered how he had once thought that Na’em was one of the kindest men he knew. How stupid and naïve he had been so many months ago. He wasn’t going to let himself be fooled again; there was no way he would be that stupid once more…

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

The next evening Obi-Wan sat at the table in his quarters, finishing up his assignments, and waiting for Master Jinn to return. Once the Jedi Knight got here they would eat and then the boy would be free to do as he pleased, as long as he was back by eight o’clock.

When Qui-Gon came through the door Obi-Wan glanced up with a smile but when he saw the look on the Jedi Master’s face his own smile fell. There was something wrong. Qui-Gon had a sense of dread and sorrow about him, as though the worst had just happened.

“What’s wrong Master Jinn?” Obi-Wan asked, hurrying towards the elder.

“Nothing Obi-Wan, I’m sure everything will be okay.” Qui-Gon said quietly.

“What will be okay? What are you worried about Master Jinn?”

“I’m not even sure that there is anything to be worried about anyway.” The Jedi Master forced a smile; “You just have fun for the evening.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Obi-Wan asked, his voice full of concern.

“Yes, everything should be fine. Now go have some fun.” Qui-Gon patted Obi-Wan on the shoulder and was surprised when the boy stiffened. He actually seemed to be scared of him! But before the Master could comment Obi-Wan pulled away,

“If you’re sure everything is okay then I’ll go. I’m supposed to meet Bant at the lake anyway.” Obi-Wan whispered, heading towards the door.

Qui-Gon nodded, “Have fun.” He said, but Obi-Wan had already hurried out the door. Why did he stiffen like that? Have I done something to frighten him? Qui-Gon’s thoughts bothered him and replayed over and over in his head, no matter how hard he fought them away. He knew that something was wrong; he had a gut feeling about it, but what the exact incident was he didn’t know…

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

Ten minutes after eight o’clock Obi-Wan came hurrying into the quarters. Qui-Gon was surprised that the boy hadn’t tried to sneak in as most young Padawan’s do when they are tardy. He wondered if he would have to say something to the boy about punctuality. However, he needn’t have worried for Obi-Wan brought it up himself the minute he walked through the door.


“I’m sorry Master Jinn for my tardiness.” Obi-Wan said quickly, hoping the older man wouldn’t be too very angry with him.

Qui-Gon waited for an explanation. After a couple of quiet, uncomfortable minutes he spoke again, “Do you wish to explain why you were late?” He asked.

Obi-Wan looked up, surprised. He wasn’t usually asked for a reason, most of the time Na’em just reacted without waiting for an explanation. “Well sir, I was stopped in the hall by a friend and they wanted some help on a problem in our Diplomatic Class. We talked about it for a few minutes and by the time I finished explaining it was already a few minutes after eight. I’m sorry I wasn’t quicker and if you’re angry with me I fully understand.” He said quietly.

“I’m not angry Obi-Wan. Why would I be? You just stopped to help a friend. That is a good reason to be late, and it isn’t like you were hours late, it’s only ten minutes.” Qui-Gon’s voice was calm and smooth, not a hint of anger in it. But Obi-Wan knew better than to believe that, if he did he knew what would happen. In a few days Qui-Gon would become controlling and start the angry mood swings just like his own Master. Then the beatings would start again and he’d spend the days scared to go back to his quarters and the evenings afraid that tonight would be the night that he died from one of the man’s rages…

“Thank you sir. If it’s alright with you I’ll be going to bed now.” Obi-Wan’s voice was quiet and respectful and, was that a hint of fear in his voice?

“That’s fine Obi-Wan. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Good night Master Jinn.” With a quick bow the boy hurried to his room where he could hide in his safety corner.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

For the next few days Qui-Gon was preoccupied and worried. The Force around him seemed to be filled with a strange sorrow, either that or his feelings would be blocked off completely. Obi-Wan noticed this and watched the older man carefully. When Na’em had been like this he had suddenly gotten over it and that’s when the mood swings had started. Because of that the boy kept an eye on Qui-Gon, in hopes that he could avoid an angry outburst when it finally came.

