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Unfreeze - Stage 1








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The rational/empirical strategy will be implemented alongside the normative/re-educative approach as they have points to commend them and rather than using one, a combination may prove useful (NHS Executive, 1998). However, the main aim of using such strategies is to focus on the appropriate change target and the willingness and ability of the participants to change (Cahill, 1995, P58).

The normative re-educative approach will be used to bridge the theory/practice gap and promote self-awareness during this phase (education programmes for midwives). This approach reflects teamwork and anyone who attempts it alone will be beaten by the system. This approach is based on the belief that people need to be involved, to have ownership, to participate in all aspects of change that effects them because they will accept and implement only the changes that fit into their particular culture, this is what was lacking 10 years ago with the previous change initiation.

During the Lewins moving phase, the need for the change becomes recognised and directions and solutions are sought. At this stage, the forces against the change must be minimised for it to become reality, but bearing in mind that this stage calls for a slower change process, a less clear plan offering greater flexibility and involvement of many more people than the manager or the change initiator.

  • Forces against the change minimised
  • Opinions and views on the whole positive
  • Funding obtained from the managers
  • ‘Rocky’ bus accepted the emergence of two services
  • Oversee development and implementation of the training programmes for midwives and then audits its effects