Super Monkey Ball 2
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Platform: Gamecube
Rated: E
Number of Players: 4
Released: Aug. 26th, 2002
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Amusement Vision
Genre: Arcade, Party
Game Info
-The sequel of one of the simplest games ever, Super Monkey Ball 2 boasts more options and games than ever.  It has over 150 new stages and 12 minigames, plus an all-new Story Mode.  This title is one of the best in mulitplayer. 

Gameplay: A
Though the story in Story mode is a bit cheesy, the overall style of it is great.  The stages are very well thought out, but a bit more gimmicky, with switches and stuff.  I don't think they overdo the switches though. The minigames, though, are the core part of the game's multiplayer.  Here's a list of them all:
-Monkey Race 2
-Monkey Fight 2
-Monkey Target 2
-Monkey Billiards 2
-Monkey Bowling 2
-Monkey Golf 2
-Monkey Boat Race
-Monkey Dogfight
-Monkey Shot
-Monkey Soccer
-Monkey Tennis
-Monkey Baseball
All are well created and not afterthoughts.  Baseball and Tennis really shine with addictive multiplayer.  The original minigames have been revamped and new options have been added to them.  The least entertaining minigame is Monkey Golf 2, because it is way to slow for the game and borrows too much from Mario Golf.

Graphics: B
Some of the backgrounds in 1-player mode are just beautiful.  And the framerate never drops a beat.  You can see how the makers of this game are making F-Zero.   All of the minigames are nice and colorful and fit the overall mood of the game.

Sound: A
I was surprised to hear such remarkable tunes in SMB2.  They are really nice to listen to along with the sound effects.

Challenge: B+
Most of the stages are amazingly tough and will require you to do them countless times.  Beating the computer on some of the minigames is also a great challenge.

Replay: A+
12 minigames, 150+ stages, what more could you want???

Overall: 94%
"An amazing game that deserves more recognition."