The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
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Platform: N64
Rated: E
Number of Players: 1
Released: Oct. 26th, 2000
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Adventure
Game Info
-Well, to start the review off, I've never played Ocarina of Time. I actually have never played any Zelda games before.  Well, when I got this game I avoided it for awhile.  Actually, for a long time.  Then I decided to try it.  I got hooked.  The gameplay and the graphics.  Everything.  It lasted me a good two months, and I enjoyed every second of it.

Gameplay: A+
-Awesome.  So awesome.  You can shoot arrows (plain, ice, fire, and light), throw bombs and use magic.  But my favorite part of the whole game is riding Epona. That is so darn fun!  Collecting all the masks is pretty hard and fun.  I like the choice of whether to collect them all or not.  Then the levels and temples.  So big, and so clever.  This game is so good.  You can visit places at different times from day to night and some things will be different. 

Graphics: A
-The best of the best.  Nintendo went the extra mile and did everything.  The effects are good. 

Sound: A+
-Great music.  I keep humming them to myself.  The best one in the game is the Forest part.  The sound effects are great too, especially the sound where you get a small heart or potion.  I love those. 

Replay: A
-It lasted me for 2 months, and I still haven't collected everything.  This is a an adventure game that isn't short.

Challenge: A
-The temples are so hard.   Figuring out what to do is hard.  Finding the masks are hard.  EVERYTHING IS HARD!

Overall: A+   Grade: 100%
"A must-have for the N64."