Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets
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Platform: Gamecube
Rated: E
Number of Players: 1
Released: Nov. 6th, 2002
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Eurocom
Genre: Adventure
Game Info
-The second of Harry Potter's adventures through the wizarding world is here!  The game released right next to the movie, and though that might seem like a bad thing because most movie games are horrible, it's really not!  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets plays a lot like Legend of Zelda, and has a really nice feel to it.

Gameplay: A-
Very polished indeed.  EA did a great job with Harry Potter.  Harry Potter can assign spells to the B, Y, or X button and find about 10 spells that do different things, such as removing cobwebs, or having a handy light.  The game goes through "mini-days", where you'll have stuff to do, such as Quidditch games or Potions class with Snape.  It all follows the movie and book quite well, while there are some noticable changes.  Quidditch is also great fun on a broomstick where you fly around chasing the Golden Snitch through golden rings.  Also, anytime in the day you can go outside and fly around the ENTIRE castle.  You can fly around bridges and towers, but sadly that's it.  You can't find any secret passages or new items while flying around.  All of the stuff is indoors.  But even so, the inside of the castle is magnificent.  There are tons of rooms to explore and things to collect.

Graphics: A-
All the graphics are really good!  Great lighting effects, and some OK water effects.  The game runs at 60 frames per second and never even drops.

Sound: B+
The sound is near perfect, but I only wish they would have included some more noticable tunes from the movies.  Sound effects are also great, though the last boss sounds just like a T-Rex....

Challenge: C
The game is overall pretty easy to beat.   No strategy guide needed.  Only a few bosses will give you trouble.

Replay: C
The main quest is pretty short.  But there is still many rooms to explore after you beat it.  Just rent the game.

Overall: 90%
"An amazing game that challenges Legend of Zelda."