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7/20- Affiliates list changed to where no shut-down sites are listed.

4/16- Nintendo Gaming Community added.

11/22/02- Nintendo 2E and Nintendo Highway added!

11/6/02- Aussie Cubed URL change.

10/30/02- GC Cental affiliate.

10/20/02- Cube Australia URL change.

10/17/02- New layout for affiliates.

Banjo Series- One of the great Banjo sites that still exist.
Brett's Nintendo Fanart-Tons of artwork by Brett and his fans.
Cube Australia- The great Australian site with great content.
GameCube Cafe- Great site with lots of cool content.
GameCube Central- One of the greatest GC sites ever.
GameCube-Review- A nice site with lots of reviews. 
Gaming Target- A big gaming site which is multiplatform.
General May- My best friends site which is sadly about PS2.
Koopa Village- A great fan-orientated site, one of the best, if not.
Nintendo 2E-Greatly designed site with tons of everything.
Nintendo Gaming Community-A new site that has forums and great content.
Nintendo Isle-Awesome music and fanart.
Nintendo News Online- Up to date news, like the title promises.
Nintendo Station- Super content and news.
Nintendo Tower- One of the most popular GC sites.
Ninty Web- Great site and content.
N-Insanity- Large GC site with lots of content and news.
On the Wall Nintendo- Orignal content with great stuff.
Ultra Network- Soon to open site about all 3 consoles.