Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II
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Rated: T
Number of Players: 1
Released: Nov. 18th, 2001
Publisher: LucasArts
Developer: Factor 5
Genere: Flight Action
Game Info
Sequels are always good, if they're on a new console.  This one is more than a sequel.  It's a playable movie.  You play in the Battle of Yavin, Battle of Hoth, Battle of Endor, and the best part, is going inside the Death Star 2!  Play in different ships, such as the X-Wing, A-Wing, and the now playable B-Wing, seen in Return of the Jedi. 

Graphics: A+
WOW.  These are some good graphics! The ships are very detailed and the asteroids look like asteroids.  The planets look like they've been taken straight from the movie!  I really loved how good the Star Destroyers looked.  They were perfect, straight from the original Star Wars.  And, finally, the explosions look real.  Now all we have to do is get those water splashes better....

Gameplay: A+
More than 100 TIEs coming at you?  How could the battles get any better?  It's extreme action and you're right in the middle of it!  You can tell your buddies stuff to do, and get briefed by your commander of the battle.  You can roll your ship, shoot missiles, and charge up your blasters!  It's great fun.  Also, I loved how the missions change from night to day!!!

Sound: A++
The original Star Wars themes.  The music changes from time to time smoothly and fits the setting. Then there's all the sound effects that match every real Star Wars bleep to blast. 

Replay: B-
Not much there.  Multiplayer would have been awesome though.  The missions changing night to day gives a little replay, and the codes give you something to do for awhile.

Overall: A   Grade: 95%
"If you like Star Wars, you must like this game!"