Exploring Fiber Optics
This web page was developed during our RET (Research Experiences for Teachers) time at the University of Arkansas. 

We spent seven weeks working in the MicroElectronics/Photonics program under the direction of
Dr. Min Xiao

Our project consisted of building
simple voice links using fiber optics.  Once this was completed, we brought in a group of Middle School children as a field test group for activities we plan to bring back to our schools.   We then began doing research on making a two-way voice link.  The focus of our research was on finding ways to measure and reduce noise interference.

This is a work in progress, and will be updated throughout the project.

sample lesson outline:

Using Fiber Optic Voice Links..
How fiber optics work
science shareware - interactive fiber optics
Fiber optics information and homework help
Contact Information:
Name: Melissa Miller
James Miller
Resources for ordering fiber optic supplies:
Radio Shack