Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
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Platform: GameCube
Rated: M
Number of Players: 1
Released: Jun 24th, 2002
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Silicon Knights
Genre: Adventure
Game Info
OK, Ok, I broke my rule.  I said I wouldn't review games I rented, but oh well. This game was very hard and very fun at the same time.  The original "Sanity" meter was interesting to play with, as if your sanity gets low, odd stuff will happen such as bugs appear on the screen. 

Gameplay: A+  
Different neat weapons and tools with tons of zombies coming at you.  You have to find keys to doors, hidden trapdoors and other stuff.  Playing as over 8 different characters, each character and enviroment provides a fun zombie-killing experience.  The Tomb of Eternal Darkness gives you magic spells such as shields and attacks.  The levels are well-planned but some of the tasks kindof remind you of Indiana Jones. 

Graphics: A+
One of the best on the GCN, the opening blew me away.  The gameplay graphics are not bad themselves, either.  Each character and wall is very detailed.  I didn't encounter any bad graphics.

Sound: B
During some movies in the game, the talking would jump and mess up, or maybe it was just me.   The background music was very dull, hearing just screams.  It needed a nice little scary tune.  The sound effects were good, the sound of someone banging on the door scared me to death. 

Challenge: A+
It was very hard to find what you needed along with killin zombies and horrors.  Me and my cousin had to refer to the internet numerous times to complete a level.

Replay: B
Me and my cousin spent about 13 hours on the game, and after we beat it, there wasn't much left to do.  I had thought I heard of 3 different paths in the game, but I didn't come across that. 

Note: Karim and Michael were the best characters!