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A Brief History of the evolvement of our Parish and the list of our former Vicars.


Our Past:

In response to the request made on 27th October 1977 by the members of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church residing in and around Andheri and Vile Parle area, and on the basis of the report dated 2nd November 1977 of the Diocesan Secretary, H. G Thomas Mar Makarios, the then Metropolitan of Bombay, by his order Ref. No. T. M./99/78 dated 26th June 1978 gave sanction to Rev. Fr. K. T Thomas ( Now H. G Thomas Mar Athanasius (Metropolitan of the Diocese of Chengannur) for conducting Holy Qurbana once in a month for the benefit of the people residing in this area. Thus a congregation was formed. The first service of this congregation was solemnized by Rev. Fr K. T  Thomas, in July 1978 at an industrial gala of Mr. Daniel A. Fernandes of Francis Engineering Co. For the first five months Holy Qurbana was conducted in St. Xaviers High School Hall at Vile Parle by Rev. Fr. K. T. Thomas who was the driving force behind this congregation in the infant stage. His strong will and leadership nourished and encouraged us a lot. We express our sincere gratitude to His Grace.

Subsequently Rev. Fr. Thomas Kurian took charge as the Vicar and continued till 1980. The venue of worship was shifted to Holy Family School hall and then to the Ashankur Hall where we continue to assemble for worship, with the help of the generous and hospitable authorities of Holy Family Roman Catholic Church. The good office of Late K. V. Yohannan helped a lot to get this place and facilities for the worship.

The congregation has been registered under Bombay Public Trust Act vide Reg. No. F 5892 and Society Act vide GBBSD 487/79 in October, 1979.

Our Growth:

 As a result of representation made to H. H Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews I, the then Catholicos, the supreme head of the Church and to the Diocesan Metropolitan, the congregation was declared in accordance with the constitution of Malankara Orthodox Syrian church as a parish from 1st December 1979 by H. G Dr. Philipos Mar Theophilus , the then Metropolitan of Bombay (and Angamali) under his order No. 48/79 dated 14th November 1979.

Rev. Fr. Thomas Kurian was appointed as the first parish Vicar. M/s P. M George and P. E Easo were elected as the Secretary and the Treasurer respectively during the period of Congregation and after the establishment of the parish.

1. Rev. Fr. Thomas Kurian: (Jan 1979 to Feb 1980)
During his tenure the venue of worship was shifted from Holy family High School Hall to Ashankur hall, the present premises.
2. Rev. Fr. M. T. Easo (March 1980 to May 1988)
During this period, the membership increased substantially due to his dedicated services, membership drives and House Visits. The Financial position also increased through Fund Raising programs and it was possible to conduct Holy Qurbana every Sunday. The Fund raised was the key source for purchasing the Parsonage.
3. Rev. Fr. C. J Varghese (June 1988 to Nov 1991)
The present parsonage at Bhavani Nagar, Marol was bought for the church on 1st August 1988.
4. Rev. Fr. P. A Kuriakose (Alichan Achan) ( Dec 1991 to May 1996)
A Major Fund raising program was held under his leadership at the Dinanath Mangeshkar hall, Vile Parle, Mumbai and by releasing an excellent souvenir. Under his initiative, the free medical centre was set up at Sahar in Andheri-E for the benefit of the poor and the under privileged. He updated the membership register and published a Parish Directory.
5. Rev. Fr. Scariah Varghese (Santosh Achan) (June 1996 to Nov 1996)
Though he served for a short spell of 6 months, it was under his guidance, the first anniversary of the Free Medical Centre was celebrated in a grand scale and presided over by H. G Geevarghese Mar Coorilos, the then Asst. Metropolitan of Mumbai Diocese. A souvenir was also released for the occasion and the proceeds formed the Corpus for the Free medical Centre.
6. Rev. Fr. Matthew Thannimootil (Saji Achan) (Dec 1996 to Nov 1998)
Achan was noted for his oratorical and editorial prowess.
7. Rev. Fr. Koshy Alex (From Nov 1998 onwards...)
The Land for the proposed new Church has been bought at Kondivitta in Andheri-E on 22nd February 2002. Fund Raising programs for the construction of Church have been Organized. A massive Get Together Feast and various Picnics were arranged. The MGOCSM and the Sunday School are active as never before and the Parish Choir is finally coming of age with the dedicated services of Eby, an Altar Help to Achan.

Although the parish started with only 46 families now it consists of more than 260 families. We express our sincere respect, gratitude and obedience to Late Lamented H. H Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews I Catholicos, the incumbent H. H. Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews II Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan, Former Diocesan Metropolitan, Late Lamented Dr. Philipos Mar Theophilus, Our Diocesan Metropolitan H. G. Geevarghese Mar Coorilos and all the bishops in our church. We express our love and respect to out former Vicars who labored and led us in the spiritual pastures. We also thankfully remember all our church members, dead and alive, near and far, who sweated and contributed for the upbringing of this parish.


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