One night, several days after Obi-Wan started keeping watch on the Jedi Master, he was awakened in the middle of the night by the communication unit beeping. He strained to hear what was being said but Master Jinn’s voice was too quiet. Suddenly he felt a burst of regret and distress before it disappeared. Almost instantly he hurried out into the main room, only to find the conversation over.

“Master Jinn?” He asked hesitantly.

Qui-Gon turned to the boy with a sad look in his eyes, “Sit down Obi-Wan, I need to speak with you about something.” Qui-Gon’s voice was neutral and void of any emotion but they both knew that there was sorrow hidden beneath

When the boy had complied Qui-Gon turned toward him, “We have received news today about the planet where your Master had been for his mission. While he was there, attempting to bring peace between two fighting races, war broke out. He was caught in the middle, at the front lines.” Here Qui-Gon stopped. He truly didn’t understand why the Council had chosen him to be the bearer of bad news. Perhaps it was because he was staying with Obi-Wan, or perhaps it was because of his fondness for the boy that Master Yoda sensed, whichever it was he was wishing it hadn’t existed. He just knew that this would break the poor child’s heart; it wasn’t easy receiving word like this.

“Please sir, what happened?” Obi-Wan choked out.

“There were too many blaster’s Obi-Wan, too many weapons. A Jedi cannot defend off that all that shooting with just a lightsaber, not even a Jedi Master.” Qui-Gon paused before continuing, “He was killed a couple of hours ago. They haven’t returned his body yet but we are hoping the tribe holding it will have the kindness to allow him a proper Jedi funeral.”

Obi-Wan stared in surprise and shock, Master Na’em dead? Dead? This had to be a joke!  “Please don’t toy with me like this Master Jinn. This is the cruelest joke I’ve ever heard.” He managed to choke out.

“Please Obi-Wan, forgive me for bringing you this ill news, but it is not a cruel joke. Every word I speak is the truth.” Qui-Gon’s voice was laced with grief.

“Then it’s true? He’s really dead? Master Na’em will never come back?”

“Yes Obi-Wan, it’s true. Didn’t you feel his death? Didn’t you feel anything at all through your bond?” Qui-Gon asked, confused now.

“I don’t have a very good bond with my Master, I didn’t feel anything.” The boy mumbled truthfully. Well, it was at least half-truth. He didn’t feel anything but at the same time he didn’t have any sort of a bond with his Master at all. His pride and embarrassment kept him from telling Qui-Gon that though.


“You didn’t feel anything?” Qui-Gon asked, awed.


“No sir. Not a thing. Are you sure he’s dead?” Obi-Wan responded.

Qui-Gon nodded sadly, “Yes child, he’s dead.”

At those words tears began to fall from Obi-Wan’s eyes. Slowly they rolled down his cheeks and off his chin. The more he tried to control the tears the more fell, but this weren’t the same tears of pain that he had cried so many times during the past few months after a beating. Instead these were tears of happiness, even though he knew that it had to be wrong he couldn’t control it. No more of his rages, no more of his beatings, no more of my Master…Suddenly he got fearful, he didn’t have a Master anymore! “M…master Jinn, Master Jinn what will happen to me now?”

Qui-Gon shook his head quietly; the boy’s open grief shocked him. Na’em must have meant a lot to this child, “I’m not sure Obi-Wan, we’ll probably find out about that later. At this moment the Council hasn’t made a decision, perhaps you may be placed with another Master, or you may be given a mission someplace else.”

“You mean the Agri-Corps.” Obi-Wan whispered.

“Yes, I am speaking of the Agri-Corps.”

At these words Obi-Wan’s tears came out in a rush, only this time they weren’t the tears of joy that had been flowing minute before, but tears of fear, confusion and most of all abandonment…

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *

Qui-Gon’s heart melted at the sight of this boy crying. Gently he hugged the boy but was surprised when Obi-Wan stiffened and pulled away, once again avoiding physical contact. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I promise I’ll do everything I can to help bring back your Master’s body and I’ll do what I can to help you stay here at the Temple. You’re a bright boy and Agri-Corps would be a waste of your talents if you ask me.” Qui-Gon said as kindly as he could. He wanted so much to encourage the boy but nothing seemed to be working.

