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David and Sarah Mayman

Spouses mentioned on this page

George Booth wed 1857 #1945 to Elizabeth Mayman
Annie Davies wed 1893 #3842 to Joseph Mayman
Ellen Ellis daughter of Ellen Merryfield and Thomas Elliott, wed 1873 to James Mayman,
Robert Gallboda Hutchinson wed 1869 to Sarah Mayman,
William Henry Miller wed 1860 #705 to Caroline Mayman,
Jane Quilty wed 1869 #1001 to David Mayman,
Emma Phillis Russell 1856 daughter of Phyllis Purdy and Thomas Russell wed 1878 to Ephraim Mayman,
Elizabeth Smith wed 1879 #2797 to Joseph Mayman,
Esther Stubbs daughter of Charles Stubbs and Eliza Quigley wed 1872 to David Mayman
Esther Warmold wed in UK to William Mayman,
Sophia Sarah Wickham daughter of Diana and John Wickham wed 1873 to Joseph Mayman

The 'Herald Of The Morning' arrived March 1857 with William Mayman 23, Ellen Mayman 21, Elizabeth Mayman 18 and Caroline Mayman 16 (children of Sarah Hoyle and David Mayman)
'Royal Family' arrived Feb 1863 with William Mayman 30, Mary Ann Mayman 31, David Mayman 10 and Elizabeth Mayman 8 (See John Mayman)
'Sam Cearns' arrived Oct 1864 with George Mayman

Research by , and recorded on, adds to the story.
My research includes the record number after each date.

More from Lois Gilbey, on Mon, 02 Jun 2003
I just looked at your webpage and thought you might like to know the couple below are not directly related to our line.

It was originally thought Sophia Wickham married our Joseph Mayman but this is an error our Joseph married Elizabeth Smith as you have correctly and after Elizabeth died he married Annie Davies.

The other unrelated Joseph Mayman married Margt Isabella McLean (later called Moran) after Sophia Wickham died.

Sophia Sarah Wickham daughter of Diana and John Wickham wed 1873 #787 to Joseph Mayman

1. David and Sarah Mayman

David Mayman died 1888 #4101 at BetBet (Timor), aged 82, son of John.
Sarah Mayman died 1892 #12137 at Timor aged 85, daughter of Mary and James Hoyle.
David and Sarah came to Victoria on the Herald of the Morning 1857.
As researched by Lois Gilbey, they were the parents of Sarah Hoyle and David Mayman -
Mary, Jane, John, Joseph, William, David, Ellen, Eliza, Elizabeth, Caroline, David Fergus O'Conner, Ephraim, James, Sarah and Eliza Ellen

Victorian deaths with Sarah Hoyle and David Mayman as parents are
William Mayman 1834 - 1876 #2291 died aged 43, son of Sarah Hoyle and David Mayman, and born in Lancashire.
Joseph Mayman 1831 - 1908 #7869 at Timor, aged 77
Ephraim Mayman 1846 - 1913 #15023 at South Yarra aged 67

A common link is also the birthplace Lancashire recorded for each marriage except Ephraim where Dunkenfield, a small village in Lancashire, is named.
Elizabeth Mayman wed 1857 #1945 to George Booth
Caroline Mayman wed 1860 #705 to William Henry Miller
Mary Ann Mayman wed 1865 #4421 to Andrew Johnson
David Mayman wed 1869 #1001 to Jane Quilty
Sarah Mayman wed 1869 #2476 to Robert Gallboda Hutchinson
James Mayman 1849 - 1916 #7874 at St Arnaud aged 67, wed 1873 #2538 to Ellen Ellis
Joseph Mayman wed 1873 #787 to Sophia Sarah Wickham
Ephraim Mayman born at Dunkenfield wed 1878 #1511 to Emma Phillis Russell

Elizabeth Mayman wed 1857 #1945 to George Booth
This list has been corrected by , received with thanks as George called his wife Catherine for 5 of the children marked * (probably thought she was twice as clever as other ladies?)

5 Children 1. Catherine Booth 1858 #3735 - 1910 wed Thomas Dunstan 1877
2. Sarah Booth 1859 - 1954 wed Edward Loughnane 1881
3. Francis Booth 1861 #10503 lived 6 years
4. George Arthur Booth 1863 #8965 - 1922 wed Jane Ann Warren 1896
5. William Booth 1865 #16682 - 1942 wed Francis Bartlett Mason 1888
6. Frank* Booth 1868 #10306 - 1944 wed Janet Helen Brown 1890
7. Twin Robert* Booth 1871 #5929 - 1936 wed Sarah Jane Lodge 1896. m.2 Lydia Lillian May Jenkins 1906.
8. Twin James* Booth 1871 #5930 - 1933 wed Elizabeth Ann Gunn 1897.
9. Elizabeth Ellen* Booth 1875 #26307 - 1928 wed John Francis Jenkins 1891 m.2 William Johnstone 1919.
10. Jane Booth 1878 #5694 - 1958 wed Alfred Johnathon Card 1899.
Caroline Mayman wed 1860 #705 to William Henry Miller
1 Child 1. Harriet Miller 1861 #4840

