Mick's Home Page

  Forbes Clan Crest Hello, and welcome to my web page. Forgive some of its contents, that's just who I am.
    Chances are you already know me if your looking at this.
    It's not great, it's not the best, it's just somewhere to see what my interests are. - Enjoy.
    Regards ... Mick
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Blog of Mick

My Blog. It too, is pretty dull...

Wedding Photos Wedding photos (6th June 2007)

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This is the most up to date of what is going
on in my life.

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GPS Cordinates:

44.89638º N
-93.30740º W


Hear me;
    And if I close my mind in fear;
    Please pry it open.
See me;
    And if my face becomes sincere;
Hold me;
    And when I start to come undone;
    Stitch me together.

Save me;
    And when you see me strut;
    Remind me of what left this outlaw torn

Metallica - Outlaw of Torn (Load - 1996).

In association with Amazon.com. I get a cut of anything you buy here :o)

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In Association with
Amazon.co.uk - This doesn't get me any money, but here is a link to Amazon.co.uk. (Opens in a new browser) Amazon.co.uk link

Last updated: March MMIX

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