G - K - R  Karate

7th KYU Grading
Zenkutsu Dachi                 (forward stance)
Heiko Dachi                       (parallel stance)

Punches / Strikes
Oi Zuki                              (lunge punch)
Gyaku Zuki                       (reverse punch)

Gedan Bari                        (downward block)

Mae Geri                                (front kick)
Start by facing north in Heiko Dachi, bow.
Look to your left, step with your left foot out & to the left, forward into zenkutsu dachi, left gedan barai (so that you finish facing west). Then a right gyaku zuki, followed by a right mae geri Stepping forward with the right foot into zenkutsu dachi.

Look behind you over your left shoulder, step with your right foot turn 180 degree's to the right with your right foot forward & into zenkutsu dachi, right gedan barai (facing east). 

Then a left gyaku zuki, followed by a left mae geri stepping forward with the left foot into zenkutsu dachi.

Look to your left, then step with your left foot 90 degrees to the left (facing north) into zenkutsu dachi, left gedan barai.

Right mae geri, stepping forward with the right foot into zenkutsu dachi with a right oi zuki.

Left mae geri, stepping forward with the left foot into zenkutsu dachi with a left oi zuki.

Right mae geri, stepping forward with the right foot into zenkutsu dachi with a right oi zuki KIAI.

Look to your right, then stepping with your left foot to the right behind your right foot & turn 270 degrees to your left into zenkutsu dachi with a left gedan barai (facing east). Right gyaku zuki, right mae geri, then step forward with your right foot into zenkutsu dachi.

Look behind you over your left shoulder, step with your right foot back turning 180 degrees to the right with your right foot forward & into zenkutsu dachi, right gedan barai (facing west). Left gyaku zuki, left mae geri then step forward with your left foot into zenkutsu dachi.

Look to your left, then step with your left foot 90 degrees to the left (facing south) into zenkutsu dach, left gedan barai.

Right mae geri, stepping forward with the right foot into zenkutsu dachi with a right oi zuki.

Left mae geri, stepping forward with the left foot into zenkutsu dachi with a left oi zuki.

Right mae geri, stepping forward with the right foot into zenkutsu dachi with a right oi zuki KIAI.

Look to your right, then stepping with your left foot to the right behind your right foot & turn 270 degrees to your left into zenkutsu dachi with a left gedan barai (facing west). Right gyaku zuki, right mae geri  then step forward with your right foot into zenkutsu dachi.

Look behind you over your left shoulder, step with your right foot back turning 180 degrees to the right with your right foot forward & into zenkutsu dachi, right gedan barai (facing east). Left gyaku zuki, left mae geri then step forward with yur left foot into zenkutsu dachi.

Look to your left, then turn 90 degrees to the left as you step your left foot back into heiko dachi facing north, bow.
Congratulations you have just completed your 7th Kyu Kata.
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