Mary Ann Mayman wed 1865 #4421 to Andrew Johnson, no children found in Vic lists

Sarah Mayman 1851 - 1878 #9481 aged 27 wed 1869 #2476 to Robert Gallboda Hutchinson born Ceylon, 5 Children

William Mayman 1834 - 1876 #2291 died aged 43, son of Sarah Hoyle and David Mayman, and born in Lancashire, came 1857 with Esther Warmold, and her death is not in the Victorian list, so I assume she had a second marriage.
5 Children 1. Esther Mayman 1863 #2150 as Esther Victoria Mayman wed 1885 #1132 to James Nicholls Chapman
2. Mary Eliza Mayman 1865 #16695 as Mary Eliza Winafred Mayman wed 1884 #1627 to John Wilson
3. Sarah Ann Mayman 1867 #16269 wed 1900 #8289 to Wm Robt Seager
4. William Mayman 1869 - 1870 #1633 lived 6 months
5. Caroline Mayman 1874 #10065, died 1956 #17071 aged 79

James Mayman 1849 - 1916 # 7874 at St Arnaud aged 67, wed 1873 #2538 to Ellen Ellis, 1856 - 1895 #6183 aged 39, daughter of Ellen Merryfield and Thomas Elliott.
7 Children 1. Sarah Jane Mayman 1874 #19726 wed 1893 # 4613 to William Henry Cornwell
2. Eliza Ellen Mayman 1876 #12650 wed 1901 # 5326 to Herbert John Catchpole
3. Thomas Mayman 1878 #12242 - 1928 # 8218, wed 1903 # 7105 to Anna Barratt
4. Ernest Mayman 1880 #5426 died aged 3 years
5. Alice Mayman 1883 #5853 may have wed 1905 to Arthur Colley
6. Caroline Mayman 1884 #28312
7. Henryetta Evaline Mayman 1891 #14609 wed 1906 # 5858 to Edwin Phil Nevill

Joseph Mayman 1831 - 1908 #7869 at Timor, aged 77, wed 1873 #787 to Sophia Sarah Wickham 1855 #5630 - 1893 #7977 died aged 37, daughter of Diana and John Wickham. Joseph wed (2) 1893 #3842 to Annie Davies 1844 - 1918 #14936 aged 74, parents unknown, died at Timor

9 Children 1. Joseph Mayman 1873 #17572 lived 1 day
2. Sophia Elizabeth Wickham Mayman 1874 #12539
3. Mary Jane Mayman 1876 #19624 - 1947 #2406 aged 70
4. Sarah Ann Mayman 1879 #5772
5. Catherine Mayman 1881 #1964 - 1958 #12038 aged 77
6. Rose Mayman 1882 #22298
7. John William Mayman 1885 #2063 - 1964 #6156 aged 79
8. Ellen Florence Mayman 1887 #2428
9. William Francis Joseph Mayman 1888 #28656

A second man named Joseph Mayman wed 1879 #2797 to Elizabeth Smith who appears to have died aged 60 at Hawth on 1891 #10706. Joseph Mayman wed on 1895 #811 to Margt Isabella McLean (later called Moran) who died 1922 #7474 aged 61, daughter of unknown, at Yea where a man called Joseph Mayman died aged 80, 1919 #19399, son of Ann Walker and John Mayman. Their daughters are born at Yea

4 Children 1. Bessie Ada Mayman 1895 #33991 wed 1919 #11065 to Cecil Peel Thorseby
2. Isabella Edith Mayman 1898 #7724 had a son Allen Joseph born 1918 #31962
3. Hilda Grace Mayman 1900 #23378 had a son Rupert Leslie born 1919 #27286 and lived a year
4. Florence Edna Mayman 1906 #23425

Ephraim Mayman 1846 - 1913 #15023 aged 67, born at Dunkenfield wed 1878 #1511 to Emma Phillis Russell 1856 - 1944 #9120 aged 88,

10 Children 1. Lucy Mayman 1879 #5877 lived 13 weeks
2. Charles Mayman 1880 #12188 - 1905 aged 24
3. Lucy Mayman 1882 #5884, as Lucy Phylis Mayman wed 1914 #7111 to Edwd Percy Htuchings/Hutchings
4. William Mayman 1883 #26953 - 1952 aged 68
5. Twin Ephraim Mayman 1885 #21993
6. Twin Joseph Mayman 1885 #21994 - 1972 aged 87
7. Emma Mayman 1888 #7201
8. Jessie Mayman 1891 #22241
9. James Russell Mayman 1895 #15208
10. Vera Rose Mayman 1899 #13615