Obi-Wan seemed to get a hold of himself when Qui-Gon spoke, “I’m sorry Master Jinn for my emotional outburst. It seems I’m just tired and this news was shocking. Thank you for you encouragement but I’m sure I’ll be fine, and I don’t want to cause anyone any problems. If it’s alright with you sir I’d like to go back to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow.” He said, his voice strangely distant and slightly cold.

Qui-Gon could only nod. The poor boy! He’s in shock and he’s taking this so hard! I knew it would be painful but I didn’t know it would be this bad. The poor boy… “If you want Obi-Wan, you can sleep in tomorrow morning. You can be excused from you classes for the next couple of days if you wish.” The Knight said as soon as he got his voice.

The boy turned from the door of his room, “Thank you but no thanks. I can continue with my classes, I wouldn’t want to fall behind.” He whispered before disappearing into the safety of his room and his special corner.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *         

For the next two weeks Obi-Wan continued through his regular routine but he did it without a thought. At first it was as though he was a droid, following orders but not fully comprehending. Sure, he was capable of conversation but he was still shocked. Later he became more came out of the shock but he stayed withdrawn and quiet, even more so than usual. It won’t take long he thought before they decide to send me to Agri-Corps. Then everything I ever worked for will be over. I almost wish Master was here…These thoughts pained him because more than anything he didn’t want Na’em back – but if it would be all that kept him from Agri-Corps he could gladly accept it.

Qui-Gon remained with Obi-Was as his guardian and temporary Master. He had a strange fondness for this boy and he didn’t want to leave him alone. What he wanted was to stay with Obi-Wan and find out what was wrong with him. Find out why he was like this and what was going on. Finally Qui-Gon realized what he truly wanted. For weeks the Force had been whispering to him, telling him something and now he knew what it was.

The Jedi Master waited for a few days, and on one of Obi-Wan’s better days, a day when he was a little more open and cheerful, Qui-Gon pulled him aside in their quarters to talk to him. “Obi-Wan I have an important question to ask you.” He began. Obi-Wan waited and the Qui-Gon continued, “I want to know, Obi-Wan Kenobi, if you would like to become my Padawan Learner.” There, he had said it! Now all he had to do was wait for the boy’s answer.

Obi-Wan stared at Qui-Gon with surprise, is he truly asking me? Can I trust him? Will he hurt me like Na’em?

Of course he’s asking you, you idiot! Who else would he be asking! And besides, would you rather risk being with him or do you want to go to Agri-Corps and loose everything? His brain argued back at him.

But I don’t want to be hurt again! I trusted Na’em and then he hurt me so bad! What if Qui-Gon does that to me? I wouldn’t be able to take it!

Qui-Gon doesn’t have a dead apprentice to send him into bad mood swings. If you behave everything will be all right. Besides, if you need to you’ll always be able to retreat here, in the back of your mind. It’s always safe here – accept!

All right, I’ll accept. Obi-Wan finally finished arguing with himself and turned bright blue eye to his new Master, “Yes Master Jinn, I would be honored to be your Padawan Learner.” The boy said respectfully, and with a slight bit of hope in his voice.

Qui-Gon patted the boy on the shoulder with a smile, “Come along then Padawan, lets get your things and we can move into your new quarters.”

As those words were spoken something in Obi-Wan snapped and he slipped his hand into Qui-Gon’s. Somehow those words, the encouragement and kindness behind them, broke his fear but it was the love that finished it off. It was the love that let him realize that all would be okay. Na’em had never called him Padawan, not even once, but Qui-Gon had said it right away, and Qui-Gon loved him.

Qui-Gon glanced at the boy in surprise and then smiled. This boy would someday make a great Jedi and he would have been the one to train him. Gently he squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand before he started to establish a bond between the two. As their minds connected he could feel Obi-Wan’s awe and amazement. Apparently he truly hadn’t had any sort of a bond with Na’em before. The Jedi Master smiled again as Obi-Wan reached out for his mind, experimenting with their new bond. Now their bond was truly started and they were beginning a new life together. A new life that would hopefully remain happy forever…
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