Hyperinsulinism - maintenance

SO, perhaps by now you've discovered that you're Hyperinsulinaemic. ....no need to panic!! It's all down hill from here! ...and don't say I don't know what I'm talking about because I have successfully maintained this 'maintenance program' of sorts for 18 months or so now and can swear:

Now so that none of you get nervous on me I'm going to write these two words really small until you all get more comfortable.. ok? The secret to the world of 'better living' as a Hyperinsulinaemic are these two things:

diet AND exercise

Now, that didn't hurt toooo much did it?? Seriously though, the diet is really rather simple, when you look at it from a certain perspective of course. Let me attempt to do so by putting it this way:

As far as diet goes (see, just a little bigger there..) ...

The amount you consume each day should be divided into a specific amount of carbohydrates and protein. (the later constituting the majority of the food you should eat..) The amounts eaten per day will become easier to monitor as time progresses and indeed you will probably find yourself much less restricted here than on other food programs (sounds better than the D word, doesn't it). The amount can be measured according to either 'serves' or 'grams' worth and is reliant upon your weight. I will use myself (18 months ago) as an example

  • At the time I weighted: 65 kilograms
  • That means that the amount of protein MINIMUM per day I needed was: 6.5 serves OR 97.5+ grams of protein
  • As far as carbohydrates goes the MAXIMUMI was allowed to have was: 4 serves OR 65 grams of carbohydrates

n.B 1 serve = 15 grams

Make note of the Max/Min levels. These figures are for a guide only. My body REQUIRED a minimum of 1 serve of protein per every 10 kilograms daily to make use of my body's already stored supply of energy (ie, FAT!) AND I also needed to limit my intake of carbohydrates to 1 serve for every 15 kilograms in order to prevent an overriding of my body using it's own energy supply!

To read about the diet in more detail please click here

Next for the exercise:

Many people discount the value of the E word but you know what, without it this whole system won't give you all of the benefits YOU are entitled to! ...lower cholesterol, steady heart rate, good blood pressure, ease of achy joints... to name just a few.. Now, no-one is suggesting that you should go out and join the nearest gym because frankly, don't know about you, but the whole idea just makes me sick!

...Start gradually, ease your way into it, particularly if it's been a while since you've seen your toes (if you know what I mean..)

Start off with a 30 minute walk 3-4 times a week. Take your dog, grab a friend, or hey, do what I do and go along the beach.. (added benefits of the salty air, and the view just induces a longer walk every time!!) Get yourself into a routine because when you haven't done this for a while, it's very hard to get motivated. I know, I used to have my on and off weeks myself. Now, I go for a walk most days when the day is clear, otherwise I jump on my exercise bike for 50 minutes...

Exercise can become a great chance to RELAX after a hard, mentally straining day! (don't believe me? Check out my Hyperinsulinaemic Diary when I eventually post it here..) Anyway, do it anytime, anywhere, anyway, anyhow.. break it into 2 sections of 15 mintues if you want! ...just do it.. (Sorry NIKE.. didn't mean to steal your 'coin-a-phase'..)

To read about some common misconceptions and prejudices that you may come across being a Hyperinsulinaemic please click here

Once again, for more information in regards to the diet please click here

* * * Stay tuned * * *
In the near future I will be adding a 'counter guide' along with a few 'high protein/low carbohydrate' receipies for your culinary pleasure...

Also, later down the track I will be outlining my person experiences with Hyperinsulinaemia.. - nothing too heavy (I hope) but detailing the before and after. Also included, the little tips I've picked up along the way...

Please check out Dr. Alan Gale's web-site. It is very informative if you can understand the medical jargon :-)

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