Super Mario Sunshine
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Rated: E
Number of Players: 1
Released: August 26, 2002
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genere: Platform
Game Info
-What can I say?  To be positive or to be negative about this game.  Well, Super Mario Sunshine is a great game, no doubt that.  Mario's new water sprayer adds the fun, along with the first 3-D Yoshi riding.  The clever puzzle levels that require much skill from Super Mario 64 are a great addition too.  Well here goes the review...

Gameplay: A
Mario's complex moves from Super Mario 64 are added along with the water sprayer's moves.  All of Mario's attacks are from the water sprayer now.  Mario can also jump on ropes and swing around them, which is great fun.  The water sprayer has 3 modes: hover, water boost, and rocket.  The Hover nozzle is very useful and is used for most of the Shines.  The other two are a little neglected and apply only for a couple of Shines.  The Water Sprayer buttons are R and X.  Slightly pressing R while running is helpful, but sometimes you want to use the C-stick for aiming it while running.  The C-Stick is now for camera.  This camera system is great and is very great.  When Mario is behind something and gets off the screen, a silhouette of Mario is still showing so you can control him.  The camera rarely gets in the way, and I've never had any extreme problems with it.  Now to Yoshi.  I wish they had done more with him.  Yoshi's status almost feels neglected.  But riding him is great fun, so don't worry.  The Shines.  One of biggest problems I have is that you have to collect 240 blue coins to get 24 stars.  That should have been cut down.  No one wants to spend that much time collecting blue coins.  Oh and now all the world's shines seem way too structured.  There's always a Chase Shadow Mario level, along with the regular red-coin levels, 2 puzzle levels, and 2 shines where you have to redo the puzzle levels only while collecting red coins in them.  This is very difficult. 

Graphics: B+
A reasonable attempt at good graphics.  The water effects are spectacular, the best I've ever seen in a game.  The water puddles give nice reflections also which is unique.  The character designs are O.K., better than Mario Party 4's.  The worlds are great and pretty detaled.  I would not say this game has bad graphics. 

Sound: A-
The background music is great, a good attempt to replicate the classic Mario themes into orchestrated themes.  The puzzle themes with the voices I like, and you'd think it get annyoing, but it doesn't.  The voice acting is TERRIBLE.  Peach sounds like this girl with half a brain and well, one of the main enemies sounds very odd.  Mario doesn't talk, so that is good, except in the gameplay, all of his original grunts are back and better than ever.

Challenge: A
Very tough at times, at somewhat easy at others, because before you enter the world it shows you where you need to go.  The puzzle stages are greatly challenging and will drive you crazy when you fall off.

Replay: A-
It is good, but not wonderful.  The game will take you a while to get all 120 stars.  This game will also make you keep trying to complete some of the very hard puzzle stages. 

OVERALL: A      GRADE: 95%
Very tough decision.  This game indeed had problems, but it was very fun and that's all that counts in my book.