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RIVER: Yahara River, Dunkirk / Stebbinsville dam
        LOCATION: Dunkirk, WI. (S. of Stoughton) / Stebbinsville, WI. (W. of Edgerton)
AMENITIES: Click for area amenities (food, lodging, etc.)

PUT-IN: wayside park at Dunkirk Dam, CTH.N; dam at Stebbinsville, Stebbinsville Rd.
TAKE-OUT: same

           SHUTTLE: n/a

                   DIST: n/a
TIME: As long as you want to play

    CHARACTER: A potentially playable wave/hole and good current.

            SEASON: Almost all, though generally best in early spring or after heavy rain.
            ANALYSIS: Min.=60 cfs;  90%=156 cfs;  10%=604 cfs;  Max.=2,880 cfs;  10/90=3.9

Dunkirk Dam (removal?) A dam which exists at Dunkirk is in the process of being either removed or renovated (as of winter/spring, 2001). Depending on the nature of this project, this site may again provide entertainment opportunities. (It is currently too early to tell.) Years back, when one gate of this dam broke, there was great current and a playable hole here. At present, there is no access (construction equipment on site, and signs posted).

Stebbinsville Dam Another dam exists at Stebbinsville. As of 1999, this dam is also on a list of dams possibly slated for removal. The dam has not been in operation for a couple decades. However, the powerhouse nearby is still functional, and the owner is fighting to retain operational rights, in the event economics again permit power generation here. I understand there are numerous concerns which need to be addressed to bring the structure up to (D.N.R. / F.E.R.C.?) codes. A "caretaker" (not the owner) lives in the property adjacent to the powerhouse, and will occasionally "police" the area. Be discrete, be neat, and do not cause trouble.

A playable wave/hole good for side surfs and enders may exist at moderate to high flow. More generally, there is almost always good current to practice peel-outs, ferries, and possible squirt maneuvers.

(Vidcaps (photos) taken March, 2001 at about 460cfs on Fulton gauge.)

Caution: at certain flows, there may be a couple of 'holes' formed, one midway thru the dam, the other immediately downstream. Both are formed by the fact that there is a wall under water at the base of the dam (against which the release gate seats when closed). Additionally, it is rumored that on most such dams, there may be a set of metal rods anchored in the wall under the waterline to catch debris and keep the area which the gate seats against clear of anything which would hinder it from closing completely. This (obviously) would be extraordinarily dangerous to any boater who flipped and got snagged. For this reason it is EXTREMELY UNWISE to 'run' this type of dam when the gate is fully open, or to play in the upper wave/hole. Additionally, the pool below the dam at Stebbinsville has much concrete rubble and other debris (at least around the periphery, and possibly in the flow), as well as being a popular fishing spot (read: "discarded snagged lures and fishing line"). Anyone choosing to play here, consider yourself adequately warned.

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