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hinomaru, the Japanese Flag

A Word of Caution...

The page you are about to enter contains Japanese text. Your browser may or may not be configured to handle this properly.

If you are running Internet Explorer, you may have difficulty viewing the Japanese text. If you are using one of the other popular internet browsers, such as Netscape or Opera, your browser probably already supports automatic display of Japanese characters. AOL users usually use a version of Internet Explorer. *NOTE* Most of the latest Browsers have foreign language support preinstalled or will give you the option to install. If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer & are not sure if you have Japanese Language Support enabled, or are unable to install support due to your LAN restrictions, you may want to try one of the options below.

A quick pitch for my favorite Browser! ^_^
Click here to Download Opera!
Runs on nearly every platform known to man!

"No thanks, just take me there!"

For those who are unsure

If you are using Internet Explorer,usually you will simply be prompted as to if you would like to download/install Japanese support when you encounter a webpage with Japanese encoding. I believe most recent OS's by both Macintosh & Microsoft also ship with the ability to install foreign language support kits from the factory OS disc.There is helpful information on installing it here:Anime Turnpike. You can download the Japanese language support for IE 5.01 & later here:MS IME

If you know you have foreign language support, but it isn't working

you might find the following link useful: Anime Turnpike

If you can't/don't want to install anything

but still want to view Japanese on the web, here are some links that will help you do that:
Hey! Before you go, make note of my URL:

You may want to copy it so you can paste it at the linked page.

*NOTE* as of last trial, there were still occasional minor problems with this site at each of these pages, mainly graphics related.

Shodouka   Monash University   Open my site with OpenJapan

"OK already, take me to the next page!"

Animated Flag courtesy of
Multimedia Palace

Other buttons courtesy respective websites.
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