David Mayman

David Mayman wed 1869 #1001 to Jane Quilty 1849 - 1927 aged 78, when her parents were 'unknown'. They lived at Timor till about 1885, then moved to Footscray. I could not find his death in Victoria.
This list has been corrected on Mon, 3 Nov 2008 by , received with thanks
Jane Quilty aged 17 came Jul 1866 as an Unassisted Immigrant on the Palm Tree, so she would be about 21 when she married David and gave her birthplace as Ballinasloe in Ireland, and her parents are listed as Margaret Dolphin and James Quilty.
7 Children 1. John Mayman 20 Mar 1870 #5648, died 1920.
2. George Mayman 1871 #26805
3. Alice Mayman 1873 #27597 lived a year
4. Sarah Jane Mayman 1875 #19915
5. David Mayman 1879 #12537 - 1936
6. Robert Mayman 1882 #26242 - 1966 #19909 aged 84
7. William Mayman 1887 #19736
1. John Mayman 20 Mar 1870 #5648, died 1920. He joined the Sth African forces and fought under General Botha in the German East campaign. Then enlisted and served in WWI. Died from injuries received serving his country.
2. George Mayman 1871 #26805 -1932 died in Kalgoolie, wed c1905 to Elizabeth Morgan b 23 july 1872 - 14 May 1955 W.A.
3 children 1. William George b 1908 - 1973 wed Catherine Margaret Evans b 1908 - 20/10/1972 at Como W.A. 2 Dau
2. George Edwin (Ted)b 11/11/12 - 4/1/89 Married 25/9/43 to Daphne Reeve Beechey 7/2/22 - 18/8/97 W.A. 1 son
3. Mary Elizabeth Margaret (Betty) b 1906 Kalgoolie married Henry Bright.
4. Sarah Jane Mayman 1875 #19915 - 2 May 1957 wed 1901 at Boulder to David (Cushie) Wrathall 1876 - 1965
6. Robert Mayman 25 Oct 1882 #26242 - 8 Sep 1966 #19909 aged 84 wed 1 Nov 1920 to Elizabeth Christina Fraser dau of Charles Fraser b 1867 mother Mary Lennane b 1881. They had 7 children

John and Mary Ann Mayman

As researched by Lois Gilbey, John Mayman drowned aboard the sunken ship Tayleur which shipwrecked at Lambay Island off the coast of Lancashire England in 1854. David, Elizabeth and their mother, Mary Ann Mayman nee Lawler came to Victoria, Australia on the Royal Family 1862. Mary Ann was born at Staleybridge, Cheshire, and died at Carisbrook, Victoria 1904.
Elizabeth Mayman who died aged 12, in Victoria 1864 #3481 may be her daughter.

David Mayman (sometimes recorded as David Phillip) born in Stalybridge, (south of Manchester, England), wed 1872 #2689, to Esther Stubbs born 1854 - 1906 #795 aged 52. David and Esther lived first at Timor, then about 1877 moved to Carisbrook. Esther was mother for 10 children.
David wed (2) 1909 #2813 to Alice Christina De Graaf who died 1919 #10906 aged 40
David Phillip Mayman died 1934 #711 at Prahan, aged 83, son of Mary Ann Lawton and John Mayman, so was born about 1851.
10 Children
of Esther
1. Elizabeth Mayman 1873 #6214 - 1880 aged 7
2. John Charles Mayman 1874 #19740
3. Robert Henry Mayman 1876 #19734 - 1880 aged 4
4. Mary Jane Stubbs Mayman 1878 #21263 wed 1903 to Charles Edward Jose, 3chn
5. Alice Mayman 1880 #13889 wed 1905 to Arthur Olley/Colley, 3 chn
6. Harry Mayman 1882 #21324 lived 2 years
7. David William Mayman 1885 #23779 - 1946 aged 60, wed 1908 #6450 to Clara Ellen Hammond Matthews, 4 chn
8. George Lawton Mayman 1888 #1144 - 1952 #528 aged 63, 2 chn
9. Lilian Evelyn Mayman 1894 #27380
10. Percy Carrington Mayman 1901 #17256 lived 1 month
3 Children
of Alice
11. Christina Dorothy Mayman 1910 #9758
12. Florence Jean Mayman 1911 #26184
13. Esma Evelyn Joyce Mayman 1914 #10134 - 1984, Nagambie #05541, wed Robert McDonough c1914

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