We are very pleased that Venue magazine (Bristol's equivalent of Time Out) announced that The Middle Twenty at the Thekla was their gig of the year. Check out these cuttings from the magazine:



Preview of the Mothership event at The Thekla on 4 March 1999. It appeared in Venue Magazine (19 Feb - 5 March issue):

"Opening tonight are The Middle Twenty, four skinny-as-rakes young popsters in possession of an unfeasibly large amount of songwriting nous. Led by the thousand yard staring vocalist Joe, the foursome unstitch classic guitar pop riffs and restuff them with a knowing suss and the finest woven lyrics."

Review of same gig which appeared in Venue magazine (19 March - 2 April issue)

"The Middle twenty's soaring staccato guitar blasts led by deepspacestarin' Joe. Frozen to the spot when he's not singing, the trilby-wearing crooner comes on every bit the 21st century bobbysox-wowing Sinatra. Sans hairpiece and Cosa Nostra connections but including that knowing ache in his delivery. Sometimes so hurt you wonder his skinny frame doesn't buckle. But TMT aren't a front for a singer, as doubletake guitar playing testifies. This is a tense, taut unit playing urgent English guitar songs as bittersweet as you can get without a lemon in the set"

Preview of June 15th 2000 gig at The Louisiana:



Bruce McLachlan of The Brick:

"The turbo-charged energy of The Jam meets the beat cool of The Velvet Underground" and "a heavy Smiths".


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