NBA Street Vol. 2
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Platform: Gamecube
Rated: E
Number of Players: 4
Released: April 29th, 2003
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: NuFX, Inc.
Genre: Sports
Game Info
-I generally hate sport games.  The only sport games I occasionally get is the crazy unrealistic type, such as SSX Tricky.  NBA Street Vol. 2 is just as crazy as SSX Tricky and better. 

Gameplay: A
Basketball redefined.  Pull off cool moves you'd never expect to do in real life.  All games here are played on the streets with 3 on 3 and a score limit of 21.  You can win a game pretty easily just by shooting 3 pointers, but the game convinces you to do crazy dunks and alley oops.  By doing these insane moves, you make your Trick Meter rise in order for you to get a gamebreaker, which can take points away from the other team.  The overall basketball game in NBA Street Vol. 2 is really fun.  Plus, there's create-a-character and TONS of stuff to unlock.  What's different about NBA Street Vol. 2 from  Vol 1. is mainly is great polish and new Be A Legend mode, where you play against Street Legends and increase your reputation.  

Graphics: A
The people in this game look very realistic.  Each character is very detailed and polished.  The backgrounds, though, are what are really impressive.  Cars behind the courts look so nice.

Challenge: B+
Even though you can win a game pretty easily by shooting 3's, doesn't mean you will.  The other team can block your shots and steal the ball if they're good enough.  Some teams can surprise you.

Sound: A
The songs on this game are great.  They are so great to listen to.  The sound effects on this game also sound great.

Replay: A
Be A Legend mode can take up to 15 hours itself.  With the great multiplayer added on and all the unlockables, it rounds out to over 40 hours of great basketball.

Overall: 93%
"This is the way basketball should be done."