Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
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Platform: Gamecube
Rated: E
Number of Players: 4
Released: Nov. 1st, 2002
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA Sports
Genre: Golf
Game Info
-This is definetly one of the best golf games ever created.  And it's made by EA, who could have guessed?  Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 has everything you could want, well almost.  It even has an online code system where you can get codes off the game and post them on the internet.  I really like this game, mainly because it is so darn fun!

Gameplay: A
Awesome golf game.  There are many characters and lots of courses.  Many challenges are also included like Target Golf, Speed Golf, and the Tiger Challenge.  You unlock characters by playing them, much like Mario Golf.  The courses are fantastic, many of them based on real courses.  The game is somewhere between simulation and arcade.  You push the analog stick back then forward to swing.  It's very neat, because you can hit a bad ball by slightly going to the right or left.  This system works great and you can really get the hang of it.  If you do a perfect swing some neat camera trick will happen such as slow-motion, multi-screen, or your player might even hit the ball like Happy Gilmore.

Graphics: A-
Amazing.  Each character has such great detail.  Every part of their body moves and reacts.  It's very cool.  As for the courses, they are nicely made with great trees and grass textures.  The only not-to-good graphics is the water effects.  They really look bad.  Everything else looks perfect.

Challenge: A
Some of the golfers are near impossible to beat, unless you use mulligans.  The courses are pretty normal, and nothing crazy like Mario Golf. 

Sound: B+
The menus have great music from lots of bands.  The golf sound effects are great.  The only problem in my opinion is that there is no background music while your golfing.  I need some music to listen to.

Replay: A-
The multiplayer is very fun.  Target Golf is so fun.  There are a lot of trophies to unlock as well as golfers and courses.

Overall:  91%
"A golfer's dream game, as well as any non-golfer."