Men of Victory

4th and Goal
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About Us
Mission Statement:
    We desire to facilitate a process of developing God seeking, God driven men through the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit.

Vision Statement:
    Our hope is that men would be men of honor in Christ, seeking to disciple themselves and other men who in turn disciple other men, desiring to be godly men in their families, seeking opportunities for witness and evangelism, willing to assist missions and missionaries, and eagerly and actively supporting Victory Assembly of God so that it may become what God wants it to become.

    We wish to faciliate growth in men who will desire to become disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples, etc.  We want to reach men for Christ, see them grow in Christ, help them serve Christ, and encourage to witness to others for Christ.

    We will accomplish this first by providing multiple entry points for men to become involved in the men's ministries at Victory Assembly of God, build relationships with them, and offer opportunities for intentional disicpleship so that by the power of the Holy Spirit they may grow as godly men in their families and  the kingdom.  And, we will also provide other opportunities for continuing discipleship, outreach, missions, ministry, and service to the community and our church.

    We will evaluate our progress by the process and let God count the numbers.  We will know we are on the right track by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and when men seek to be discipled, seek God on a regular basis, seek to be better men of God in their families, seek opportunities for corporate and personal prayer, seek to help and grow other men in Christ, seek to share there personal experienc with others, seeking to do mission work, seek opportunities for ministry,  seek to support missionary work,  and seek opportunities for Christian service both in our congregation and the community.

    In summary, we wish to be a ministry that would facilitate the will and power of the Holy Spirit in men and through prayer, discipleship and Christ-like relationships; and grow disiciples, that grow disciples, that grow disciples, etc.