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My Wonderful Family

a picture story

In September of 1995, I finally tricked a wonderful girl into saying "I Do"!

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In May of 2001, nearly 3 weeks late, Jackson George was born into our family. Because he was so far overdue, he had started running out of nourishment, & there were alot of complications. He had to be born through a "crash" C-Section as he could not tolerate labor. He had started losing weight in the womb from malnutrition, making him look disproportionate. This caused alot of alarm with the doctors for which they ended up running extensive genetic tests. Because of his low birth weight he also ended up suffering from both apnea & jaundice during our week in the hospital. However, it didn't take long for him to establish himself as a very healthy, independent little boy. He has such a strong fighting spirit that alot of times mommy & daddy have to remind themselves that was the only thing that kept him alive for a while. And he did gain one advantage from his overmaturity, in his ability to pick things up at a very advanced rate. He still is an amazingly fast learner.

Jackson took his first name from his maternal great great grandfather, and as for his middle name, he is at least the 5th Generation eldest male in my family to take that name.

Here are some pictures of our boy when he was tiny.

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a few hours old, with papa & grandma

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two days old on Mother's Day

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napping with aunt Roxanne

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the only place he'd sleep for a long time

A little older here

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Hey, I think I like toys!

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Laughing with Mommy

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Reading with Daddy

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Jackson at 10 mos.


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great grandma made this for me

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about 18 mos, this used to be mommy's

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now with home delivery

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have it your way at BK

Some much more recent pics

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I'm too tired!

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18 month B'Day, what a cutie

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Just chillin

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Jackson at 2 yrs. old

More pictures with more of the family on the next page   click here for more photos

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Last changed: 18:30, 29 July 2003